Era Aurora Out Weil March ANNOUNCING ONTARIO HOSPITAL NEW BOARDING OUT PROGRAM mid pm Em Advertise Weekly For Best Results with the Newmarket Lions Club President Bill and vicepresident Is BUI Find- le secretary Karen Lee and treasurer Hob Powell Olher charter members arc Joanne Lindsay Doug Ross Karen Keffcr Ralph Reiter Kim Heed Gary Andrews John Duncan Steve and Don The club members are conducting a Walk on April 8 aid Ontarios crippled children Membership In the Is open to anyone between and Canadian Legion Notes nominated and has served the it interests of the accomplishments are the results of a hard years work Soon the floor will be asked to are lone due in mg this small token recognition of the For the information will be served at members to nominal and elect the new the Now is the lime t be giving this matte your consideration It has been almost a year now since I been submitting this col- members of is right and important right and it Is your duty to attend the meetings and exer cise this right Your properly I have pointed t the Legion the benefits Attention veteran men and dependents Officer will be in night is the HOTLINE HAS BILL HODGSON MPP DISCUSSING AIRPORT TAX REBATES TORONTO CENTRED REGION PHONE- LINE 8953603 TONIGHT CHANNEL TEN All out strong turnout for nomi nations and elections Remember every vote ladies Auxiliary shows that the recent Blood Clinic was again very successful A total of donors attended or which were rejected The next clinic will be Homeowners Call to pm lifiviaviv CALIFORNIA 449 way by way by Jot Return A 8956681 YORK DATSUN Davis Drive Newmarket We Servic USED CAR SPECIALS BELVEDERE 1895 67 COUGAR 65 PONTIAC LAURENTIAH 69 DODGE D100 PICKUP 1595 66 VW WAGON 68 DATSUN PICKUP BELVEDERE DELUXE PICKUP 795 Doesnt dent like metal never needs paint solid color clear thru stays beautiful VINYLIS FINAL period Docs net ami lite tiieh in Ores hoi amort itla Easylociean villi uiy viter si litse ses net si FREE No Obligation Nothing To Buy no conduct or lightning fesisls dm iing effects of lately filirsnt Box YES WHY I BOTHER THE ERA DOES IT ALONE Since January The Eras circulation has shown a spectacular increase Here are The Eras circulation figures February 858 March April May months ending Mar 31 8609 months ending Sept 31 9261 UP July Aug Sept Oct Here are the competitions circulation figures Bradford Witness months ending Mar 31 3458 months ending Sept31 3392 Aurora Banner 6 months ending Mar 31 6 months ending Sept 315479 Certified by the Audit Buieoii Canadian Advertising Rates and Data D Add them up and youll tee why The Era does it ALONE The Era ALONE 9587 Banner AND Witness together 8871 AND if you spend St to in BOTH the Aurora Banner and the Bradford Witness it costs a total at to reach only homes For the same advertisement in The Era you 9587 homes SO WHYBOTHER THE ERA 8952331 Serving ALL oi the Region of York