Dales is first in election race for Georgina mayoralty made it official last week will run for Mayor of Township in the upcoming mu nicipal elections In making the announce ment Mr Dales charged smear tactics used against him have made an early announcement bet- represent during the next two Mr Dales a longtime rest- Dales came second In the may- did say she would not run for race behind encumbent mayor Mayor George Burrows Dr Burrows had no com ment when contacted concern ing his own intentions in the upcoming elections Mrs Jean Smith who was also a mayoralty candidate in told The Era she would be a candidate but had not de cided what office to run for She that level she said Wallace also a can didate for mayor in said he will seek office as a regional councillor lie felt the Regional Councillors office is an Impor tant one but that it was neglec ted by prospective candidates Encumbent Regional Coun cillor Bob Pollock stated he has not thought about the upcoming election but that he Intends to run for public office He did not say which office I am a member of a team now and we must work together for a considerable time yet the regional councillor said Elections are in December fit laws cost te town n over M71 Air- log the lint three month of int They anted I daring the por ter amounted to hut operating Milled THE PAGES VOL 121 NO Since ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JUNE 14 1972 Newmarket IS CENTS Trade fair tomorrow NEWMARKET The Newmarket Club trade fair will open in the arena Thursday night held in Newmarket for many yearn will run for three days For a special cight- advertising trade fair Parks need guards NEWMARKET Security guards or town parks should be i faired to stem a current wave of vandalism Coun Ray parks and recreation committee chairman recommended to town council Monday He also said a reward should be posted for ap prehension of vandals He suggested a man be hired to spend a day a week in each park and that the town make the guards schedule up in such a manner that no one would know on which night he would appear at a given loca tion Recreation and parks com missioner Dan Shannon sugges ted to council that his depart ments playground leaders be paid to work an extra to pm shift in the parks during sum months He said it is during these hours that most damage la done lie said last weekend 12 young maple trees in Haskett Park each casting about snapped off by trees each about seven years old were ruined and will have to be replaced Mayor Bob said dur ing the past year about was spent on landscaping and other work at Haskett Park and very little of that worth of work is left He said vandals have destroyed nearly all of it Mr Shannon said Rogers Park has been hit hardest but also been heavy at was due to open this week Both the mayor and blamed the vandalism teenagers Mr said in argu ing for security guards that the town has repeatedly sought the cooperation of citizens in curb ing vandalism but people just dont want to get involved Eg The only thing we can do is do it ourselves charge these kids and make the parents pay he said Mayor added that year council tries to get a parents ting there while kids break things and the parents dont do a thing ill Council referred Mr Twin s plea to his own recreation committee for a study on costs involved Georgina taxes down in two of three areas running the Township of arc down hi 1072 from The mill rate dropped in Sutton and North but will go up slightly in the old the tax levy ing bylaw passed Monday showed The average home owner In the township with a house assessed will find Hint his mill- rate has gone down this year although his tax bill will be higher Although the township mill rale is down She elimination of the shelter exemption the province will mean that the full mill rate I im Police chief lied Lyons that the full mill i I apply In Sutton the mill rate went down by one mill a home assessed at The total taxes payable come to for a public school supporter In North the decrease Is almost a mill with the taxes on an average home coming to Three rales apply in old Georgina Town ship for public school suppor ters with the levy up for this year On a home assessed at the increase will from on the Red Barn faces demolition but tins here is 10 By DON BERNARD Era Staff Reporter JACKSONS POINT The Red Barn Theatre a trademark of the summer season in the South Lake Slmcoc area for the past will be demolished in if concerned not come forward The owner Vitaly Shwed of Toronto has in formed Building Charlie Chirn- that in days the de molition work will begin Mr refused comment when asked by The Era why the theatre is being demolished He did John who has had a close connection with the operation of the the atre throughout the years told The Era he felt it would be a great loss to the Canadian theatre world All of a sudden the owner seems to have called for prices for wreckers People who have supported Barn throughout pointed Mr Sibbald chance that the theatre could be saved He added that it is one of the last bam theatres in Canada None of the owners of the barn has taken a strong positive interest in the the atre since the early he said The Red was al ways a shaky deal finan cially said Mr According to Ruby wellknown theatre writer Bill and Jane were to produce a number of plays there this Mrs said that she received a letter recent ly from Mr Glasscoc stat ing he would not be up this summer He pro duced the season and according to Mrs made a go of it Mr felt that the future of the Ihcatre looked dim In the first place the theatre is finan cially a chancy undertak ing plus the fact that inte rest lias declined consider ably in recent years He remembered well the golden years of The Red Ram It opened first in 1050 as a theatre after ex tensive alterations were mplcted to what had been another In the years it has been silent only two summers before Last years productions met with only mixed suc cess and the production company lost 4700 he Mr added that he had looked into possibili ties for grants but found that neither the provincial government nor the Ontario for it unless people indi cate an interest in preserv ing said He added thai the the atre has been well suppor ted by summer residents but that local people were not its main supporters Actual expenditures by the tout ship are expected to be down by over last year The biggest single category of expend res is public includes The Regional charge NORTH GWUXIMBVRY Public School Separate Public School Separate OLD GEORGINA TSA Sutton North Gwilllmbury Separate order has mill rates instead of one cover ing the whole township r a r Gerry Mintz said Hie lower bud get was due to a policy of expenses that the council has pursued He mentioned the fact lint services for new will be paid for by the and will no be borne by Hie township as a whole as it has In the past Following is a table show ing the mill rales set this year by Council and how they compare with last years side Hal commercial Police Chief Bruce Craw ford of lying during Mondays Council meeting The accusation came fol lowing a discussion of Hie len ders for a new fire truck in Kcs- Councillor Jim read a letter from Chief Crawford thai the police need the third bay in the KeswiiK fire hall for equipment and that it would not be available to Hie fire department Councillor Lyons then sta ted the chief told him to go abend and get the third fire truck and that the hay be available for the new truck This letter makes me a liar and makes Chief Crawford a liar the councillor said Mayor George Burr acted angrily Lyons charges This should brought up here popular outcry was made and a leader came forward Hi en the barn might be saved he support It is the last theatres in North America Mr Sib lamented He reminisced about the weekly parties he and his wife Barb used to have in their home for the cast of the current plays June is the deadline After that The Red Barn Theatre will only be his- New arena can be open this year council told NEWMARKET kefs second arena will be in use by next December if Queens Park officials approve The subdivision plans were approved by town council late last year and received regional Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs Min ister Construction Ltd a Homes subsidiary Coun Ray chair man of the towns recreation committee said if Ontario does nt approve the plan by early fall we wont be into the arena by next year lady field has agreed to start construction on the The final plan approved by the region calls for the acre with single fam ily homes and semidetached units a 27acre arena site on which Iadyfield will build an of the subdivider Air beefs about police nitpicking lllingworth HDP nomination meeting NEWMARKET riding New Democrats will bold a nomination meeting Thursday night to select a can didate for the next federal elec tion York North riding association president Grant Dale aid Monday S Wfllly 32 of Rich mond Hill has declared that he will seek the nomination Mr Gustar Is a truck driver with Canadian National JACKSONS POINT The nitpicking attitude of some York Regional policemen was the focus of a closed meeting here last week between regional politicians and police officials Aurora Mayor Dick llllngworth told The Era But another mayor Bob plaints wei ture and that Mayor worth probably was the only po tions of Chief Bruce Crawford The meeting was called to allow councillors to air their beefs about police operations Mayor said When questioned after hotseat session Chief Craw- fords reply was I have nothing Later however he did com ment on a complaint from se veral councillors that some offi cers have been discourteous when handing out tickets to policemen are instruc ted to be courteous at all times and if theyre not theyll be found out the chief said Mayor said most councillors at the meeting agreed that police protection is told The Era his chief complaints were about the nit- picking attitude of some offi cers and the police forces for a good image a public rela- said Chief Crawford contended that stepped up enforcement in such areas reflects better police pro- FUROR OVER MAYORS LANGUAGE York to study upper Holland River cleanup created when ho synonym NEWMARKET kel Mayor Bob For for human excrement as York Regional Council considered a proposal to expand Auroras sewage treatment plant to its maximum capacity Council finally approved preparation of draft plans for and Richmond Hill Mayor Bill language Monday night Regional Coun Ray told New market council the study wc can clean up our stream be fore it hits town Aurora which is allowed heavier sewage discharge than fouls the Holland River at Newmarkets expense n 1orl stream full of shouted s and unfairly restricting flows from Newmarket After Mayor choice of words had time to sink in Mayor Lazenby suggested Chair- interest of preserving decorum He didnt say he said shoot interjected Mark- ham Councillor Jim Jongeneel Excrement OK Mayor retorted Mayor Forhan Its the same point If theyre allowing pounds upstream See page It may be heading for the moon but it will never get the ground In fact its the In itial construction stage of New markets new water tower at the corner of Sutton and Davis Dr Council decided Mon day when finished it will be painted white with a