Era A King paves road More count York school hive to wait until The two projects are being switched by one year because of delays In the assumption of Road a committee report tabled Iait week stated the 12000 project township a cent subsidy Mrs Michael her mother Mrs Jean Freeman of Newmarket and Mrs A Leonard were all slightly injured In a Iwocor crash last weekend and Eagle SI Mrs Itmti onto a stretcher was the drive a left turn from to I SLSCA receives grant for Holland R work Lake TORONTO The South Alt- Cm last week received a Ministry of Natural Re sources grant for channel im provements on feet of the Holland River through Newmap The grant was announced last Wednesday by York North MIT Dill Hodgson and Natural plalii study done on the Holland River throughout Newmarket and Aurora in for the Authority The study indicated the ex tent or flooding in towns and recommended that channel improvements lie considered to alleviate the problem determine the required in New market The study will deter mine the channel size and align ment land requirements ami preliminary cost estimates Channelization of the river through Newmarket is Administrative error held up building permits AURORA Aurora citizens were unable to get building per- mils for a week early this month because of nn administrative error a mildly annoyed Mayor Dick IMngworlh said last week ltuilding inspector Roy Har rington was on vacation from Aug to 11 and no one was authorized to issue building per- rather upset that worth Normally villi when our building inspector is away The mayor was replying to a charge by lor Harris at last weeks council lint tail building a garage without permit while Mr Harrington on holidays Mr Jongeneel building a home in rural Au- obtained the required permit when the building inspector ic turned To wail until Mr Har rington came back would have losing the Mr I in a letter to council Knowing the lot and know the property I knew he would have no problem in meet town bylaw requirements the mayor said Its not Sharon school may need addition soon Jongeneel explains other side of the story moved Aug JIM J fished commence approval of the Building A I tat di in the Bu ilding Inspectors ofice the same time I felt the Monday worth felt that telephoned the Building East Gwillimbury supports Hydros proposed power line through King Hydro cant seem to win thai alternate route The northern route lljdro I among Ejection of Hi proposal little publicity taerl Cray is on sandy riding We dont date as Hydro has push- soil and as a result also linn lo lake MphlTilLrZtJi said cd special J from market The East mission hearing Aurora councils and right of way said May- route would con- last week King wen in discuss the or Hut into Scott Town- Township Council pre- tcr in committee The Mayor Rolling said lives up to its her township has enough title Us simply inks that problems with an expressing with council Hydro way opposition decision Is la- A proposed subdivision Wo could put the of 1500 ft lots near pages and it held up since Rough in defending epUci seven years short NEWMAR HONDA AJ WERE FOR THE ENTIRE JUST SA NEWMARKET PLAZ