Allow Newmarket more people council urges Hap shows how the town hopes to redevelop the downtown NEWMARKET Newmar ket should be allowed to add up to 26 people to its popula tion during the next 30 years the towns new official plan will maintain This would bring Newmarkets population up to between and peo ple by the year The new official plan un der preparation for almost two years first by private planning consultants and for the past year by York regional planning staff is due to be unveiled in about a month but its basic re commendations were revealed at Monday nights council meet ing when a planning brief on the TorontoCentred Region Plan also prepared by the regions planning staff for council tabled The brief which councillors and the regional planners pre pared for Ontario Treasurer Darcy McKeough and York Reg ional Council spelts out town councils position on the TCRPs tight population celling on the area According to the provin cial scheme Newmarket and Aurora combined will be limi ted to a total of people during the next years This means a popula tion for Newmarket by 2000 Since the town is at 20000 now the ceiling would mean no new subdivisions except the two underway this year The balance of the allotment would be eaten up by infilling of small empty within the existing areas Men the brief seeks for the town would mean residential expansion to the north as far as the towns Green Lane boundary but no homes west of Yonge St or east of Sut- ton Similarly residential growth south of Mulock Side- road will be out However it does show pos sible commercial areas on the west side of Yonge St at mile long half north of Davis Dr and half south of it and bounded on the west by Rd and on the oast by future Highway In justifying the proposed increase in the TCRP ceiling for the town the brief contends In making its recommen dations to the province the brief slates it is councils op inion that the has not adequately considered the pre sent development needs of Newmarket or the impact of strictly limiting the natural growth rate of Newmarket on the ability of the town to ach ieve its longterm planning Jlj Mil Since 1 VIM Ill NEWMARKET ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 15 1972 York council slashes at 6M budget hike orders further cuts NEWMARKET For more than hours last Thursday and Friday York Regional Council must felt like the mythical Greek character Sisyphus who was condemned to push a huge rock up a I hill and begin again when it rolled back down Faced with a whooping million budget which had to be cut an exasperated and figureweary Chief asks 30 new policemen NEWMARKET York Po lice Commission directed Fri day by regional council to chop from its million 1972 budget compromised Monday on a lesser figure which will still allow it to hire ad ditional officers next year Ray a commis sion member told council Mon- day night Mr was respond- to a question by who asked if the men could still be hired and how the cut will affect New market We cant cut the but we can compromise to a de gree by debenturing some items Why should people here today pay for everything for the Jure he said the commissions new figure Friday the new men will still be hired If it doesnt Im not in a position to say just what will happen he said but later out the commission can appeal Yorks missions budget Budget cuts retain the 30 hiring of more officers Coun cillor Ray a Ion member said Monday night We cant cut the but we can compromise to a free by some it ems said Councillor He Indicated the lion Is firm In its demand for 30 More men and noted It could ap peal any refusal by regional council to the Ontario Police Commission total t If 1 spinning wheels to about council liiens still will be taxed for more than 6 million this year an increase of over the amount levied on the populace last year All cuts discussed last week are subject to change because council met as finance commit tee any any recommendations must be acted on by full council This Friday at pm council will have another go at polish ing off its budget Noting that the proposed tax levy is up 31 per cent over Mr suggested halv ing that figure to about per cent Council seemed to accept that guideline but gave no for mal direction regarding it Last year the York region al governments first budget to talled million when fin ally adopted in August The reg ion actually spent million last year to aid the transitic regional government will be the same in 1072 York officials have budgeted for identical grants and hope to convince the vince to come through again The province last transitional grants would last five years but would be scaled down annually Secondly the controversial Cyril Clarke court decision that last year reduced farm assess ment by about per cent across Ontario has resulted in drastic cuts in Yorks assess ment base In fact some coun cillors claim the regions assess- producing base has budget Yorks weekend costs taxpayers 173923 The study session was ar ranged without council ahead of time but Mayor said last Thursday he felt the expense Future siudenls at the new Rogers Public School In Newmarket prepared a message for a future generation last week The students one from each class scheduled to occupy the school helped school principal Keith Profit standing left fill a metal container which will be sealed into he cornerstone of the new school Included in It were photos of Newmarket landmarks prepared by The Era and copies of the newspaper From left the students arc Debbie Valdai Robert Rob Steven Mason Paul and Kim Diamond Standing with the principal are school board operations superintendent John and Newmarket trustee Jack White photo Pig farm experiments ended because of protests Jones BY DON BERNARD Era Staff TORONTO Environment al researcher Dr Philip Jones Jan joined in last Thursdays the gettogether valid and worthwhile be cause of the benefits from the discussions experimental operations farm two miles south of down town Newmarket spelled the end for future experiments at Dr Jones chairman of The Institute for Environmental Sciences ami at the Irmcr of Toronto conduct- oil experiments for over a year ami a half at the Hy- i reconsider its restric tions allow the town to grow to to people and maintains this is the minimum population required for New market to achieve its goal of de veloping a balanced and viable municipality The requested growth said the brief would result in an average 42 per cent annual growth rale compared with the 97 per cent rale the town has experienced in the past years The brief points out that once Highway Is constructed and it urges that a rapid transit system be built in con junction with the new highway See URGE TOWN Page INSIDE Haplcss Hector wits sent to canine school to team some manners He didnt make out so well For the story see Tor a full report on how York regional council plans to spend your tax dollars this see page 11 Fin comment pages and Drug crackdown results in 8 arrests their drive against drug offend ers here with the arrest of four young men and the seizure of a large quantity of speed Inspector Wallace said the drug scene In Newmar ket has been gutting progres sively more organized latel I Jean Paul Desaulniers 19 of no fixed address They are charged with possession of speed for the purposes of Two other Newmarket were arrested in a incident a and hashish They are Robert Thomas Warden of 3 Newmarket and Mark Anthony Raxendale 18 of Longford Dr Regional Police continued their on narcotics Saturday with the arrests of four other area men Gordon Stanley Sutton of Oak Rid ges is charged with possession of speed for the purposes of trafficking He was picked up in Richmond Hill Charged with possession of marijuana are Gordon Comis- of Simcoe St New market Michael Clubine 18 of and Daniel Baxter 18 of Queen St Newmarket They were all arrested in said detec tives arc making a concentrated effort to break up a drug ring apparently operating through- York board reveals classroom surplus There will be to make room for nearly 1000 high board to school students and empty students i Officials warned the board that students from Simcoe at tending classes in York must complete the course in York slated firmly the attitudes of both his neighbors and the town council mean that no furlher experiments will be conducted suits of the experiments He Wins nomination principal has been New Democratic Party candi date in Ontario riding for the Federal election expected this year Mr Ward defeated two other candidates for the nomin ation at a meeting here last Sunday Liberal MP Norm now holds the riding the Simcoe County School Board at a meeting held here on March Attending from the York County School Board were T C Wilson and A Grant The York board officials are exploring the possibility of making school accommodation The Simcoe board was told there was no excess accommoda tion available for public school students In the Newmarket area but there is room for some stu dents wishing to take high school technical courses discuss the situation but most felt It would not be to use Yorks extra facilities pointed out to ml market is about six miles from Bradford The Simcoe hoard decided No airport noise in towns Ottawa turbed by noise of aircraft land ing and taking off from the new international airport Transport Minister Donald Jamieson has MP John Roberts Mr Roberts said following a Monday meeting with he will be told no flight and that levels in these Give airport increased population to York Newmarket council urges annexed to York Region the mythical city of Cedarwood south of it abolished and its po pulation reallocated to Mark- ham Richmond Hill Aurora and Newmarket and its industry set up in industrial parks along the proposed route of Highway across the south of York Reg ion Newmarket council decided Monday Council concerned about the impact of a new airport and an Industrial city of be ing established on York Regions doorstep unanimously endorsed an annexation plan put forward Monday by Mayor Rob Forhan The mayors plan called for York to take over a slice of nei ghboring Ontario County give the region an opening to Lake Ontario for water and sewage treatment facilities In making his case Mayor argued that the province lively switching the t He pointed out York ac cepted the Ontario governments regional government concept accepted It would be coffers received blows from the value proper- all farm assessment because the provincial legislation had failed to distinguish between legiti mate farmers and land specula tors and again the homeowner paid and third Ontario officials recently announced a change in the residential tax rebate homeowners tax bill by Then they announced their airport he said pointing out that many York residents live in the flight path noise corri dors and so have sound grounds for appealing assessments The homeowner will pick up the difference again he They say Cedarwood wilt be developed with an industrial base right on our doorstep while we are effectively frozen he said The way to make our reg ion is to an nex that area said the mayor pointing to a map specially made for the occasion Keep the whole area around the air port green keep people away from it relocate them in York Region then our communities would become viable He said the region could build Industrial parks along Highway 407 and the assess ment could be put into a reg ional pot Council voted to ask Ontario Treasurer and Municipal Af fairs Minister to consider the plan