Ik In Ikmrir Mai April in SUMMER jjjj SPORTS REGISTER i mm n tent at the to tie three m pant In Ml rtilMraUMW 1 the af the 1 Newmarket player while la the ramie New Market Soccer AimkI Hen people up At tot rllhl hind corner members of the Eail GwlHlmbury-Newmar- krl Softball are registering some la all three -port- the organ eagerly awaiting the dryer weather for the nut of he im tea- White THE SPORTS a ERA Rays Gulf in new league NBWMAIIKKT Hays senior fast ball lenm will bo playing world champion Rich- Hill liis In league piny this owner liny told IcnjjlK will include New market Tonys Bunny from North York Knob Hill Farms and Hurl I un ion The season nets un derway the last part of Knlfiht will lake and Sunday mornings am to noon until ground outside dries up has been ill throughout Bruces Aces and Burling take league titles NEWMARKET The Newmarket day Night Ladies Bowl ing League closed out Its season lest week with Aces taking the team trophy with 58 points Nigh Helen and Pauline topped the final nights scores with a triple and a single high of Auckland wis Newmarket I dumps Alliston 91 in opener NEWMARKET Newmarket I dumped Nottawasaga to open the sea son lost Saturday was an exhibition match Newmarket dominated the yame on the wet and windy playing field and went ahead 30 on goals by Andy and A Mills replied with a goal to make the score Under consistent pressure the defense was powerless to stop Newmarket from scoring six unanswered goals Registration for the Newmarket Minor Soc cer Association has been going well for the past three weeks Anyone- who would still like to re- Shier may contact Cole at 8052705 or Rill Campbell Mr Campbell told The Era that minor soc cer program will get underway as soon as ground is dry enough There will I Saturday market legion this coming POWER SKATING SCHOOL MAY MAY EAST GWIUIMIURY COMMUNITY CENTRE SHARON IS f incept ol Poo is oriented to tho The is laugh IS I I I I This I I I FEE REGISTRATION DATES APRIL 22 1 Central I I SKATING MANAGED BY JOHN A EDWARD FLETCHER JOHN BBH1 sac third eluded Evans and Ethel Winter and Alma For tor and 240 Betty- Hope and Flora Forfar and 250 and Eves and FRIDAY LADIES Burling took first place in the Friday Night Ladies playoffs last week with a total pintail of Mem bers of the team Includ ed Norma Tansley cap tain Ida Dot Chapman Carter Anne Jones Marion Ro berts and Flora Forfar Armstrong I n I i playoff single high Eves am Young was not far be- Mary Simlnuk week hind at and Olh- and and Joan West with a or top bowlers included lake and 212 Clip this coupon if you are interested in the future of your land air and water in ihe future northern development jVv I not to Icivc dec is ion making only to other people I want to be involved in the Man and Resources program to help formulate politic and solutions lo issues affecting man his rel ip tii tin i I have not heard about Man and Resources Ihroughi membership in my organization Tell me how I can become involved To Mr Hummel Chain Ontario Committee Man and Resources Park TORONTO 1 Ontario man and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J WERE SORRY FOLKS BRAD WALKER IS COMPLETELY SOLD OUT OF MR FORDS 1899 MODEL BUT WE HAVE A GREAT SELECTION OF NEW AND USED CARS TORINO MUSTANG THUNDERBIRD MAVERICK PINTO LINCOLN MERCURY MARQUIS METEOR MONTEGO COMET We Guarantee The Besl Deal In Canada or Money Back PONTIAC WAGON LOW MILEAGE BEAUTY 3595 1970 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN I Co- WALKERS SALE PRICE 2650 1966 FORD CUSTOM 500 2 DOOR SEDAN WALKERS SALE PRICE 1050 1971 FORD CUSTOM DOOR HARDTOP MAVERICK WALKERS SALE PRICE FORD GALAXIE DOOR HARDTOP WALKERS SALE PRICE 2450 1972 EL CAMINO WALKERS PRICE 1971 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP WALKERS SALE PRICE 3175 WHOLESALE SPECIALS TOYOTA DOOR 1964 COMET cylinder COMET cylinder Li No ONLY CORVAIR Convertible 215 ONLY BRAD WALKER 22 POINT GUARANTEE SALES HOURS BRAD WALK FORD MERCURY LTD 567 DAVIS DR NEWMARKET