Georgina has big deficit outgoing treasurer says Sneath resigned because THE S0Uth Shore ONTARIO JULY IB Council not violating procedure Dales says OPEN RECREATION Badminton tennis volleyball and basketball are all offered In Townships open recreation program which began last Monday at Sutton and Keswick arenas Hours are I pm and pm Sunday Monday Tuesday and Thursday and on Friday There is nothing on Wednesday and Saturday because of roller skating Admission fee is cents At left Is 15yearold Roger director of the program at Sutton Arena At right Is Georgina Recreation Director Steve Rocket Mayor tames Pefferlaw Lion caused by the province PEFFERLAW Charges that Council has been violating its procedural bylaw were denied Friday by Mayor Joe Dales The Mayor was responding to allegations published in a local weekly newspaper which said council was violating its procedural by law by calling special council meetings after meetings of the planning committee The article entitled Comment was written by Hastings of an unsuccessful candidate for council in the last municipal election Mr Hastings charged that council has violated section 44 of its procedural bylaw which Notice of Special Meeting The Clerk shall give to all members of council written notice of each special meeting of the council and such notice shall be delivered to each member personally or left at or mailed to his residence or place of business at least hours before the hour set for such meeting The notice shall state the allowed to make before council even though they comply with requirements set out in the procedural bylaw The mayor said that notices of council meetings have been changed to say that all those filing with the clerk may be heard rather than will be heard He said it wasnt an absolute right to appear before council Mr Hastings article also Objections send Gulf rezoning to the OAAB Georgina Council meeting like a what he thought to be a tack of action on his organizations plans for a 28acre park He also thought Mayor Joe before the last council meeting Mr Hastings made his appearance before council published in a local weekly newspaper in which between Mr Hastings and the mayor settled down when Mayor Dales explained that delays in action on the Lions park plans approval so far of a culvert needed for the park and hasnt allowed the releasing of from the townships park fund these requests to the province more promptly We regret it if it seems like weve been neglecting you the mayor told Mr Hastings Council passed a resolution which provides that the Dims will deed the park property to the township to make it eligible for various grants to develop the park Plans for the site which Is bounded by Peters Lake and Regent Street eventually call for a games picnic grounds Two letters were received by Georgina Council Friday ob jecting to the rezoning of the Gulf Oil properly at the corner of Don Mills and Morton In Keswick Gulf needs the re zoning so that it can move its bulk storage tanks to the property from their present location in Sutton The objections mean the re- business to will go the Ontario such special meetings and no Municipal Board for pub ic businesVother than that slated hearing A Mb notice shall be considered withdrawn in March when nearby landowner Bud Fisher sold his land RJ Pollocks letter said the oil tanks would mean more air pollution and other offending at such meeting Mayor Dates said it was an approved policy of council to move into a session of council after meetings of the planning committee to approve all matters dealt with at the committee meeting He noted that all planning committee is composed of all members of council and that all meetings of planning committee are open to the catastrophe he said said such Mr Mid the oil trucks and a potential pollution threat to the Jersey River and Lake Simcoe expedite facilitate planning Lions to hold carnival and street dance Pef and District Lions Club will hold its annual carnival and street dance Friday Aug The parade down the towns main street begins at 7 pm and will feature the Coachmen from Sutton Following the parade there will be a street dance with Ihe popular band Art and the rides boat rides fish pond refreshments a cat game bingo and a penny and ring toss The carnival and street dance has been an annual event in since Bill of the Lions said as many as 10000 people from all over Southern Ontario have converged upon the town for past carnivals is designed to streamline and deliberations o commltlee Let it not be suggested that there is some dark and devious technique at work with our planning committee he added Mr Hastings also criticized Man drowns in Keswick KESWICK A Friday morning Albert Victor Foster of Burnett Ave was found floating in Cooks Bay at 1045 am Friday near the Royal Lodge where he was staying and park development plans for he isolated location and locate the tanks In a central part of it The letter from CE Boyd who owns a farm across the road from the Gulf property echoed similar concerns The Gulf storage tanks are presently located near the corner of Road and High Street in Sutton Councillor Jean Noble said fumes were so bad at one point this summer that preparations were made for evacuation of the adjacent River Glen Haven Nursing Home Is there any way we can have them close up for the summer she asked Mayor Joe Dales explained that this would require a court injunction He said Gulf should be looking for another alternate location for the tanks but also predicted that the OMB would approve the rezoning for the Keswick property Georgina tries to slow boats snowmobiles and snowmobiles In the town for motorized vehicles on rivers and canals in the winter and mph for boats and other vessels on water canals The latter bylaw was in direct reponsc to a recent peiliton from residents of Bruce Avenue and Canal Street In Keswick complaining about boats coming in from Cook Bay at excessive speeds and creating big waves on the tines of now less than and not more than upon conviction Councillor Bruce Welch chairman of the Recreation Committee which drew up the bylaws said legislation limiting the speed of boats on the rivers will be drawn up in near future Councillor Rob Coles wondered if the snowmobile bylaw might not encourage off the roads and onto the canals and rivers Hob Pollock regional councillor pointed out that police enforcement of the snowmobile bylaw would have to bo made by radar tor snow machines York Regional Police have two snowmobiles RURAL AREAS STAY THE SAME Population ceilings revised by province population of 416000 instead of the allotted it by he TorontoCentred Region Plan an increase of 153000 people Provincial Treasurer John White announced Friday Rural areas will remain much as they growth celling 50year period Instead of the target date the year However according to York planning commissioner Murray Pound the additional yean are In line with a regional request that the planning period correspond with the life of the sewage services to be Installed to allow the growth Ontario plans to build a giant trunk sewer from Lake Ontario to Newmarket during the next 10 yean and then phase out existing sewage treatment plants Mr Pound said life of trunk will be 40 to years He said extension of the planning period will allow York to amortize Its cost for the trunk r the full years thus when contacted after the We got exactly what started out to get under It has been one of the better days In the life of regional government we got a decision we wanted to hear Iti been a long time coming and we worked hard for it he said Mr Wright laid the regional Friday said the cabinet had approved an agreement he earlier reached with representatives of York and decision Is that it gives us the Metro Toronto flexibility to work within The population figures official plan program as op- along with an allowance for posed to having population Industrial development In York ceilings imposed on us will be used by government The planning commissioner agencies In considering plans said Yorks engineering for land development and department now work out servicing he said The minister said the population targets for York and he various communities In the timing and phasing of the necessary services work out coats and how the sewer can be best paid for He said negotiations with next problem the phasing of the new services and population growth shouldnt take as long derway He also said It Is still a restrained growth but In Yorks opinion the provincial decision to allow the planning period and the life services to correspond la a much more important decision making South Central York determined within the next to is months These will be established as part of the regions official planning The population maximum having been a firm provincial policy commitment will enable the Region of York In co operation with the prn John White In K2f king the announcement to provide mora housing in keeping with concepts of the Toronto entred plan said Regional request since the total matches Yorks request Here are the ceilings from Yorks submission Aurora Newmarket Rich mond Hill 100500 Markham Vaughan Rural muncipalltiea and rural areas of urban municipalities are not Included In the figures above because they do not require sewage services However according to the TCRP rural growth In York is to be severely restricted or completely prohibited during the planning period staff opposed procedures BY DANA COOK Georgina Townships year Sneath discovered theres a big dif ference between the way a big business and a small municipality handles its finances Mr resigned from his position last week and in his letter of resignation charged that a group of township em ployees he called the Old noted that it campaign promise of Mayor Dales to open up the line of communication In replying to Mr Hastings criticisms the mayor did not direct his comments to the fact that not counting special meetings after planning Committee there have been nearly as many special closed meetings of council as there have been regular meetings of council in the past few months accounting procedures Specifically Mr Sneath said he wanted to set up a new Ipts disbursements and distribution of expenses A licensed public ac countant Mr Sneath said he believed had been the first person with any formal ac counting training to hold the township treasurer position Before coming to Mr spent nine years with Canada Packers and seven years with the credit arm of resistance to his proposed changes was based on tradition thats the way its been done for years Pointing to the townships current deficit of over he said If this were a business it would be on the verge of bankruptcy In a similar situation he explained a business would have to increase its sales Much next years taxes he added of per cent this Council Is behind this year in coming down with a budget Last year it was approved on May 24 Mr said that in the past few weeks theres been a flurry of Finance Committee meetings which means council could have its budget ready within the next month In September of last year Mr Sneath said he advised council that Its deficit was in excess of on a minion budget He said there was not much comment or action The current deficit of about includes 1600W for the West Park subdivision pur chase an overprovision of 100000 for building department and an overspending Mr Sneath said the town ship is in serious need of some sort of budget control on a continuing basis Another change Mr said he wanted to make was in the method of recording tax collections but after his ex perience with his other proposed changes in accounting I realized or got e impression that my suggestions for changes and improvement were not welcomed He also claimed that the township would have saved with an interim tax billing In 1973 However at Fridays council meeting Mayor Joe Dales and Finance Committee Chairman Rob Coles both said Mr Sneath had advised against making an interim tax nulling Mayor Dales also replied to See page Will pay bills promptly Council took action Friday to Insure that It pays Its bills on time to the future Council was embarrassed several weeks ago when Hydro was nearly cut off in three township buildings because bills dating back to April The resolution passed by Council directed that utility telephone and other contract accounts be paid Immediately upon receipt Police board seeks night traffic court NEWMARKET York Regional Police Commission will seek Regional Councils to start a night traffic court The commissions decision was prompted by a suggestion from Newmarket resident Peter Gorman Mr Gorman appearing before the commission com plained of police and sneakiness by York police In obtaining traffic convictions However I would like to make a positive suggestion and would like to see a night traffic court so that the average working man doesnt lose a days pay if he wants to fight a speeding ticket said Mr Gorman Mr Gorman said he was appearing before the com mission as a concerned citizen He said he has always been a friend of the police but lately Some officers are catching traffic violators in a sneaky way by placing their radar traps at the bottom of hills or in bushes he said He cited three cases where he was personalty involved One was where his 14-year- old son received five sum for snowmobile on wha was a private road Another was when received a speeding ticket thought so vehemently that he had not broken the speed limit the officer withdrew the charge Another was when he was charged with going through a atop sign at Main and Water streets In Newmarket Ive passed that In tersection times and I lnwe he has become sick and tired of always stop at It being by the cope When the officer stopped Mr Gorman felt that the me he told me that he thought 1 police department was losing was the most dangerous driver the respect of public for he had ever seen I have had only one accident in years said Mr Gorman