THE ERA Aurora td Mb The Second Section District News Entertainment Thirty students from Park Avenue Public School In Holland Landing recently spent three days living in a reconstructed century frontier outpost SalnteMarle Among The Hurons near Midland As part of the experience three centuries ago Park Avenue Public School Michael and hearing finding History class experiences life in century post MIDLAND Thirty Park Avenue Public School studies to make pupils realize that their commu grade and students under leadership of history nity country or white is full interesting teacher Doug experienced the adventures of backgrounds students with opportunities llih century living recently when they enjoyed a lo solve historical problems for themselves through threeday LiveIn at SnintcMorle Among The the use of knowledge and to introduce the curri Midland culum and make students time in school a more Also accompanying the student group as super interesting anil satisfying experience visors were Cathy Kiefer Sharon Saunders Upon arrival at the Park Avenue and Michael all of Newmarket High students after unloading and slowing their gear in School the mission buildings started out with a film show SaluteMarie Arming The is a threeacre ing followed by a lour of SatnteMarle and the Ontario government re cons I ruction an ancient museum then began the experience of the Jesuit mission and frontier outpost which in 1G39 rigors of living and sleeping in the smoky was Ontarios first European community Close by century dwellings heated only by huge stone fire the palisades and bastions of old Marie is places tho modem Orientation Centre inrorporatng twin Through the rest of their unique visit the stu theatres and Museum dents cooked at the fireplace oven in the cookhouse The LiveIn began as an educational experi worked at projects in history science and geography ment early in and since that date many student explored the museum and surrounding country in cluding a visit to Martyrs Shrine the Wye Marsh the experience SainteMaiie Wildlife Centre and SaimIgnace They held discus In a letter to the parents of the Park Avenue sion groups seminars singsongs and played a var iety of games including lacrosse plans of the upcoming trip to Doug At the end of the visit there was unanimous Park Ave history teacher Doug administers discipline to Leslie Blunt with utensil used for putting halting Into he In the cookhouse teacher Doug peers into a pot from is ladling out food to Don Others In photo Randy Maries Chris Antler Michael and Ron Broad ft m ajUV J J Favorite sport of the Hiiro Indians for tth m the Jesuit post was fitfully was lacrosse Above Susan losses the ball at the threeacre post for a game Furniture and fixtures In the reconstructed is authentic as historians and crafts I could make hem Reds are of split logs and for springs use saplings over which sleep ers put blankets or wolf skins Above Debbie Hodgson and Pat Johnston snuggle down In sleeping bags In the candlelit fireplaceheated dwelling