In Wei Ale ten HONDA THEONlTfYTOOO Plus Pat BRICrSSPORTSCENTRE a J t Call Aurora Figure Skating Club PRESENTS SINEW SATURDAY APRIL AURORA COMMUNITY CENTRE 2 A PM RESERVED SEATS Our Town On Ice this weekend NEWMARKET at wall being a The Annual New- of he North market Figure Skating MarieEllen and Novice thli Club winter carnival nard were he In 1971 and were don Our Town On Ice place thta coming Saturday and Sunday at the Newmarket Arena The show year hai the theme The of Ot and the children have been very hard to make the beat carnival ever The performance will be Saturday 130 pm and 8 and Sunday at pm Tickets are for and centa for children un der 12 age Tic are available at the Newmarket Arena year Diane Hal will be featured soloist with Marie Ellen and Bernard che doing a pain rou tine Mill Hall placed SCIENCE MECHANICS Tested and Voted THE ARRIS TO SAT TIMES EACH DAY EXCEPT SAT 900 SAT only 8 SUN A TUES I MURIUM iMlffllOllMO who saw WOO Members of the Newmarket Skating club show off their costumes for the upcoming Our Town On Ice this coming weekend From left to right In front you see Theresa Taylor and Barbara In back are Shirley Jeff Linda and Allison Huntley White photo Midgets take consolation trophy game season last week end by winning the Con solation Championship the second annual Bay Midget Hockey with great skating and alert defensive work The Palmer-Drew- all four goals but the as a cam effort In the first period with ripping slap shot from the ice when he checked then blasted a shot high into the net white New market was scored In the final frame before Kelly Smith knocked In Mai jus blue line The i iirr if their second game against although the rules specify he winner will be deter mined by shots on goal and the local buys out- shot IT Newmarkets point- the consolation riles and defeated Lindsay Trenton anil to take the title The mid final fiame which they won was one of the most flames of the entire tournament Oshawa hail Oakvllle 100 to get Into the final Dennis rough hilling I Captt John Wall ltd the It Mark was speared In the sto mach and Paul Drew was knocked flying when he was kneed Palmer got his sec ond goal of the game In an excellent ploy from Paul Drew put the fl a trophy by Toronto Harrington In a ceremony end the game Sunday night Captain John re ceived the team trophy from MaeDonall Lind say tied It In the final minutes but dominated the game Coach Alan SI John filling In for I the next year the first game Thornliill went ahead liefore Paul Drew coun tered late in the second in a nice play from Kel ly Smith There was no attend the tourney was delighted when the del ottos finally found the net against Trenton tcr several low Workouts to start for EG juveniles PRICE NEWMARKET NEWMARKET The snow Is not off the ground yet hut the Fast Newmar ket juvenile team will start workouts tomorrow night In the gym of Prince Charles Public School The team will again he sponsored by Norm Burling with Wal lace as coach and Will Wyall as manager This year the team will play In the Toronto Junior Softball League hut will pm the Newmarket Fairgrounds with the season getting underway i the be at the Ncwmai Fairgrounds May 1 21 First money I the tourney Is grow the ID way with a low- cost Personal Loan hit TniuU Gil REPAYMENT PL ssi II4 S3 Toronto Dominion PETER BOYD Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd Fine Co Rill include Vlo MANY MORE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM PETER BOYD ChevroUtOldsmobile Ltd KING CITY 8335301 the midgets in front with the going to Wall Illg John got the first of two goals seconds la- the tally from do- fensoman Dave Stairs Kelly Smith got the clubs fourth goal with assists going to Drew The Renault offered more passenger room with easier more trunk space belter brakes more comfort tin standard and to get keep you going on Ice mud THE RENAULT CAN BE SEEN TEST DRIVEN GREENWOOD RENAULT INDUSTRIAL RICHMOND HILL RENAULT SERVICE AGENTS FOR NEWMARKET DISTRICT DEMOS FOR SALE 72 RENAULT radio Fully Equipped RENAULT lie Vinyl T Radio RENAULT SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS Dont lol tho hoi summer slow down yourgolupandrjo Slay fresh as a daisy all year long by creating the freshness of spring in your homo Complete comlort isnl away if you already have a forced air heating system Just add a central cooling unit with electronic filter and humidity control You can then enjoy your own custom climato with comforlably cool clean air in with central electric air conditioning Total yearround comfort is Within your reach you think electrically and theros oven a Hydro Finance Plan lo help you get started Call your Hydro and find out how the joys of spring can be will you every day your hydro MOORBV HOME COMFORT SALES LESLIE APPLIANCE SERVICE Aurora AIR CONDITIONING LTD BLAIR DRIVE 8956925 tIh OLIVER ENGINEERING LTD Salts Si JEFF SMITH PLUMBINGS HEATING Main Si 8954551 W Rd 8958700