the Era Newmarket Aurora Out Weal Feb ItTS THE ERA Serving York County Since fl HASKELL carter johiiloii Phone Newmarket Charles St Phone Aurora Community use of school libraries the public during the evening hours The municipal library system could make staff available at he main school libraries during evenings said an administration com mittee report adopted by council at its last meeting The report recommended that the town ask the school board for its cooperation in arranging community use of school libraries We agree hat school libraries should be made available to the bookreading public provided that by doing so students arent deprived of the books need when hey need After alt the books are bought with tax payers money just as the books in the public library are Surely books in high demand by students could be placed in special sections of school libraries Just as reference books are They would then still be available for the evening visitors o read in the library With capital costs spiralling throughout all levels of government it is important to use all publiclyowned facilities to the maximum public benefit It Is for this reason thai The Era has sup ported Initiatives taken in recent years by Wells to Implement community use of schools programs aimed at making school buildings genuine community centres Recently faced with the necessity of either turning down provincial grants aimed at stimulating community use of school programs community use of school grant to hold community use of school conference If the grant is approved and the conference indeed held hope ways to Implement com munity use of school libraries will be one of the top items on the conference agenda Dont change historic public names Names of public places with historic links to Newmarkets past should be preserved not changed Recently members of the Newmarket recreation committee concurred with a suggestion hat the name Fairgrounds Park be changed Fairgrounds Park was probably I Newmarkets first public park Six acres north of SI hen well out on the edge of town purchased by Hie Newmarket Agricultural Society in 1865 the first permanent locution for the North York County Fair which he Society had organized five years earlier remained as a park and taken over by the Town of Newmarket For years the fair was the biggest annual event In Newmarket and It drew people from far and wide to the town II is part of the towns history and its heritage and a successful forerunner to the festivals and carnivals we hold Because of fair have a large park north of St which should continue to he known Fairgrounds Park As the own grows new parks wilt be added to the parks system providing ample op portunity for the bestowing of park names Consideration is also being given to changing some street names in the name of progress by giving single straight routes example the concession east known locally Don Mills ltd will be changed Woodbine Ave because it is the northerly extension of Metro Torontos Woodbine Ave not of Don Mills Such a correction makes sense but the other suggestion made that evening that Water St in Newmarket be changed to Eagle St and if the region had its way so obviously would St be changed accomplishes little but to eliminate one or two more names which have been on Newmarket maps since early times Profile Lorenzo Big Canoe preserving Indian culture By An otter with a pipe stuck in its mouth jajiguishhig in a big canoe appears on the let terhead of Rig Canoes stationery The family totem is the otter and the big canoe or moil became the family name when the grandfather owned a canoe than anyone elses on the island Born In lorcnzo Big Canoe of Island who can good naturally jest about himself was appointed Chairman of he Indian Advisory Committee a few years ago by he Ontario government A school teacher during the depression Mr Big Canoe loot a turn at the family farm before entering the politics of his people After getting his education he had left Ontario for Reserve where he meet his wifetobe Theresa a Mohawk of the Iroquois School teaching at the reserve permitted teaching to become a purchaser for Eaton the next years Returning with his wife to the Island farm to raise cattle in the early forties he was later elected Chief of the band He remained chief for years Descended from a long line of leaders he is without a doubt proud of his lineage But he said Ive just always thought of myself as a person conscious of who you are but not allowing it lo affect your life His greatgreatgrandfather Chief Joseph Snake led his warriors against the insurgents in the War of 1812 For about years his grandfather ruled the band with an iron will but was also the spiritual leader of the community He made sure all attended church on Sundays My generation was very Christian in their ways but now many of these ways arc Lorenzo back in he reserve became in volved as were his ancestors in having to deal with everyday the survival of Indian people living on the reserves Geographically the ore luckier than other bauds located further north There have ami still are economic hardships lot the Indians in Canada Always under federal jurisdiction the In dians have only recently received provincial assistance in the way of health care with neigh borhood health units There are now funds available through the federal Indian affairs office lo assist Indian students all the way lo university The reserve school goes only to grade seven and the children must attend the mainland schools with board and lodgings provided Mr Big Canoe recalled the days when only those from families who could manage it got an education He counts himself fortunate The only thing he objects lo at the moment is the lack of supervision of the children when they are apart from their family and a loosening the cultural He fell it was difficult for the Indian child lo identify with the escapades un dertaker by Dick and Jane in school texts I used to think education was the key to the Indian problem but now I believe will cure many of the ills On this principle Central On tario Regional Association for Indian Development germinated with the purpose of industrializing the reserves so the Indians have a place to work as well live The Indians would no longer have to leave the reserve seek work elsewhere The Rama Reserve in Mr hum pointed out is now an industrial park Only by initialing projects with forward- looking goals cart the Indian people solve their woes according lo lite former chief He said there are still some on the reserve who will not accept provincial assistance They feel their affairs are solely a federal responsibility Mr Big Canoe feels differently There have l lint I v 1ln I province look an active interest The problems can he solved by the cooperative efforts of the two levels of government In an advisory capacity Rig Canoe has attended meetings and set foot in every province in Canada except Prince Edward Island He was worried about the recent Cabinet shuffle in Ontario which produced a new Ministry of Culture and Recreation tinder Hon Robert Welch to handle Indian affairs iiniong other things I had doubts about it because 1 thought Indian problems were more social than cultural Prior to this change the provinces com mitment was undertaken by the Ministry of Community and Social Services However Mr Big Canoe was relieved to find that the new ministry was under Ihe same secretariat dealing TO POLICE EXIST TO SERVE AND PROTECT THE Readers ERA Police interrupted his stroll with the York Regional for I too had experienced a similar confrontation that happened to these two and Im sure many I hud just returned from spending a year and a half hi Nova Scotia I decided to go for a pleasant to am walk around my homo town of looking forward to seeing familiar birthday was replied Every year I then said realizing from the lock on his face his sense of humour was nonexistent After all that I decided I had had enough and began lo walk away from the scene But not has his own personal police escort a3 1 sights and people once again Unfortunately Tor did that morning because the again hacked his car up beside me The drove past but alas I v car stopped and Kicked up until It was alongside rile l also stopped wondering If I could to any questions the could type of question ii exactly what I had in mind Ihey were lacking some badly verdict posed a question of my own Why a allowed In I Independents offer oil savings Reader lie stills hi of interest lo of homo healing Hi 1 ft per i I currently charging calls will the Hi ml fortunately and a better deal the independents JVew Sharon street numbers too Ions generation no longer speaks but added that numbers in Sharon you seen size of the an that I Twill help the police jell that perhaps their culture will not be lost to publicity to Indians who have been successful in life There should be books materials available In dians so bey can find out and leant about the culture and language Forced to retire from active work for the Ojibway band because of illness some years ago Mr Big Canoe keeps a finger on the pulse of Indian affairs by doing what he does liest observing and listening to others in newt What does the future hold for the Indian peoples According to the Chairman of the Indian Advisory Committee it can only get better ilU 170 M Taxi operators request higher fares In October is4 we Since two of the fifth thereafter and it is Ituucstivl irojU a town taxi companies did logical that Vets and increases in taxi rales no increases Holland Taxi should have due to the increased these new rates did not go the same rates to operate Of operating aids as into effect properly as one working SI for first mile Vets has purchased the And gave They placate p luggage fare for the first sling lhat ihe a and that any mile Holland also Aurora cents for mile and for the first fifth A few words for a Richmond Hill writer and a U censor By Roy Green Every burned book enlightens the world I Emerson Old Ralph Waldo was referring to censorship when he penned that phrase and censorship and enlightened freedom of choice is the topic of this weeks piece To begin with Im a shade teed off my friend and colleague from the Richmond Rill Grit Jim Irving and confused and angered by the actions of some nameless censor at an American television network The worlds most famous infamous prostitute Xaviera Hollander made a personal I appearance at the Newmarket Odeon to promote a movie In which she is the featured entertainer The manager of the theatre was quoted in the press with a statement to the effect that he appearance of the harmless harlot spoke well Tor I the future of this town agree with Jims comments as to the In terpretation of lhat comment I just cant see how arrival of a woman who has admitted to the practice of the weirdest and surely physically Impossible sex acts can have any bearing on the future of a town so steeped in I Quaker history and inhabited by sane intelligent Rut Jim who is also the reigning comedy king of regional press corps look the whole thing a step further when he suggested hat many or even all other Newmarket people agreed with the managers statement Instead of restricting his criticism to one man Jim condemned all of us as a town and held us all responsible lor the statement Teh James I dont think there are many of us living here in the hub who feel hat way at all In fact I think I can prove it You should have come the theatre on the night in question Jim Youd have been lonely Aside from a small film crew a few curious onlookers and died in moviegoers the whole thing was a disaster In the film business I think its referred to as a bomb The good people of Newmarket just couldnt care less about a high priced hooker pretending to be a movie actress The next feature at Odeon was a movie about a grizzled old hermit who lived with bears Grizzly Adams A movie rated G for General I drove by he theatre on Sunday and again on Monday and he lineups stretched around the corner Many adults without kids were in evidence Just shows to go you Jim We havent lost anything when It comes to values or a sense of what wilt be entertaining Please reinstate Newmarket to all your readers in lhc Hill wonl you Jim We were given the choice And thats where the next beef comes in We didnt need anyone to censor the lookers movie protect us from thai kind of crap We just couldnt be bothered We must be given the choice I dont need a big brother to tell me what I should see and what is not good or me A few years ago my wife and I went to same Odeon to see a movie called The Summer of enjoyed It immensely Thats why we were pleased to learn hat it would be carried on television last Saturday not once but twice The Canadian CTV network began it at a pm and In the USA ABC Channel started reel one at pm My wife and I discussed he wisdom of allowing our son or eleven years to watch this film We agreed that it wouldnt send him raving out of the house in a frenzy of sexuality We picked up the early version on the Canadian network and switched off an hour later to watch another program That way we reasoned we could join the American version at and see the rest of the movie In addition wed see a halfhour repeated The changes in that halfhour from the Canadian to the US version were incredible The worst parts if that word can be used at all seemed to be Ihe use of words which many adolescents and adults use daily A fourletter word describing excrement another referring to ones heritage and calling down the wrath of iodtodnmnsonione fall Into this category All of his carried as the original movie on None of It appeared mi lhc American version A tastefully dine ween a grief stricken mid a love struck 15 yearold was also cut to shied There was also the lims when the same young mini rthukti lor the lady might Incur a hernia If In lift heavy parcels Horribly chagrined at young man mutters hernial Now wo will know hat taking the name lit vtiln is wrong but many of us do It daily We found it hilarious ho time haw ll and my son found it amusing during Saturday CTV showing ABC did not carry it also tut suit back in It wasnt dirty II wasnt Hit typical health reaction of a young it Ililuu ii Km I Hie your movies Anil bring us he product I ton Well make the choice lOUHt IM bast week I the iVuntv of Education J or Its handling of the me of schools by I neglected to mentioned that Newmarket en hut board Ctlbav has not Ihch passive or in with majority iTiiiu has ought for all he things I men- Honed and lias been the strongest advocate of use schools It was he who converted mo the cause when he ran for I trustee for the Hist lime Keep up the good fight Craig