Bra Newmarket Aurora Kemlck April ml THE ERA York Since DAVID HASKELL TERRY CARTES JOHN Regional fire and police alert system needed with a number of injuries I minimum of damage The fire was confined to a few slows on Auroras main street and efficient efforts of four fire departments Is credited with keep ing damage slight The fire was discovered by a passing mot orist and reported at pm to the answering service which handles fire calls The Aurora Fire Department was on the scene In almost seconds and within a few min utes was fighting the fire The passing motorist noticed there were no police on the scene Region of York police head quarters were informed of the fire and their records show the call was received at Within minutes Ihe police were on the scene and traffic was soon being rerouted smoothly It Is the answering services practice to inform the police department immediately there la a fire and its location There is no evidence that the police were Informed and there Is no evidence that not informed It therefore must be as sumed that police were told of the Aurora fire because It has been in the past an automatic reaction of the answering services operator On Jan 13 1072 Region Council adopted an engineering committee roporl dealing with fire protection throughout York A paragraph In the report from Regional Fire J Davidson dealing with communication reads At the present time a system of radio communication exists manned 21 hours daily 365 days yearly equipped to handle any genc within the Region with facilities to acti vate tie alarms of any Fire Department within the Region This system has been operational since August and to this date has failed to reach the potential for which it was designed This is due primarily either from the lack of detailed knowledge of the system or the feel ing of Fire Chiefs that it may reflect upon their adequacy The Engineering Committees recommend ation which was adopted by Regional Council stated that Mr Davidsons report be circulated to all area municipalities and their fire chiefs The other recommendation was that a meeting be held later In the year with invita tions extended to all area municipality fire chiefs to discuss this report with the engineer ing committee presentatives of Regional Council has taken Fortunately the Incident at Aurora last Friday was minor and no serious damage occur red as a result of the delay in informing police But It Is vital that a system of communica tions one which has been available since August he put use as soon as possible A meeting of Region of York fire chiefs the Regional Fire Coordinator and Regional officials should be called immediately to estab lish a communications system which will be foolproof Cleaning the Holland underway A hope cherished by Newmarket citizens for many generations that the Holland River and Us banks can be cleaned up and made into a beauty spot for the towns downtown core is finally realization Newmarket town council set the wheels in motion last year and have secured the whole hearted backing of the South Lake Con servation Authority Preliminary engineering studies have been completed and the scheme favored by the town would reroute Tannery Creek the branch of the Holland River used by Aurora for sewage Assessment allied from this land alone will go a long way towards offsetting the towns costs In the project If ihe townconservation authority scheme receives the necessary backing senior provincial officials who control the Authoritys spending Ontario through the Authority will pay of the projects cost and the town the The Holland River could become Newmar ket most attractive feature a park many miles long as beautiful as the Wesley Brooks Conservation Area is now We hope the scheme wont run into the usual maze of roadblock which seem to endless delays in other projects Inch have Old Ontario John River Drive Pork spent much hi during retirement sketching Ontario foil building Above is Auroro It rollrood some time When built It wo well out end leporoled the Iron the little ions drawings The Ems rood- Please foe free to send vours All we ask is you name and address rylng bull ft NEWSROOM NOTES 1853 Aurora was end of the line carter Last week in The the Ontario AntiPover ty Organization wrote regarding the recent con ference The Quality of Life for Senior criticizing the experts on the elderly As the person mainly responsib le for the planning and election of the panel I feci I should reply I would like Mr Arnold to know that I sincerely whole effort was to be a live In part the sounding board for the panel members were in voice of the elderly This deed experts and In aim was emphasized all where they through iho months of had been fighting for planning and in years to improve the lot at the preliminary of older people for this the organizers were de lighted when the seniors took over the and sounded off The final left no doubt also that the seniors know that they nave not been heard from enough in the past and that the will dale that If 1 had not known The Toronto the first locomotive ever built In Canada and said to he the first to pull a passenger train in Canada arrived in Corners now Aurora on a sunny May morn ing In 1853 She had been built in the Toronto foundry of James Good under the expert supervision of brothers Samuel and James Sykes Three years later Samuel established his own foundry in Newmarket and soon built it into one of the largest in Canada He also built the large Vic torian home on the southeast corner of Main St and Ontario St James stayed in Toronto and it is through the kindness of his granddaughter Miss Kelly of Wlllowdale that much of following information about The Toronto was obtained Toronto iron locomotive no steel except for tho bell the whistle and the lamp ami these were brass She was put together with no end of experimenting Canadas locomotive that honor fell to The Lady Elgin a US Import Lady Elgin was a construction locomotive and was used to build the line from Torontos waterfront to Corners When the Sykes brothers had completed The Toronto at the Good Foundry on Queen St near Victoria St she was pinchbarred along Queen St and down to Front St where there was a turntable to put her on the tracks The 25ton locomotive made the 6day trip on temporary rails taken up and relaid as she moved along at an average feet per hour The Toronto had two drive wheels on each side and each wheel was feet in dia meter She burned picked up along the way and carried a tender full behind her and birds eye maple It took a few days after her arrival at Front St for the Sykes brothers and their crew to ready the new iron wonder for the journey On May conductor John sold the first railroad tickets ever sold in Canada as The Toronto got up steam real Canadian steam manufactured from Lake Ontario water and birds eye maple Who needs generation gap There is a growing philosophy among young people that goes something like this Work Who needs it The theory has a number of foster parents One of them Is the exceeding ease with which one can get on the welfare rolls these days Why work when one can draw enough welfare for a pad however humble grub and smokes Then there is unemployment insurance This Is even better than welfare to fall hack on though It does require the stint of that fourletter word were talking about Work for a few months gel fired on sonic pretext loll hack on the mattress of un Ins until It runs out work again fur a little while and repeat the process This is a way of life for some young people and they make no hones about It It doesnt occur to them that its merely a refined form of stealing and in dont think theyd used to he known as simple honesty In cases the majority believes firmly that its bad to steal from a friend but its j ft all right I wonder whore they got that idea It could not possibly be from hearing their dads talking about beating the tax collector or their moms exaggerating an insurance claim Could It Back to the subject What else influences this comparatively new nonaltitude toward work One is purely economic They are com pletely frustrated by the free enterprise sys tem under which they have been raised It still offers great opportunities for the few who have enterprise and luck Well how many of us have both You can have all tho enterprise thats lying around hut If you havent luck youre a perpetual bank rupt can bo a real hut If you dont Their real beef against the system of course is that it does not work It docs not create eno ugh jobs Therefore why get on education why even bother looking for work if there isnt any Another influence or lack of it is that of the church It used to have two firm allies In the establishment and the work ethic The church hasnt been able to cope It Is tarnished by its association with the other two and the young people have turned their back on it though I dont think they have lost the faith Theyve merely lost respect for that massive body of rules and dogma and an honest days work for an honest days pay and the insis tence that while life is pretty rotten everything will be groovy in heaven They are young im patient and simply will not buy that As you may have expected or hoped or given up on I am trying to make a point Im not against the attitude If I didnt like work Id quit tomorrow But there is nothing enno bling In work itself Its an utter drag unless you like what you are doing The other morning I was driving one of my students to school Hes a big husky lad who has shovelled out my drive at times of stress Asked him what he was going to do wien he finished school Well Im going to work for a year then maybe go to college Asked him whether he couldnt get a student loan I dont want one I dont wanna owe any body anything He continued My parents would give me the money to go to but I wont take it Theyve worked hard all their lives for it Why not let them enjoy whats left At this point I ran off the road and killed two girls from middleclass parents who were confident that despite the fact that they have no brains their parents would send them to college and that they would there find a hus band and one boy who had told me he was going to extort every penny he could from the government In loans and grants and never pay them back The fare was slightly over two cents a mile and the journey to Corners occupied about two hours average IS miles an hour There were two cars a baggage car com bined with a smoker and one flatlopped pas senger ear Both were decorated with over crowds so thick gathered at each station along the way thai a railroad official had to walk ahead of the train clearing the track with a long staff The Toronto returned the city the same day having burned several cords of wood and scared the daylights out of most of the livestock in York County Water for her boilers came from the many streams Iho tracks crossed Toronto was no longer a country town but a railroad centre And the old five- foot gauge outside rigged wood eating Tor onto with its two big drive wheels on each side was the biggest tiling that ever tooted a whistle or rang a bell in Canada up to that time boasted a Toronto newspaper later Both The Toronto and The Lady Elgin her built uirklei ila met the fate reserved for nearly all the steam locomotives which were to follow them during the next 100 years The Elgin being too light for heavy trains was used for shunting at until The Toronto was used as a shunter at the Front St terminal Both were eventually broken lip and sold for scrap iLsardinj the pan el No they were not chosen because they were over but bo- of I I a 1 con- as health matters how to lighted to help on the panel which was most ly a and ans wer session they char ged no fee and provided their own transportation Just a reminder to are senior adults to them as poor Is Incor rect However great many old people are liv ing on the Old Arc Secu rity pension alone and people on the com- organizing the well worth the el and now the older pie themselves arc with Chairman Committee BILL GAMBLE- girls look like girls Last spring we men had a big scare when some yoyo in the fashion business prophesied Ihe demise of the miniskirt Fortunately how ever the mini survived and it was my best hope that the same yoyo would be crouched over ids drawing board redeeming himself by planning the destruction of female trousers A quick look at this springs fashions how ever tells me that he had nothing of the sort in mind Not only are female trousers still in along with all the other accessories that make them look like men but the very latest in wo- Putting women in trousers for all to me at least more perverse than me ssing as woman because a man in drag status of manwoman relationships I have been preoccupied in the past by the apparently in creasing effeminacy of men In recent years au even greater worry overcame me and that is the in isculinizatlon of Canadian womanhood As a result of a concerted effort on the part of fashion arbiters women are now beginning to which pays tribute to 1 first locomotive Canadas 1ok llk tricky And the Implications can be very Belles of am York BL This weeks twite is Kathy Kitchen 15 at in the five year Iris ami Science program 3H soloist in the recently held lit- school vol leyball team am will he taking part in track ami in the hih np events In summer anil is a member of the ladies team by Robert White A I dresses for male customers But women dress like men they are in effect at tempting to attract men Why Do they figure that men have lost interest in the girlgirls Do they think this is what men want Is it a case of themjointhem Or dont they The whole thing can have many shatter- ing ramifications What for come of the female impersonator Will things eventually reach the point where if transvestite wants to look like a woman he has to wear trousers and boots Or docs a normal man really want for a mate a woman who j when walking with him on the street is pracJ indistinguishable from his brother I expect that many advocates will agree that the idea of dressing women in allied to the era in history we are now In the past a few eccentric ladies seen in public in trousers but there mad rush on the part of other women to late them Every time I kick up a fuss about pant styles for women certain fashion people jump to their defence by pointing out the practicality of such styles for presentday life in the city But I dont buy It In my opinion there Is less necessity for pant outfits today than in earlier periods of history Todays women spend their indoor time In wellheated buildings and of their outdoor time In cars Unlike th men of the old west they are seldom upon to fight Indians Pioneer women the prairies in billowing skirts Suffragettes the streets in long narrow skirts Just about I most impracticable costume imaginable for llancc or coupling in cars will be fraught with frustration On the surface there doesnt appear to be I much we can do about It but we must at least try Men everywhere should voice their protests effectively I hesitate to sound hopelessly archaic but I I cannot help thinking that It Is sort of nice for girls to look like girls and wen like me I am wrong then we may at last be entering I an era when equality of tho sexes could threa ten to end in cancellation of the race