Aurora Keswick Out Wed May IT im WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING PRESCRIPTIONS If Era readers really want to know What Peo ple are Doing they sho uld phone the CNR in Newmarket Mary Mc- Gouens phone number was mistakenly changed to that of the CNR in a former member of Canada Olympic hockey The I last t John George Snider of Lindsay Is Ken here with his bride Joan fallowing their wedding In March at Duffs Presbyterian Church Mr Snider Is the son of Mr and George C H Snider of Newmarket Have you heard of him Many centuries ago king bore this name ami was proud of it He was so proud of his name that he had it carved on a great pillar which he had erected In the land he ruled Tie rejoiced because ho had defeated many nations ruled many people and that he had made his name famous Many years passed The city where had ruled crumbled The pillar with his name top pled The sand covered the Inscription Many later arcbenlogists uncovered the monu ment ami read the dim lettering The question that was asked was Who Is Ozjmandias They had not heard of him How typical this Is of life How easy it is to rejoice In authority or power over some people be cause of our particular position or situation Wo rejoice over our successes The fact that some affairs of business or life arc dependent upon us is egobuilding We flex our muscles and assert our authority Then slowly we discern that none of this is permanent We begin to realize that we may well of For most of us it generations hence in a bit of history the only response would Who is There Is a place where if there Is no threat or possibility of their being told his disciple there this would be rejoicing was not too bad Many callers quickly learned that the night Rapido train from Montreal has been on lime all The number to call fri ends is In Mr and Mrs Earl of Newmarket have returned home from a twomonth vaca tion In Florida They spent five weeks at Pan ama City and t at Madeira Be couple also visited St Louis and New Orleans They paid a visit to St Petersburg won Is Ihc former r at Victory Baptist Church in Newmarket Many former teach ers at Pickering College returned to Newmarket last weekend for the annual running t e Quaker Relays Found er of the event R other ex staff members Ed Richardson now at Park Collegiate local resident Fred Ha- of the Ontario Col lege of Art and Mayor Bob ForKan Mr Billy Wat- in York County Hospital following a third opera tion on a severely dam aged left leg He is re ported in good condition He was injured last Nov 30 when he was hit by a skidding car in Toronto while unloading the trunk of his own car The wrestler who was suit of the accident has already spent three months In hospital Let The People Praise Thee O God what Is really significant Monument announcement are to be unveiled tomor row night Is the latest word from