HERITAGE DAY PRESENTATION Merabera of All Saints Anglican Church In King City proclaimed Saturday Heritage Day as part of their hive to rettore the church historic chapel and cemetery Rev Neville Bishop and King Mayor Margaret chairman of the Heritage Day committee art presented with a Canadian flag by YorkSlmcoe MP Sin clair Stevens At right Mayor Brltnell and Mr Stevens inspect the chapel roof Sharon subdivision deferred by York committee NEWMARKET Over the vehement of East if the wells she assured the further development She said the plan had engineering committee is I dissatisfied with water supply I development plan s report that I Hodgson is worried that engineering committee wanted to in further before I recommending approval Regional chairman Wright Besides Mr Wright I added well water supply lis the responsibility of York s health depart And the health depart I- He went on I slingshot li shootout NEWMARKET A 18yearold Newmarket youth who managed to do If about worth of damage while on the II rampage with a sling shot I loaded with ball bearings wo- year probation i for Newmarket Court Newmarket Recreation Department Day and Evening Programs Community ladies Beginners Yoga Fun Film Day Teen Hot Seat Babysitting Senior Citizens Douglas Marshall also was ordered by Clare Morrison to for all the 1 1 damage he caused Mr Rank had pleaded guilty to smashing windows at the Public School as is to several cars the Wright Shell I Station on Eagle St I certainly hope you Ijhajra learned your LATE MODEL better used cars better deals better hurry These quality used cars won t last long at these prices Why should they The way we sell them they could go In a minute OUSTER PLYMOUTH 1974 MUSTANG II FURY III WAGON I l 3485- M94 AURORA St North east comer of and Highway Beside the Newmarket Water tower Two entrances At Shoprite off Yonge St 2 North entrance off Gladman Plenty for free parking ITS HAPPENING AT THE MART The biggest selection of Name Brand Top Quality homefurnishings this side of Metro Big volume buying and big volume sales mean bigger savings to you At Beares you II find everyday lower prices and get the kind of service youll appreciate at no extra cost Free delivery and free setup right in your home PC COLONIAL DINING ROOM SUITE SOLID HARDWOOD CONSTRUCTION Its Smart To Shop At The Mart BEARES FURNITURE MART ONLY AT 30