Archbishop confirms at St John Chrysostom Sermo Sun am WED pm IN PERSON AT YOUTH IMPACT SATURDAY NOV PM AT VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH ARTHUR and NEWTON STREETS By GLEN Free Methodist Church OUT OF COMFORTABLE PEWS Talk in Christian circles lias been going for a decade or more about church members getting out of the comfortable pews Thousand of small groups have been meeting wide would be coupled with out reach Christian people need to get out of the pew liegin to slim Christ with those who the pews of any of our churches KEY73 is a program designed to meet this need KEY73 is a unique simultaneous con tinentwide evangelism thrust in which more than 130 denominations church bodies and para ecclesiastical groups are participating each working individually or in to- operation with other groups or congregations at the com munity level The movement will endeavor to confront the people of our continent more ful ly and more forcefully with the gospel of Jesus Christ protlanntton ins demonstration wit ness ministry word and deed Starting now and continuing throughout tin year the program of evangelism will move forward in six proposed phases Calling Calling Calling Colling our Continent to Proclamation ailing our Continent to Commitment Congregations in our community are being challenged to participate in the way thai best suits their own needs and purposes About half of be people on this continent claim member ship in some Christian churches It is a lie 1 1 Id that more linn will partici pate in KEY73 the pnliitnl participation and the potential targets me about the same 100 million people proposes to confront happen in pews and life and to share it with neighbors school friends etc The be tremendous One person from Newmarket just tended the great great gathering of pi held this summer at Dallas Tins young man came hack to our con that others we I until all had he I lo Hub TUESDAY SPECIAL fried DINNER FOR ONE Our Regular 3 Dinner TUESDAY ONLY REG Colonel ami 130 Yonge St Aurora chicken Victory Baptist Church Arthur Street will tost the Decision Quartet his weekend Satur day pm they at a youth rally Sunday during morning ind set rices at am and pm The quartet features five fine young dedicated nun Hob Dawson on Intnl Larry Foster li ukr and sivinltonist Scott on piano Brian Bailey on lead with John on bass ItKACII I 72 12 i It PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR Our new special price on Scottys Facial Tissue is nothing to sneeze at Let The People VICTORY BAPTIST THE SALVATION ARMY Bible Study Make Salvation it v Minister i Bible Morning ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN GRACE CHURCH STREET Wo Arc Sharing in the REACHOUT CRUSADE Inlorchurch Endeavour iv yj- ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT GRAC 200s 2 ply Turn to page Youll find more ot the right prices than the price is right IllltllVl NOV 14 Gospel Hnli Davis Drive THE DECISION COMING TO VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH ARTHUR AND NEWTON STREETS SUNDAY NOV At Both Oclock Services Sunday School CHRISTIAN READING ROOM Stindav School PASTOR STEVENSON OUTREACH CRUSADE Huron Heights school auditorium Tabernacle