The Era Newmarket Aurora Keswick Wed Six great ways to lower meat costs Joan Fielden tells how lire concerned about prices Ami all lo get as much value for our as possible There are many ways to do this think the most effective is Planning Take meat lor example The itLipupiciuvil is an excellent ex implebec is the hut the other iuiuliuils will Live your family He amounts ihu Ms need Just consult it 1 is for helping to make your weekly choice Dominion Hume Consult nl of beef may be stewed Either cubed cut in serving pieces or left in one piece Generally more liquid is used in Sewing lb in for braising or potroasting as the pleasures of slew depend on a flavourful gravy or whole vcEctables ire cooked along with the meat added during the last stages of cooking 2 pounds boneless stewing beer tablespoons shortening medium onions coarsely lCookoi ind toldei n hot fat until soft with silt pepper Add juice and bouillon simmer for minutes covered covered for inmul Remove from heal MY RECOMMENDED GUIDE TO GOOD EATING EVERY DAY Here easy guide toe need meals based l at iiuit of Nutrition School of Hygiene University of Toronto for persons years and children under 10 years Fish poultry eggs nuts dried beans or peas can bo used in place of meat- Examples ol one Whole grain or cereals and bread can bo chosen Examples ol one serving cup of oatmeal slice of enriched bread poultry of meat fish o ins ol peanut years 23 servings 1 cup ol baked beans Fruit and Vegetables 3 servings A variety of colourful fruit and vegetables be chosen a source of important Examples of one serving fruit or vegetables fresh canned or frozen or beverage as cheese made with milk Examples of one I mill Willi wide vli POTATO CHIPS 87 OZ TINS PEPSICOLA 78c LIQUID 2X24FL OZ CONTS DETERGENT BILLYBEEHONEY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE SOCKEVE SALMON STOKELY KIDNEY BEANS 38 LONG GRAIN RICE Large Size Eggs SPECIAL DOMINION CANADA GRADE A 67 MEDIUM SIZE EGGS 64 99 VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME TUESDAY JANUARY NEWMARKET WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS DOMINION STORES LTD Blade Roast Short Rib Roast Ground Beef Hamburg SPECIAL 86 86 54 LB THE CHUCK LB L Blade Steaks Cross Cut Rib Roast Stewing Beef SPECIAL BONELESS LB BONE IN LB LB 62 DINNER HAMS 178 JAGWURSTSAUSAGE 69 COOKEDMEATS 41 LAZY MAPLE SAUSAGE BOLOGNA 44c BREAKFAST BACON 128 HADDOCK FILLETS FROZEN SPECIAL looz DOWNYFLAKE- WAFFLES 39 Florida Grapefruit DADS COOKIES 79 SPECIAL HEINZ BABY FOOD 28 68 BATHROOM CLEANER TOMATO SOUP NO 1 GRADE SILCLVI COOKING 77C 19 ONIONS ORANGE SPECIAL OF FLOWERDALE OC TEA BAGS I PEAS CARROTS 32 Lancia Spaghetti COOKED HAM CORNED BEEF 189 FEARMAN S FROZEN BEEFSTEAKETTES 158 SKINLESS WIENERS RINGBOLOGNA 139 SAUSAGE 88 CTEAMHES ffc MANDARIN ORANGES 34 TOMATO KETCHUP ICED CINNAMON BUNS 69 SOFT MARGARINE 83 PURITAN BEEF STEW 89 LIQUID SPECIAL FL OZ CONT SPECIAL READY CUT MACARONI LB 53 Scott Bathroom Tissue SPECIAL BLEACH 55 MACARONI CHEESE CHERRY POUND CAKE Tide Detergent 67 Dominion Brands 89 COFFEE CREAMER EVAPORATED MILK 30 SPECIAL KING SIZE POWDERED 80 BOX 89 RICHMELLO COFFEE 209 CHEESE SLICES 58 ASSTD COLOURS SINGLE PLY ROLL EVERYNIGHT SHAMPOO 139 CLOSEUP TOOTHPASTE NIVEA CREAM 109 pInesol SUPER ABSORBENT MM IVJ DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 169 SANITARY NAPKINS 59 Its mainly because of Or our name isnt