The Era Newmarket Aurora Keswick Out Wed August THE ERA York County Sinn DAVID C4RTER JOHN Suffering from growing pains Its been a bad couple of weeks for York Regional Police There was the case where the policeman refused to take an Injured child to hospital in his cruiser There was the case where the Board of Police Commissioners refused to turn over a urn of money to two Toronto youths who found it in a Unionville dump until they posted a bond r the entire sum s bookshelves because in his opinion photo- about the movie Boxcar were obscene Accusations of Mickey Mouse charges obscene literature is vested in the police since the courts have not defined what is and is not obscene Some Mickey Mouse charges are being these perhaps by over zealous police men but still the offenders are breaking some law and the policemen are enforcing the law thereby doing their Job In every case where there have been char- of lack of enforcement the situation has there is discontent or low morale on the force Senior police officials have undertaken a program to improve relations between the police and public The York Regional Police Is only IB months old and anything that young is bound to suffer from growing pains When the force matures it will undoubtedly be one of which all in the Region of York will be proud laid continue to circulate Demands for better law enforcement by ne politicians In some areas of the Region still being made Now lets look at the other side of the led ger In only one of the aforementioned points of criticism was there a definite boob by the police department and that was In the case of the policeman refusing to take the Injured girl to hospital High police officials admit to blame and apologized personally to the girls parents The Police Commission was following the advice of its solicitor In asking for a bond to cover the money that was found by the two Toronto men Why hire a solicitor and not take his advice the Commission asks The chief of police says he was only doing his duty in the Boxcar Bertha case because that Something for everyone The signing last week of a subdivision agree ment between Del and the town Is a mile stone for Newmarket In return for a unit develop ment Del Zotto will turn facilities mainly recreational with estimated values of nearly half a million dollars The town will have a muchneeded second hockey arena and nearly acres of parkland A major thoroughfare will be built on a town road allowance by the developer Playground equipment In the parks and trees on private property will be paid for by the developer This subdivision is different from many of the previous in that there will be something built and paid for by the developer before he is per mitted to build one of his bouses There will be something there when the new residents of Newmarket move into their new homes a hockey arena and parkland Rut more important this arena will be avail able to town residents who lived in Newmarket before the development came Another Inter esting condition is the provision of acres of parkland for the nearlycompleted Bayview Hills development Another agreement is being prepared which will see a second swimming pool for Newmar ket This will be paid for and constructed by Sehlckedanz Developments before the firm can start its second phase of its Quaker Hill deve lopment Mayor Bob and council are to be commended for their businesslike approach to these agreements and for making the Town of Newmarket a better place to live for both old residents and new THE Readers ERA along All is reserved for comments I drawings of Tho Eras road feci free send yours wo ask is lhat you include and address NEWSROOM NOTES A day at the movies with Chief Crawford John Curious moviegoers who lined up at New- markets theatre Sunday night expecting see a big bust and perhaps a lot more just that a big bust Strictly in line of duty I Joined three top York Regional Police officials at a private show- ring of Boxcar Bertha last Friday afternoon dls Early last week after getting the Playboy of Boxcar Bertha off the news stands Chief Crawford was making noises about ban ning the film if it ever came to Newmarket I if it ever will though he told me Little he know that Newmarket theatre manager Grant who knows a boxoffice lure when special arrangements to bring in Bertha at the height of publicity sur rounding the chiefs obscenity judgment against So last Friday Chief Crawford Deputy Chief Bill Shlmmln and Staff Inspector ness took their neverending vigil In defence of our purity to the Main St cinema to determine if a presumably panting public would ever get the chance to watch Bertha do her thing within the confines of York Region When Boxcar Bertha ground mercifully to conclusion Chief Crawford ruled that it was not obscene because it did not contain the of apparent sexual intercourse which School fees pretty stupid cut back the spen ding on education by the school boards ami obvio usly the board Is trying by using this new policy Any independent group planning on using school facilities will look else- Iter hour for school Urn In case they do all hish school Just watch Septonne Drive Newmarket Playboy I town to be doing And am positively certain they t have wasted two bucks if they had benefit of Playboy And if you went to Boxcar Bertha expecting to get your kicks watching Barbara and David Carradine locked in cinematic sex you probably went home afterwards and pouted Sex Oh yes Boxcar Bertha has two brief sex scenes plopped awkwardly into the vacu ous plot for their own sake revealing little more than a nipple here a freckle there and bony shoulders Nothing remotely resem bling the postures obviously arranged for the Phi Thanks jar ban on Boxcar Well I am positive ly delighted that the morality squad in York The moral our society would cer tainly have been offend ed by being forced to buy the August edition of neighbour forced r had to pay their way into the theatre Deputy Chief Shimmin hadnt seen a movie in two years and after watching this one hell likely not wish beholder Contrary to Chief Crawford I believe Boxcar Bertha indeed could be judged obscene according to the dictionary definition repul sive loathsome disgusting If you like blood and gore and shotgun blasts ripping holes through peoples bellies BILL SMILEY Now I know it was all guff how peaceful and beautiful it was at Grandads out In the country overlooking the bay quiet restful and all that guff help at the accident But he doesnt show it He goes right on toiling with ailing humans joking calling them by their first names doing six things at once Later he told me there were two killed father and son in the crash He finally got a look at my wifes Contrary to actor Carradine propaganda In Playboy Boxcar Bertha is a wan imitation of Bonnie and Clyde that masterfully gripping film of several years ago which some decried for Us violence but which in fact is a classic expression of antiviolence If Chief Crawford hadnt made headlines by ruling Playboy obscene the film never would have come to Newmarket says thea tre manager Bendig It would have wound up on the drivein circuit along with such epics as The Sweet Sins of Sexy Susan So by sanctimoniously stopping public pur chase of the rather Bertha scenes in Playboy the police have aroused the publics interest to a point where an abysmally bad movie will attract undeserved attention from paying customers Playboy did a brisk underthecounter sale last week too With Bertha as precedent one wonders if York police will begin raiding bookstores now selling a plethora of magazines some in plain wrappers whose photographs make Playboy look like Better homes and Gardens in comparison in a free society citizens should have the right to decide what to read and view without police censorship Sueh decisions are based on individual choice No one was forced to buy Playboy or read Boxcar Bertha And the polite have no business enforcing certain tastes and values on society in the interests of protection Who one wonders was protected in this BILL GAMBLE Isnt violence obscene too the violation of a law Should it would point out that the Region of York has police chief with a vacillating sense of respon- because it indicates that he will ex ecute his power or jurisdiction exactly as it suits him To point i few weeks ago Chief opinion wis lit th more than a whim It is not clear whether the decision to re mote Playboy from the market newsstands Has Chief Crawfords or whether it was Imposed In higher authorities Hut is altogether ex traneous The fact Is lhat the August issue of Yes were still here On the eve of our departure my silly old woman stepped out of twisted her silly old ankle and broke the thing didnt know it until next da was probably a bad sprain But Normally a smalltown hospital is a pretty quiet bit of a madhouse We wire lucky The girl at the desk had gone to school with my wife and had our names written down before I could open my mouth Another school friend Is a nurse and though off duty came in and helped in many ways There was one doctor and one medical stu dent on the Job In poured the patients and I couldnt help admiring the way the staff coped in the appalling heat I hope Doc another old friend had his breakfast that morning because he certainly carried in by a worried father The boy has c Just about ready to pop I see the doc in the office a cup of coffee hes trying to snatch held in one hand phone Two orderlies and the medical student tear down the hall In the direction of the ambulance garage- Running flat out Sure enough it is a bad one Plane crash just a few miles out of The doc cant leave He has to read xrays city hospital There too there are dedicated people doing their best but theres a mass of paperwork a coldness a lack of intimacy that is rather offputting Anyway the old girl is lying on the chester field with her leg propped up and feeling furi ous and frustrated Shes the type who does everything in the house at about eighty miles an hour and the speed at which I do them about onetenth of that is driving her insane Every time she remembers that shes going to be hobbling for six weeks cant go swim ming or play golf cant get at her washing she gets angrier I try to cheer her up by saying Housework Ive made my bed after only three days vacuumed the rug and done about eight thousand dishes Just finished washing out a brassiere and some socks Ill cope However it will be a joyful day when the lady of the house can get off her backside and get back to doing all those things that take her so short and me so long Housewives of the world I salute you IU never again ask What the world do you do aU day when Im at bandage wounds and deliver a baby But he work Never Now I know Belles York The flere mis week is Bw Ritchie more at home out doors than in the kitchen She is Mathematics and Science at Victoria of Tomato is a recent graduate Newmarket High School and is pres ently employe for the summer us a guard at the Peter Gorman Swimming Pool She also coaches the Newmarket swim include swimming field Hockey basket ball and track and field Bev is also a ski instructor in the winter by Robert While thorities and reached the Newmarket stores legi timately why did the chief take it upon him self to ban the whole magaiine Why didnt he request that storekeepers merely remove the offending pages If Chief Crawford was not acting en the instruction the Ontario Censorship Board and unless he his experts exploitation ex tnen he was treading on very thin Ice Under these circumstances a profes sional writer with an article or story elsewhere in that issue would be justified in sue ins the Region of York tor undue obstruction to the progress of his career and ultimate fane It makes no difference that he had already been paid for his work he itself by- it is the intent of to sex where ever it can magazines But J Hugh Hefner is no fool It he claims that the purpose of the feature in his magazine was to inform readers what to if go to see the movie Boxcar Bertha then he has neatly circui wnted the undue exploitation bit and it ild be extremely difficult to other The movie itself is a different kettle of fish I went to see Boxcar Bertha and the sex scenes that were cut from the film were totally inci dental to the story therefore had they been left in it would unquestionably have been undue ex ploitation of sex But that is my own personal opinion It does not however mean that I endorse the practice of censorship in films As I entered the movie house I couldnt help noticing the sign which said Restricted lo 18yearolds and over Ac cording to Canadian law 18yearolds are adults living and fighting in wars If they are normal they are fully aware of sex and all variables Why then do people such a cessfully define obscenity Some anything that transcends the accepted norms of society But what are the norms of society The average respected member of society does many things behind closed doors which he considers to be normal and probably arc but he would be very reluctant to reveal them to anyone What then Is obscene the act itself or its revelation Chief Crawford Is not paid to protect our souls he is paid to protect our bodies from in jury and our properties from damage And just as a passing thought Boxcar Bertha contained awful tot of undue exploitation violence the chief turned the other check to