PHONE 8952331 Newmarket 7274024 Aurora You Can Rely On ERA WANT ADS of Readers In Northern York Region PHONE 8952331 Newmarke 7274024 Aurora Newmarket Homes You Can Afford 22990 With Lol Included from down njha Mortgages 3640826 or 6309290 NEWMARKET PHONE pun I Orchard llcnli iirihiuiuri If No I I per acre H LTD KB ALT OH 181 Egllnlon Avenue Bast Toronto 12 Ontario ROBERT LIMITED Try 4000 down room delnched brick Attractive storey attached Tastefully decorated finished roe roon modern family size kitchen with toads pi inrd and double stainless- steel Arch type entrance enhanced by Coach lamps Owner transferred Call Jack bedroom home walk- out from dining room to and deep lot for those hot summer days a swim- ming pool extra pe washroom finished family room excellent area of 8V- 1st mortgage Musi bo sold All offers con sidered asking only it in todo sole homo bedroom extra condition throughout Ac Building on I down poymenl I Dream Home 54500 down Huge storey solid Asking CALL COLLECT 2392781 Robert E Lawson Realtor LIKE NEW DOWN WEST SIDE OF TOWN CORNER miles with cement bidding lots of room on lor perking Very soil- 521500 LOT BEDROOMS Ths nearly no store se i locolcd on bads onto YONGE ST AURORA AURORA Toronto it- 337 ROYWOOD Cadillac Resale down Solid brick delected home bright large lol condition Asking J Possession CALL COLLECT Robert E Lawson Realtor CASE Realty limited Si Aurora Toronto King City 8335316 SPIRAL TOWN COUNTRY DOUBLE HOUSE Aurora Office or lege secluded Oreo Seeing is n one Full nil- Futurama Investment Company Ho MAIN ST Toronto ON of lovely three bedroom alum nestled among trees on a large 240 Large open styled living room with to ceding log burning fireplace good lovely tiled 4 bathroom altaci ami Advertise Weekly For Best Results LAKE SIMCOE Seven room cottage treed lot private bead COURT STREET Two storey aluminum siding three bedroom kitchen oil heating Asking Three bedrooms stucco bungalow FA healing lot 50 132 full walkout lias the demands of our many Resi dential commercial and farms Call INVESTMENTS PROPERTIES We presently have a food selection of Income properties for your viewing for further In- NEWMARKET Car wash Industrial bo purchased as going and building modern store In lit i County Hal Board 3 Farm for Sal Rent Wanted In Will Lot for Sale Wanted lh41 VIM pm tliilldlnij permit I la I i