21 In Me Thanks and brother Richard Charles who left sis to be with God Feb friends neighbours cards and to All types of insulin al ways refrigerated for roar protection Comp- stock of needles test tapes tablet RobiH fauna Pharmacy We deb- Phone fir who a ports elastic and belts Best Drag Store phone New ANTIQUES FINE St West aTay Always good selection Tear spare- Bedroom piece reasonable Phone Components brand Bradford Street Phone collect Red Pencil play and slashed price or TVs only Closed Mondays No Money Down real easy monthly payments room suites nylons and vinyls from only IS ding free delivery claimed Freight Co Phone collect 7262900 Closed Mondays Can We Survive red pen sudden Invasion Look what he has done consoles sudden ra month available built payments a Unclaimed 2900 Closed Mondays light Bar dining room tab Paid asking Singer sewing mac eel lent condition Phone hall rack carved Mexican buffet two trade value paid for houseful of furniture and appliances Brlces Fur A east Bayer needs Turning chisels single Wanted Old brass prices a i washer timer 5picce kitchen suite Both in good condition Also clothes dryer best offer Phone US Phone table good cot He a son able for Help wanted Semi retired active per Church buildings men heal and Ugh provided Write PO Ho the house fill material require Call between and If Help wanted Fully experienced book keeper half ATTENDANT pre Help wasted Zfi Help wanted C hi Id hood Educat Babysitter livei housekeeping ro light Fork lift r for- Swift time afternoon shift Hospital nurses a all BN in charge Experienced din Apply mornings REGISTERED licensed hairdresser work part time Phone weekly No selling i of Welding Albert HANDY PERSON POSITION NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY MiCHANIC Service Den Horvester MECHANIC quired by Aurora High CARPENTER kitchens bathrooms rec garages fences etc Anywhere Reason able Big or small we do them all For free esti cite call Tamos CARPENTRY WOR AB types Additions basements finished International Ha 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snow plow in fair condition Phone Snow Vehicles 1 i i I lhnno 35 Service and Repairs TUNEUP Elrn NEWMARKET TIRE one Davis Dr ro Tl Is LTD Service Special WHEEL ALIGNMENT COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE26 pled horses and cattle Picked up Call Zenith Ed Peeoni and Sons Ltd hush suitible liillil mil Inor Building Trades and Household Directory SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING work h a t- Installations and Building Trades and Household Directory Crane Service NEWMARKET REGENCY ALUMINUM Windows Doors Patios Carports Recreation Rooms Sliding Thermo Doors St Aurora For material samples Gas and Oil Heating Coal and Wood Dry Firewood for J Phono Dry hardwood for sale Ini Motors and Hers ami fans licensed Groceries Meats Produce for Sale No 1 per lb bag John Bos- Potatoes Limited a Nawmarkat am ra Monday to Friday am now Sator- Building Building Trades and Trades and Household Household Directory Directory ROWLANDS Radiator Service NEED A Bathroom Remodeled Plunking Heating lor your New Home We do it ell the m LTD rJhtS3zkC TV TOWERS ANTENNAS SERVICE INSTALLATIONS All PRODUCTS FULLY GUARANTEE NEWMARKET CoMed ACCURATE DESIGN CONTRACTING 8953135 B0LENS FOR THE BEST IN TRACTORS SNOWBLOWERS AND ACCESSORIES SEE THE HUSKY AT Open Weekends Closed Wednesdays Aurora at REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Income Tax Service Phone days evenings 48 Pet Stock and SuPfif Kennels clipped and groomed Free pickup For ap pointment call 8338847 white Toy Ter- Miniature Kennels Bradford purebred each after and St puppies children all ittk hah ii r irebred a poodle liers years old 49 Miscellaneous CENTRE Counselling and i Human Relations Phone Mil Best fishing solid safe supplied of raffle Alice Hun- TOURS ATI RAIL aid TRAM For GLOBE TRAVEL RICHMOND BILL FACED WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM lubricated catalogue varieties Postpaid plain stilt Legal Notices NOTICE Anyone having any cla ims far debts owing by he Estate of the late PAULINE lOUCKS please notify the Sollcilor for the ad ministration of the Kitchener Ontario NOTICE moblling Him Liid by written rated by myself ten be charged ted law This has disregard for destruction of fields and some derate and IrrHpotisihle Harry P New-