The En If lfTl NEWS Newmarket town Ontario Municipal has completed Its fairs Deportment budget but cant re- lal veal whether there will The budget Is being bo a tax Increase lit studied by the Queens town or not until the ark officials this week budget l approved by Ontario Public Works IN BRIEF FROM TOWN HALL WALKATHON MAY 6 T JOHN AMBULANCE HAPPY CHATTER WHEN COLD CUTS TV ON THE PLATTER 4l C0TTA6E ROLLS 65 COD FILLETS 79 BEEF LIVER 65 POLISH SAUSAGE lb CAN BE BEATEN WITH A lift AM A CHEQUE THE EXPROPRIATION ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND LIQUIDATION WAREHOUSE SALE OPIN TO PUBLIC UP TO CONCESSION LINE Underwood Broadloom Mills they will lake over the old town hall and market building from the town or not The department Indi cated Interest In taking over and renovating the building for use as a courthouse last fall and who linn MfP Hill Hodgson o arrange a meeting between Works ami town officials You can qualify for college through Senecas College Preparatory Program Program starts May 8 Occupational Training Division Ext SENECA COLLEGE OF ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY coop Oils and Greases BONUSES 8952349 SCHOMBERG SUTTON AND GREASES PRESCRIPTIONS called for and delivered Anniversary Sal on JAMIESON NATURAL VITAMIN SPECIAL 200 io SPECIAL ie Reg SPECIAL JAMIESON NATURAL VITAMIN C MO SPECIAL NEWMARKET HEALTH FOODS Old Don Mills ftaClQg7 AUCTION Articles required for the Rotary Club of Aurora Auction Sale to bo held SATURDAY MAY Old lGA Store Wellington SI Those wishing contribute please call pickups town recreation facility A delegation of club members suggested se veral weeks ago that the Lions Club and the com millet join forces to con struct a million com munity centre The club suggested lhaf the town seek cash instead or buildings from Hie two developers who have promised a new wimming pool lub spokesman Ernie on Id then undertake to BONANZA RESTAURANT STEAKHOUSE 255 Main Street Newmarket 8952111 Straits arc a Specialty AND INCOME fox Consultants 34 Yonge StS Aurora 7276932 The initio stead to raise to 150000 for an addition g the arena Instead dm equipment must be A Iwoncek learn to swim program will be by the New- market Applications for the Trustees award contracts AURORA Carctak- contracts worth 263877 for Janitorial duties in five public schools and one high school have been award ed by the York County Hoard of Before contracts I lamed th OPEN WEEK NIGHTS UNTIL PM PRESCRIPTIONS doane halli PHARMACY ST AURORA Swimming Pools Early Spring Specials Above Below Ground Specials 18x36 Rectangle Hexagon x 30 Rectangle 20x41 Rectangle 1599 Package 349 859 15 Package Round 6 Top Rail SALES SERVICE SUPPLIES Phone 8953302 I NEWMARKET in unity luring the vening hours Largest chunk of the or Janitorial services el he new Aurora High Too late to classify Cortina 111 Sponsored by Heres in offer from Palmar Snorts tWiicli mattes it pos sible for every family to have llicir own pool Come on In mil see tins beautiful above Pion eer Pool flic Classic Early Spring Special 2125 month Will NOTHING do I POLMAR SPORTS SALES SERVICE ST NEWMARKET UNDERNEATH THE WATER TOWER 8955146 Club Free coffee wedding inrer I PLAZA TIRE SPRING SPECIALS I NEW j FIRESTONE PREMIUM TIRES 2 FRONT END BRAKE RELINE Most Cars PLAZA TIRE 8951421 Come home inaDatsun from YORK NORTH