Newmarket Aurora Wed November THE ERA Serving York County Since Phone Si Phone DAVID CARTER nos Congratulations Forhan lilingworth and Twinney rule good things in needed cumbent his done such a good job that not only no one wish to come forward to oppose him but by general consensus of the commu nity no one could beat him anyway This Is the case this year In both Newmar ket and Aurora and Mayors Bob and Dick lilingworth and Regional Councillor Ray Twinney are entitled to regard their acclama tions as recognition by their respective commu nities of a job welldone In Newmarket solely through the efforts of Mr and Mr Twinney the town has acquired at no cost to present taxpayers more new municipal facilities during the past two years than it had during the previous 50 In fact property taxes in Newmarket went down this year despite the fact that work on an enclosed municipal swimming pool is due to start in the near future construction of a long- second arena for the town is underway and a new community centre will be built next spring As town residents are well aware these three facilities are only the highlights of two full years of solid accomplishments at the mu nicipal level in Newmarket Although growth has not been so spectacu lar in Aurora it has been steady and under the firm control of an extremely hard working may or and Aurora residents evidently fully appre ciate this Despite an always fullschedule Mayor li for most of his term has never been too busy to represent his town at social func tions or to answer his telephone at home However for much of the last three months Mayor provincial job took him on a fulltime basis to Sudbury and as a result ha missed several regional and local council meet ings and his town was left without regional rep resentation It was an unfortunate turn of events for Aurora citizens and It is hoped that Mayor Illingworths provincial job will allow him to stay home and provide the representation they deserve in future In fact both towns have been fortunate in having what amounts to fulltime chief magis trates His municipal responsibilities are Mayor Forhans only employment and although Mayor lilingworth Is also a provincial civil servant he spends so many hours at bis municipal work that friends often wonder where he finds his endless supply of energy Similarly Newmarket Regional Councillor Twinney a businessman arranged his af- business At this time The Era would like to add it congratulations to those of our fellow citizens and say well done Mayors lilingworth and Regional Councillor We also hope that those elected Dec are as able as these three gentlemen have been proven to be Old Ontario at Concord Ontario north of Highway a Ths broken windows are bearded up Artist li John River Drive ty Canadian buildings THE Readers ERA is reserved for the comments drawings of the Eras lease foci free to send yours along ask is that you include your name We miss nomination night By eliminating public nomination meetings Ontarios new municipal election legislation has left a serious gap In the public life of the pro vinces mediumsized small and rural municipal It gave the voters a chance to judge the mans ability on the platform ask him questions and to gauge their neighbors reaction to him Under the new legislation all a potential Conceivably a candidate could win a council seat without ever appearing before his fellow citizens Another fault with this new legislation in our opinion is that although it makes gaining nomination a mer formality it makes no pro- vision to guard against pranksters and other types of nonserious candidates from putting their names forward Candidates should be required to put up a bond to ensure that they are seriously seeking office and not merely mocking the election pro- After the election if the frivolous candidate fails to receive a reasonable number of votes his bond money would be used to pay for a municipality financed old fashioned meeting after nominations closed for the next election 1 would like to com mend Bob White for the excellent coverage he elves high school sports no teacher would dare approach this man have their jobs think In unison that I would be beating my head against the Church Street Olympian Wall to try and gel anything done Sam does not budge I could hearings about their or a cardcarrying protest money would spent on police protec tion and would again taxpayers with Who exactly Is qua lifted to brand one virtual Inferior to without first what c of Hon of a highpriced intec in a crystal making decisions minority NEWSROOM NOTES How I returned from the duck harvest haskell their schools did schools the triumphant return The only triumphant note about my return from the Pigeon Lake duck harvest was that returned from it Pigeon Lake is wellnamed for there are few ducks on it Come lo think of it there are also few pigeons The duck harvest started off like gang bus with the first mornings bag enough to pro vide me and my four companions with a deiiclously Davecooked duck dinner My wild duck stuffing recipe is free for the asking But from that first morning it went from good to bad to lousy The weather turned as cold as my bank managers stare and as wet as a babys diaper The ducks headed for cover and we didnt instead we sat out in the blinds in rain that was a small smidgeon from being snow However one occurred that should be with for nearly 15 years He was silting on my right and heard a rustling scrambling noise fired his shotgun at an oncoming duck He missed Still the duck came on the Williams and Thornhill At regulation lime pm ihc game was tied look out your win dow tonight at But wait thats not all They played two five minute halves two minutes i their that schools They are what it Is all about good minds healthy bodies keen competition ami sportsmanship They make good scholars At whats more important CITIZENS They up Arc we finally go ing to support the silent majority In our schools If so question your can didates for the board and see if they are going to be dictated to as in the or can wo find per good kids deserve break than they been getting in stopped to experienced in riding Granted his term In office he may have been effective York SImcoc residents have made the deelslor lo effect a change in Ot The for the timetable to let tea chers out to referee respect for the teachers who in their spare time do whats right tor our kids I suppose if hundreds of kid dollars would be help them and thes ON THE FRINGE- November 111 a fading vision Cry Sih turned to him and said Id have shot that duck for cept I thought he was going to tand on the taelc and In unison Chapman I found that and almost like sentries guarding the edge of the road 1 suddenly recalled a similar forest That one stands just beyond the east bank of the Rhine River I had seen it as a young post war soldier who had been taken on what was termed a battlefield tour As a new generation of army we were being shown just how It was done back in 1945 Now it seems so long ago and In my minds eye I could imagine what it was like that day when the soldiers of that day and that war stood and waited It was one more river to cross To some it was just another river another operation and they had done it all be fore Beyond lay the wall the Calais Caen They had learned that all operations are neatly planned at headquarters and deteriorate into shambles of noise fire and confusions of map reading exhaustion and doubtful They knew that in the end it was all re- to the section the number one on the Bren gun the lace jack acting unpaid who does his job well out of sight of camera press and generals These men were the professional sur vivors To them the war had lost whatever glam or it ever had the great crusade had become a struggle to sleep to keep warm to get some hot food some booze if possible and to live They had loyalty but it was not to King and country but to regiment and mates They had come a long long way It was not the but the months and years that had made them old be fore their time They lived and died in a world life expendable They had accepted all of this If once they had been amateurs In the business of war they were now professional and they had long learned that to clean a rifle was more im portant than to clean yourself and that primed grenades were worth their weight in gold They had squired a very practical set of values And The glorious dead How glorious is death when a tank backs up and crushes one of Its crew by accident or when a man is decimated by a mine shot while hanging from the end of a para be the If they prayed It v ot prayer Dear God lives Those who died had their lives matter how desperate the situation how brave the action each one who died hoped that he would survive the moment Even the lieutenant I knew who calmly shield ed a wounded man knowing that the sniper hid ing in the rocks of a mountain In South Arabia might kill him believed that there was that chan ce he would make it And the brave The surviv ors well know that there are few heroes only circumstances He who should have gotten an in stant DSC received nothing Another got a MM because that day the major was looking on There was in fact too much bravery the courage of men who hour after hour day after day went back Into the line the bravery of endurance endurance of endless orders endless regulations endless marches endless patrols And if there was the heroism under fire it had a larger con text that of loyalty to ones platoon to ones friends of not letting them down as they would basic loyalty which can be called love Now that is all long passed All that re- mains is the speeches the beers at the Legion Hall the personal knowledge of a past of which a new generation knows little And while such men talk but only freely with those with whom they shared the exper ience of war a name is mentioned someone who never came back They remain burled in quiet grounds In distant places with strange names the Forest Carpet They lie in neat rows Their grave stones stand in military precision rising with uniform height speech Adams 1st Can Para June 1944 age W R Dec age 19 Williams age Cohen age What hopes what dreams lay burled Oh yes Remember But remember what and for how long Like their loyalty their remembrance will be a personal thing by those who served at their side or those them birth and last i It even has a cute little trailer In which one can tote all the necessities of life while one Is cut ting grass pushing dirt or throwing snow On Sunday much to the amazement of pass ing motorists I was out cutting grass clad in my snowmobile suit I realize that nobody cuts grass in the middle of November but remember litis is the first honest to goodness lawn- And I was able to pay for it out of it revenue as they say in banking circles So take that Charlie athletes had sit- BILL fi Dear Editor I am appalled and astounded at the editor ial and personal com ments appearing In news papers following the fed eral election which are virtually Insulting the voters in York Si who have chosen Sinclair Stevens to be representative in have permitted the opportunity play his talent Ottawa Sunday droppers in Theyll be hero in minute but dont panic Try them with neat rye and keep it flowing Perhaps that way they wont notice No time now for baked Hungarian stew marinated Oil sliced suchini If only hail a bit of parsley to garnish the cold nils No no you fool put the fish knives away Sec if you can find a chisel or something to get the mustard out of the tup from the bathroom damned things fused and notice the muddy I to learn other things that vision Belles of IV York IP fl Colleen Anrlerson llelle is the wile Auroras Rem Iron Coorlrwtor Tim Amlerson Short in a law in Oak Unities ami sire is an American Id CanM very much Colleen enjoys painting ami work arB j member at Aurora Drama Work- by Robert 1 While Well pretend that way they Keep cool now and look for something to scrape those squashed beans off the table with Ill chuck nil this dirty linen down the stairs And for heavens sake dont turn I the basement light on The coffee cups dont just stand the line a chance lo give them a quick rub over Oh God Is that a car have a look Thats a break floor a thorough cleaning so Ill just kick old shoes and newspapers under the Chester field You get rid of tho ironing board will you dear Perhaps we should pretend that all thd lights have fused and find some candles sort of romantic like No that wont do either theyd- spread it around that we hadnt paid our hydro Would you dump those old and things out of the percolator its a cinch theyll want coffee Were a bit short on bread the blasted dog got to it again So when I ask you if you want a sandwich refuse Just keep on pouring the drinks e of them I put my nylons Wouldnt you know it I pair of Super Sheer and all I can find two odd stockings and with ladders yet And while youre at it see if you can blow the breadcrumbs and loose sugar off the coffee table Chuck that carton of homogenized in the fridge wilt you Dont turn on too many lights and keep the hifi blaring to distract them Damn theres a knock theyre here You open the door while I dash into the bedroom and put my face on If Im more than IS nun- make some sort of excuse tell them I been sick anything Dont panic now just keep nice and calm I