the Era Oat IS Lob laws MONEY SAVING SPECIALS including many CONTINENTAL FEATURES Viva Rice MINESTRONE OR LENTIL Unico Soups BRAVO ALL PURPOSE Tomato Sauce Vegetable Westons bread sliced 3 4 J Tomato Paste SIMMENTHAL Sliced Beef FAVA ROMANO CECI RED OR WHITE KIO Unico Beans smart run cut em tans mum MM 47 51 589 MAPLE LEAF WEEK AT LOBLAWS rWesTsle bacon at 1 MAPLE LEAF BRAND skinless wieners 41 a Lancia macaroni or spaghetti 31 no 68 89 38 plain meal or mushroom Ml TO Ml PRODUCE MHOS mi to mi it NEWMARKET ONLY WE IKE TO MOT Kelloggs cornflakes garlic sausage MAPLE LEAF BRAND CHEESE cooked meats Hostess potato chips 57 FRESH LEAN pork shoulder roasts lb TOSH COUNTRY CUT fryer parts MP SWIFTS DEEP BASTED YOUNG butterball turkeys FRESH LEAN pork butt roasts FRESH LEAN butt pork chops CANADA A GRADE IBIM cooked dinner hams SWEET PICKLED corned beef brisket ALORO BRAND pizza pies moor country sausage I2S cooked meats SWEETNSOURSTYL spare ribs wieners QC beef liver sua lb Ail AFC SHOPSYS FRENCH ulster fry coleslaw CO CHEWED 1LBEJI potato salad lake smelts pepperoni lb lb LB I IFOR ah54- 124 LB I A A plain or dip White Swan bathroom tissue fish fries PENNYWISE beef 29 FROM CALIFORNIA NO 1 GRADEI LARGE TENDER asparagus 43 pound DOLE OR DEL MONTE ROYAL HAWAIIAN AVER WEIGHT LBS HAN 59 SUGAR SWEET FRESH WEIGHT LBS EACH tomatoes 4 ONTARIO CROWN FRESH CRISPI leaf lettuce FLOWER DEFT SPECIAL triple hyacinths FOR Bravo vegetable oil Tomato Paste 6ovas1 JACK AND JILL HOMOGENIZED Peanut Butter Mustard 41 Glad garbage bags 89 Dog Food Coffee Rich 2k35 Anna Maria fruit drinks 41 orange grape fruit punch Viva whole peeted plum tomatoes 61 Where more than the price is right