THE ERA Phone St Phone DAVID R HASKELL TERRY CARTER JOHN York task force on TCRP needed its TorontoCentred Region Plan work Such a sacrifice should be For instance the Ontario Water Resources Commission recently ordered a Richmond Hill sewer will have to be built This Is just example of planning at the local level being sacrificed because the provin ces overall plan isnt ready Another example Newmarket Aurora and other towns which annexed rural areas last January are living with the spectre of piece- meal planning over the next 20 years They reduced Although the large pipe was approved by both the town and regional councils Queens Park chose to use it as a tool to control popula ting to draw up sound in the next or years and hopes to control it by rationing out dollops of population now and then Thai means piecemeal planning of the term provincial policy Development in Yorks town cant be pu on stifle as the saying goes forever Its time Hon named envisions some type of development there task force of his plai York to meet a similar council so we can now and where we will stand in concerned from York re- where we stand THE Readers ERA A thanks for all those good old hockey moms This space is reserved for the comment opinions and drawings of The Eras Please feel free to send yours a long All we ask is that you your name and address To keep a boy out of hot water put htm on lee Thats one of the themes of Minor Hockey Week in Canada which starts next Saturday The Canadian Amateur Hockey Association which sponsors this week has slanted most of its publicity towards commending the boys who play the game the men who coach the teams the men who referee the games and the men who are league executives and the men who drive their sons to the hockey rink The Association is guilty of a blatant over sight they have forgotten the mothers and wives of the hockey sons and hockey fathers Who has a hot meal ready when they come home after an early evening game Who pre pares a snack for an empty tummy when theres Who goes to the store to buy skates laces Who repairs broken suspenders Who mends torn sweaters and socks Who vacates the living room when there is an executive meeting that night Who makes sandwiches and runs to the refrigerator when glasses need refilling Good old Mom thats who and its about time somebody thanked her Snotvmobilc article polarised Dear Editor the situation believing that with oil our advanc ed skills we can solve the problems rather than try to outlaw or dump Into Lake Ontar io something that is obviously here to stay the baby with the hath and ingenuity NEWSROOM NOTES A family counselling scheme for York John adds to the fire of those who would polar ize opinion These ex tremes of position arc not positive steps and do not generate we need better legislation and better enforcement of snow mobile regulations Also When a group of churches took a survey and Richmond Hill and on the need for family counselling in market and Sutton five years ago they came to the conclusion that well within the little rural They found that many seemingly respectable homes were rocking with discord They that the pressures anxieties and frustrations they thought were exclusive to city life did in councillors vho will think the dips into taxpayers pockets to provide a id pal service think the The success of the program that family counselling and education improved mach ines with regard to pre vention of noise air pol lution and hotter safety features Wo also need driver education and aspects and these should be respected The snow mobile has made winter an enjoyable time of abhor it Wo elderly or handicapped people who are having trimcmtnus and safe fun to ihe detriment of none In inn- season of running Regret council proposal seriously Dear Editor So Ontario Hydro has approached can only irlt Monte Hydros pro though aspect of what happened i BILL GAMBLE leal crusade developed which finally resulted In the creation of a phenomenally successful ser vice the Family Life Centre Now theres talk highwa by citing traffic many of us would stand up In a en whether wed use a family counselling service At the Markham the hallowed halls of received counselling last Ave of making family life a of the York Regional governments system The plan which regional family life centre Eleven church es denominations with very real differences in philosophy worked together in what Mr calls the best example Ive ever seen about persons Christian brotherhood And the people it Many of them behind every conceivable type of drovc from distant points The provincial gov- project to keep the thing going One walka- Is so impressed with the program that last year raised for the centre In a single afternoon What they did in will make It easier for other communities and York Region al Council can make it easier yet by providing the funds for salaries and employee benefits Thats the big pinch Inherent in the proposed program is local autonomy and the consequent local involvement Thats why the brief to the region will suggest the community served by a family life centre be responsible for raising about to cover Either Im towing or 11 Is speeding bough he property 1 have up Probably both which is one confused these days The other Ive always been confused The dieters may be the mini of all our good eating Espanola to tell about their work In fact BILL SMILEYS SUGAR AND SPICE Junk good for a capital gain about worth of wood there Do I pay capital Enough of that Im becoming steadily more worried I can see my entire estate going down For one thing the new tax legislation It the drain to the greedy tax collector may be manna to lawyers and accountants but else has me just about as puz- the ordinary rather stupid Canadian like the educational system Its different me its like wandering around in a bog in fog blindfolded What did I do before Valuation Days were announced Nothing I didnt have a clue where to start and besides the whole thing had about as much fascination for me as a January sale Now I discover that I should have valued P some of my precious antiques and stuff so that I could pay taxes on them when they increase in value province so that you can learn as much in twelve years in Manitoba as you can in thir teen years in Ontario That is understandable because of the difference in climate the only reason I can think of And that the centres executive board comprise persons from the community Late last year regional council decided to build a large day care centre to accommodate more than 100 children Approval of the family life centre scheme would be another milestone for a government which shows signs of caring as much about people as it does about roads and j of payment deficit and a slump in export trade Why Because Canadians have suddenly become a nation of weight watchers Weight watchers groups are springing up all over the place we now have one right here in Newmarket to which some people of my ac quaintance have been magnetically drawn and the result is that millions go to bed hungry and wake up hungrier because they are kicking the food habit and trying to keep b and s together with metered calorie products The chain of economics Is obvious enough First to feel the draught are the restaurants groceterias and butchers who cut back their orders and throw the producers into desperate confusion The waffle belt grinds to a stop the pumpkin reserves are decimated the stockyards of the west become gaping wounds in the eco nomys flank In next to no time the farmers become depressed and let their blow away Naturally they buy no new machinery and Toronto Hamilton and Montreal not to mention Windsor and Winnipeg are smitten by unem ployment the rest is familiar Slowly softly with the distant thunder popping buttons and hooks ami eyes mixed i their path like mad the fat people are on move And the thin people from sheer ncce must fight back The comes not a moment too since no one con be sure whether sugar an cream on your strawberries are now regardec as fattening or thinning agents or whether expenseaccount lunch is more likely to give diabetes or merely a chronic con I a coronary dition of an t eight probably something the Yanks ten years ago and found unworkable and have since abandoned Thais the way Cana dian education at its worst seems to operate Well I havent any stamp collections or coin collections or paintings that arc going to Increase in price steadily dont have a sum mer cottage which seems to be a bad thing to have according to the papers But 1 do have some antiques Theres the violin for example authentic handmade Beginning next September the kids and their parents choose what subjects the kid will take in high school So far so good always been opposed to the old rigid system under which you had to take math or French or some thing you were hopelessly inept at I think there should be lots of options iurely this is going a bit far The pro- instrument My Uncle Tom mado it about forty has spent millions a years ago and somehow It came into my posses- schools with all flion No one in the family has played It because tally in the technical departments there is only one string the bridge Is broken and the frame Is slightly warped Therefore its Different subjects lets say English and not just junk but almost pristine and surely History will be vying for students so that teach ers wont lose jobs The History department will make its ploy by showing pictures of nude sta tues of Rome and Greece and he Renaissance liyWsrand I got much Were going to lay In rapacious government snatch from In capital gains for that And the beds of course They are genuine antiques My mother bought them at an auction ale and they must have been 100 years old then We Inherited them and theyre probably priceless by now How about my hip waders if theyre not antiques Ill eat your hip waders Theyre so old I cant remember when I bought thorn and they are full of genuine holes Just like old furniture And where does my woodpile come in One of my oaks blew down last sunn cat Into firewood Now I didnt pay for the could teach Greek In a pinch supply of dirty modern novels and everybody at least per cent Dont tell me that a or 14 year old will choose anything except what he thinks are the easiest subjects The could lead to courses In basket weaving archery or mope and And what do I do if the principal Informs me that nobody wants to take English next year Im not a bit worried I am convinced can cook better than some of the Home Economics teach- ers and could fit in nicely there I know the and had letters of the Greek alphabet and Belles of sV- York The Bella of York this week is Cramp- at Heron Hei ghts Heather is in Business Commerce coerce ami per Site is a mem ber Ihe Club ami Coil Union in the Free nntl In- fill is working on her ami her eight lest Ibis hi ambition is Heather was also the champion Huron He- works part lime at the Dominion Robert No one wants to interfere with or their odd notions but what is the trutl of it all Are they really on the right tracl If you fed a lion with any he would d starvation because he is carnivorous Meat only thing his stomach can digest Similarly 1 you fed an elephant with meat he would j out because he is a vegetarian and cannot Midway between the lion and the I there is a large class of animals who in the pro cess of evolution have become omnivorous They I not only eat meat and vegetables but actuallj require them for robust health You and I are in this class We can live altered diets but here we are discussing i healthy individuals For us the truth is thV I none of us enough That Is to say we eat the amount of food to which our stomachs were adjusted throughout the centuries up the present generation For more than years we have in main been eating less and have lost the capacity for enjoying an adequate meal Nothing is t To what they were or more years ago our stomachs today are miserably Ineffective organs It is my own private opinion that If we desire a certain dish our stomachs by a species of remote control pours out the necessary diges tive juices before we even taste it- If on the other hand we eat what we dont want simply because we cannot live without eating our sto machs do not oblige nearly so readily and con sequently the cure becomes as bad if not worse Hun the disease ought to be fairly obvious by now ling whether voluntary or involuntary duces bouts of depression not only In centuries an as a result have known nothing bUB economic recession As Ive said the Weight Watchers are on the move urging us to cut our calories and to replace natural fattening and Invigorating foods with enervating mashes and pulps And food manufacturers wishing to expand trade natur ally remove from their products any element of taste to which the public might take exception The result is total Insipidness setting in and when this happen- than well decide thats left to eat