Accomplishments tempered with addness in 71 Rollings fort Regional council approves hiring of another solicitor for the stars and got the at last weeks Regional Council meeting Mr requested coun cil authorize the hiring of two more solicitors and two more legal secretaries The solicitors staff now consists of Mr and two secretaries Instead of granting Mr Oak request Council authorized the hiring of two secretaries and one more solicitor at a salary not exceeding per year Mr Oakes pointed out thai only experience could determine the amount of work his depart ment would have to perform After a year he said the volume of work had increased In direct relation to the work being done by various Regional committees and departments He said he Ita ficlent time lo amendments to laws and decisions The result of falling be hind in any of these cases is disastrous said Mr Richmond Hill Councillor Don suggested a recent law school graduate at per year or even a lav student as Mr Oakes second lawyer Replied Mr Oakes This is Mayor Dick llllng- r law firm lo help Mr Oak- Mr Oakes replied that the former county solicitor was pre sently helping him He asked that he be permit- led to advertise for help now so thai when the case load gels in the summer Hie new will lie with the Regions operations Council compromised by Mr lakes request wo legal To be tried for attempted murder MAYOR ROLLING sadness Our id brought into early in February followed by the official i Community Centre on March 5th which followed months of intense effort on the part people However of the official ceremonies was lessened by the loss of a few days before the opening ceremonies J Then on July first East was with its first Mayors Chain of Office the gift of Office Specially Ltd During the summer months we finaliied our Official Plan and had it approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs but once what he year has in store for us We will have a new member of council Angus Morton to share the municipal and privileges and I am sure he will find to be challenging and rewarding major changes will take place on the Mount Albert Road changes which should Improve the movement of eastwest traffic and add considerably to the safety of the motorist Vc have been assured that the installation of signals and access lanes at the Don Mills Road will begin during the spring months and that Newmarket Legion Notes to grow I strength and In the si ope of its Initiatins progressive policies re garding met her qualifications the changing of the I can look of iilcd by our own is of projects which PLAZA TIRE SALES No v Used Tires All Front End Brake Work Day Dr 895142I work on the re write sections of our zoning bylaws and to revamp various other bylaws in order that they will be more effective for present and future needs We are taking full advantage of the winter works program this year and using Federal and Provincial on Township Roads to build a hall in River Drive Park to prepare a drainage study and report to provide improvements to Community Centres as well as other clean up and improvement projects Speaking as a Regional Councillor it was with a huge sigh of relief that 1 participated In the pass ing of the road assumption bylaw in Regional Coun cil Dec a bylaw which among various roads throughout the Region of York took over the Queens effective Jan 1 The Soldiers Day Bridge on road has caused us many mo ments of anxietyit provides the most direct access around the south end of Lake Simce and carries many heavily laden trucks bound for areas far be yond the boundaries of East Gwillimbury The placement of this bridge appears to be inevitable In at too distant future and the cost of replacement I have been prohibitive to East Gwillimbury ycrs Thus have been advocating the this road by the County and the Region for poses and objectives will be carried on by the next generation It was agreed of the Legion must and always will be the wel fare of the veteran and his dependents and that the Union must ensure that no veteran Is The Legion is natural for the service minded Legion branches branches are prompt advantage of the million i a York I productive in During the early months at the Region we heard so much about It being a new ball game that irked at one council meeting I had no being struck out without having been up The tendency to guard ones own base so effort a fact that argues well for greater under standing and accomplishment in Certainty there I will be plenty of debate and rightly so Personalty impressed by tbe recognition Government and by neighboring i belief that a much greater port making process will be given prove we arc worthy of the t OPP approves new rifle range SENECA SENECA COLLEGE Of Applied Arts and Technologi 1 CALLED FOR I I EST DRUG STORE I I I EDDIE LUTHER TRAFFIC REPORTS sounds familiar A FRIGHTENING EXPERIENCE CAN BE PLAY MISTY ME CUNT EASTWOOD YourSkiDoo dealer is DQCa crazy Before you buy any snowmobile see your first Hes dealing on all avails Come in and write your own deal now The snowmobile season is just starting so get in on all the winter fun ski do o 72 ARBY SALES LTD St South AURORA Sorority ends 1971 schedule NEWMARKET Colo Nov and at A Newmarket sorority and at the Newmarket Beta Sigmn Phi Veterans Hall where a on chapter family Christmas party held its final meeting of was held Dee 5 the year Dec- at the Mrs Robert Camp- home of Mrs Roy Wood hell of Tottenham was Earlier meetings of welcomed into the chap- the autumn were held at ter at the November the home of Mrs John meeting POLMAR SPORTS SALES SERVICE NEWMARKET 89532S1 HANES ANNUAL JANUARY PANTY HOSE SALE JANUARY 15th to 22nd urn SUA amis on ly Han pantyhose in favourite n shades There Top Town Taupe Take your pick SheerToWaisl plain knit or Sheer Mesh hose in stretch Size in lion Petite i 11 to lbs Ms to lbs as well as a F size DON T OUT ON THIS SPECIAL PRICE USE OUR HANDY KIRS OP T10 CHARGE ACCOUNT NEWMARKET PLAZA 8955174 5