Aurora Keswick I A Word For The Week New outreach at Victory Baptist to use buses visitation AND DELIVERED NEWS FROM THE PEWS MARC SABIN during his fathers ab sence The church tins neither a great HERBERT MADE ALL THIS Did any or did it just happen to come into I believe in the Genesis account honestly believe that In the beginning the heavens and the earth nor a great theologian simply begins at a point in His eternal existences which He marts as the beginning of human history and identifies as the beginning for man Since neither the record of the Bible or the Evolution theory can be explained or understood has to be by faith I prefer to accept the Bible statement For me it takes a lot less faith to believe that God could create out of nothing j than that it all happened chance Especial when there are so man discrepancies contradictions and missing links in the evolutionary theory Especially Rev John Rush tor at Victory told Era that the bus is a new phase of reach for his church a Is a result of teams people from the chin Holland Landing River Drive Park According to I i I i u United Congregation meet at will be through Baptism Rev- Tomorrow evening Baptist Bruce Suitor per- the junior girls group formed the Ceremony and the junior choir Kc1 World Wide Commit start a new season and be held In Ilk- they are Invited to a pat Groatoi Sunday Oct PRESBYTERIAN Church School times St Andrews starling this coming All Douglas received while Newmarkets Diamond Centre the v I think it its design Its God The singing shepherd of Israel King David Wrote so often about the of God and cre ation One of the most familiar Psalm It glory of God and ONE CENT SALE enroll and receive a second membership for a friend for only Miracle Service Monday October 2nd- 745 PM Aurora United Church Yonge St Aurora REV BILL PRANKARD CHARGE Interdenominational REV WAS RECENTLY PRAYED FOR BY K KULHMAN AND GOD HAS GIVEN HIM AN UNUSUAL HEALING MINISTRY DOORS OPEN AT 700 PM