Factory construction start slated for May formed Mayor Bob Forhan Mon Hills acquired acres of the former Walton farm south of Davis Dr and east of Sutton last December He told the mayor his pre sent plant In Don Mills has been sold and he hopes to have the Newmarket plant ready for oc cupancy by next November He said It will be a 200000 square foot factory and will em ploy people at opening and by the end of the first year Schickedanz Developments Ltd the builders of Quaker Hill subdivision also own industrial The industrial park was created by town council in Its official plan and although dustrial development the plan shows much more Industrial land north and south of It Mr in an inter view with The Era shortly after and will start construction attraction for his firm i Sine 1 proximity to future Highway R and Son Ltd is involved in all types of metal stamping and metal fabricating farm implements appliances lighting store fixtures snow mobiles etc The deal which resulted in the firms purchase In Newmarket and acquisition The mayor said Monday he been approved by town council and is awaiting approval by pro vincial municipal affairs depart ment officials NEWMARKETAURORAKESWICK ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1972 Bob Forhan Ray Twinney acclaimed vie for seven town council seats Regional Councillor Kay incumbent councillors on the 107172 left adopted daughter of famed Canadian author Maxo Da La Roche unveiled a plaque in Miss Dc La Roches memory Mar her Newmarket birthplace Friday Shown with her Is Huron Heights Secondary School history student John Van Kricken who history of the author during the ceremony The plaque bouses overlooking the park Commuter trial is ahead of east run face 10 challengers Councillors Church seeks use for 15 acres technical Institute has been called in to assist the United Church in determining the best development for a acre church owned parcel of land at Elgin and Streets In the towns north end community similar to those ex isting in the United States Plans were In the embry onic stages but when the pro ject chairman C P Terry died they fell into limbo Announcement of the study marks the culmina tion of an initial investigation conducted by a voluntary com mittee chaired by Glen Fergu son of King Mr Ferguson told The that there is some question as to whether the Noting that the Newmarket senior citizens are already through a wide of NEWMARKET The Bar- to Toronto trial commuter in is already carrying more passengers after been nd a half Mount Albert lawyer John told The Era Monday On Nov the Barrio to Tor onto run earned passengers while the Stouffvillc train had The following day the run had while the run managed in the evening in morn night Fridays fig- last week are as follows Tues day southbound 157 north bound 148 Wednesday bound 164 Monday bound 144 northbound The figures from show a leveling off No lights for Lome Davis Dr NEWMARKET Theres insufficient traffic from Ave onto Davis Dr to warrant installation or traffic signals York Regional Council ruled last week Newmarket Council had re quested the signals following the extension last summer of Lome Ave to Davis Dr But a pede strian and vehicular traffic co unt taken Sept showed that of the Intersection is well proper need must be justified when the church seeks funding for the project While the committee will not be legally required to follow any of the reports the Applied Research I branch of thp Toronto Institution will be tabled in late April 1973 people ride south traffic lights Parade Saturday NEWMARKET Santa will arrive In Newmarket this Saturday morning What Is reputed to be ill leave Lome Ave and Eagle St at and move via Eagle St Main St and Davis Dr to New market Plaza Judging of floats will time has been Era backs 3 election meetings NEWMARKET The Era cosponsoring three all can didates meetings two in New market and one in Aurora during the municipal election campaign This Sunday evening Nov IB The Newmarket Civltan Club and The Era will jointly a meeting for all town council candidates and alt school will be allowed from the floor hold a meeting for Aurora didates at the community cen tre It starts at pm and will be moderated by York Univer sity conference manager Jack Moore all of whom are seeking re election elected on a townwide vote There are no wards The only twoman races in Newmarket this year will be for the towns two school board seats York County Board of Education incumbent Jack will be opposed by Craig Crlbar who in a manager Jim Beadle polled Mr is a engineer ing supervisor at Dcllavllland Ian Church York County Roman Catho lic Separate School Board Hits- ic battle for the council scats Most already Indicated Die record of the out going council will form a major portion of their campaigns for The incumbent councillors art Doris liloir Somen Cuok Ellcrby Randy LnMnrro Aubrey Smith Steele and Hill Cr a North pal employee and owner of a Newmarket disc jockey busi ness have put forth the most He feels the New market Hydro Commission should kick a big fuss of swimming pool are grand but he disagrees with their locations in new subdivisions I feel East Gwillimlury Heights and other older parts I he feels the munici pal utility leaves too short a period between its billing dato and due date before it slaps a penalty on hills He also advocates decisions he made on a town hall and the Cane Parkway action on what he terms pollution in Iake and a special committer of council charged with attract ing industry to lown A graduate of Ontario Col lege ami a World War Lomumiditig officer of the New market air cadet squadron Hall was one of the first challengers to start cam paigning urn line of the few to have attended council meet ings over the past six months public agencies to provit Former clerk challenges Rolling for EG mayoralty SHARON East bury Townships first lady may or will have opposition in the Dec It will be from longtime township employee Lindsay roads superintendent from to 1953 clerk from IJljl I II tor for 25 years Mrs Rolling a Mount Albert was acclaimed mayor in She has served OTHER RACES ships sole represent id A total are seeking the i Jack Rye pap surrounding and Whitchurch -Stouff- there will be a fourway in King Township and a lingworth won an acclamation and in Whitchurch where Mayor Ken is retiring Gordon was acclaimed mayor In Township Jos challenged incumbent mayor Dr George Burrows King Township where Ted who managed MP Sinclair Stevens successful campaign are all in the Ross Chapman Bill Angus Morton Mr Rye and themselves a their official white Mr Chapman and Mi Morton gave their occupation a farmers Trying to unseat their i real estate sales representative Holland Landing housewife performance of embarking on one project be fore completing previous plans Former Newmarket reeve Clare Salisbury who is row a resident of East brings his municipal Charles Jeffery and sentalivc on the York County Public School Board for the last two years Bill Bales announc ed his retirement prior to days closing of nomination Seeking his seat is former school trustee Mrs Merna of Mount Al bert and former Mot 5 service manager Dave Fish of Sharon autograph for Wells following Mike his talk to Grade recently In the Cheryl Sprung Stephen Millies at left All it Not all Indians are the TV kind students learn By ALICE NEWMARKET Its doubtful if students at School would have been surprised had Mike turned up to speak lo them wearing loin cloth and war paint ami sporting a tomahawk With few exceptions their questions pertained to Indians With a TV and set nit tin soft spoken young man const native attire who visited the New- school on the morning of Yet Mike Medio blooded Canadian Indian a member of the on tile Chippewa Reserve in tribe Mis Idle of To tf ins in tin Itt And while he kids i ash Ebon play I questions they wished points across that Indian children nllks very like their own that they same aines and do tin shopping supermarkets just like kids across Canada Enlarging upon Ins message lie later stressed that caul generalize when talking about native people Ihej differ from locale to locale only thing iiidn ill Sill Ik said fact that Kiev all f limit iht asked ALL the explained lieir patient visitor We can ad for Indian babies Hie children wanted so Hit questions and answers ho made clear lo liiem that in Indian reserve is unlike any other rural community Ik col pared Ins In of ouh smaller We were the original inhabitants lie explained And the government wauled to compensate for taking the land An obviously bright w about Mr Cues each the young Mike a of what Ihe Indian people The children were mos life They learned that he is Indian about t replied Mr and most of that lexis which really like iiirious about own no of a tribe numbering 210 that and that tie cant speak the of his ancestors although his parents He explained to them up of three islands Ihe big he grew up ii Ihe 1 reserve is made about miles around There home with his mother father father used be a councillor on the til lor and is active in the Runt ling all over Ontario because of it Describing the Chief for the i Mr 1 Two years in Journalism at College followed be fore he went on to the University Brock where he is studying English Political and still an undergra de he sound the least bit bitter or radieal In th i v i lii I I misconceptions so widely held about his race just get the message across to the children he called back as he hurried off lo meet a busy schedule Its my bet he got it across to at least a few hundred child- that day in Newmarket