We December Marg Gandier tops EG bowlers EG MIXED Marg Gandiers j triple last week was t and women in the Mixed league Her high c STRIKES AND SPARES lS Ethel Winter and 318 result of hi high single game and Helen Kay Sic- OFFICE SPECIALTY paced the Office Special ty League last 283 high single scores Gord Bell ami ling both rolled trip POT POURRI totair Togwcll In the other ued to dominate the Pot high scorers for the men League rolling a were and Gas triple and high Jack Oasterhuis single last week to top and Keith Vaugnan all competition With a and Paul Vilten- 074 triple and single 022 and Chris Thorns was more Marietta and points short of John and Tug wells threegame mark triples above last Other ami Gloria Law a were fence and Bet ty and Chris and Helen Nigh and thank those people who have com lo The Eras sports pages over the past inmths bar m part there would lie no sparls section wit limit volunteer pie who do iirinv hours of thankless work lor rev ml wm Id like to thank ill of them sincerely for their hard work I suppose the most demanding and least people ire the minor hockey re porters 1 sloes She Fist a results Piethud handles Newman and Devan in Aurora These ladies great fortitude in accepting the laiidc minor hockey Hours on Shi telephone Irving to track down elusive 1 managers is only part of the not exactly correct in the paper they a barrage of complaints some of them aim- lo them I a heartfelt thinks for a job well done There are many other people who have done a fine job Dick Robinson has been handling the Towns League results week without fill Both last year and ibis Hie Town League Ins had good cover- v- ai of Dicks dependabihh This fall and winter The Era lias had more than double the amount of bowling 11 i- than previous years Much of the lit r this to the manager it New m ISowlernn Ted Smith and the report fn each of the leagues invoked Again I can only say thank you The ladies of the York Curling Club should be commended for regular reports on their Dining football season in the fall The had the most complete coverage of high school football llruce Thompson led the YBC results included Gary Eaton 1 d John Collin Bob and Mike 1 did a market Minor Softball results- In baseball Gall Grant for the was the most dependable reporter Joe took over the minor soccer igh the year and 1 games that in The Era during did a fine job soccer results In I Tom reported 1 ickev in Newmarket has done a good job handling in reports and Shirley has dint a good job for the minor putWets The bantams also hive gotten con sistenlly good reports in Diane Ingram of the Youth Bowling Council has done a fine job reporting the of the younger bowlers There Era had no coverage on that group before this year of our sports coverage township this fill has brought dedicated people writing up Keswick South Shore Rangj been except Garden in Sul- has worked bard to provic I of ill I would like to thank the readers of The Era for their patience and over the past year Without you 1 clearance DAYS ONLY DEC 2728 28 30 QUANTITIES LIMITED WINTER SPREAD Ideal lor sidewalks slops Etc Provides excellent Tire Trocti winter walking solely Salt fr fill Not Don lb 20 Ik 40 lb 129 249 449 DOORS DOORS DOORS STOCK LIMITED SIFTO ICE SALT Polyethylene Protected Bo lb si 139 100 IbR T0R0 21 T0R0 ARIENS SNOW BLOWERS 169 Reg ft 319 STUDENT DESK LAMPS Reg High Intensity Desk Lamp Reg TORCAN SLIMLINE BASE BOARD GLO LITE your house number in light Reg 588 CLOCKS DEWALT POWER SHOP Saw No I P 29395 BLACK DECKER ELECTRIC DRILL rill No 5718 Reg PRO AM BIKE EXERCISER 16 WH EEL 1888 1500 KLUX PLASTIC DECORATOR PANELS Colon J Patterns Reg 449 CAFE DOORS -Pino- 1600 MAHOGANY LOUVERED SHUTTERS all sizes 199e ALUMINUM DOORS Odds Damaged FROM 500 Odd DANOR QUALITY FARM FANS From TAHITI FOLDING DOORS x GARAGE DOORS 50 STORAGE SHEDS iutir From 4500 NIAGARA CERAMIC WALL TILE From 39 A Real Buy MOSAIC CERAMIC TILE From 59 ft ARMSTRONG CARPET TILE Sell Adhesive THRIFTEX CARPET With Foam Back ABeaot THINKING OF NEXT SPRING ALL CIL EXTERIOR PAINTS 3055 OFF TILE BOARD ABITIBI PREFINISHED SHELVING KV SHELF BRACKETS PUNCH SIT 99 CULECO SNOOKER TABLE 00 PREFINISHED PING PONG TABLE UNFINISHED FURNITURE 50 OFF ROOM VALUES BEAVER WHITE CEILING TILE Reg 88 El MONTE MAHOGANY PANELLING 299 lib So Oak Norway Oak Abitibi Odds n Ends x Reg Reg RegS59S 399 4x8 Reg x 8 Reg 5439 399 IMrliTFD QUANTITIES ARMSTRONG CUSHION FLOOR 49 CEDAR SHINGLES CEDAR AROMATIC 398 395 STYROSPAN INSULATION x 97 4x8- 4x8- REMEMBER 4 DAYS ONIY FOB THESE OUTSTANDING BUYS DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET 8954537