Senior citizens to show crafts NEWMARKET Art work from York Mi nor and from Rome for the will be on at Newmarket Pub- lie Library daring Sen ior Week A York Manor offic ial aald resident there often surprise with their artistic abilities which have been dormant for yean produced by j reilde t many of whom are over yean of age are dis played each year at the Canadian National Ex hibition and often win Ugh honors Jailed nine months NEWMARKET A 31yearold Mount Al bert man convicted three weeks ago of In decent assault Involving a 15yearold girl was sentenced to nine months In reformatory last Richard Gordon At kinson a father of a threeyearold son was also placed on two year probation on his release from prison He pleaded guilty to a reduced charge or In decent assail I He was originally charged with attempted rape hall PHARMACY Your everything store LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 84 ANACIN Tablets CH10R For Hayli 99 CREME Soothes Itching Burning IV 99 Jean Pierre BALSAM large She 16 IS SOLORCAINE LOTION For Sunburn Insect Bites Testimony MURINE for your EYES 59 eyes If LIGHT BULBS EDGE by PHILLIPS PROTECTIVE SHAVE 254060 Won Reg Lime or Menthol of 32 84