20 escape serious injury in school bus crash dents and a passenger in the in a collision with a last Wednesday afternoon Don Mills just south of A a fractured left leg and ported that the bus driven by travelling south of Grace Separate Schools ne Arnold Cherry cipals at both school joined in a letter of commendation to the bus driver for his actions in the accident Nora 27 of Newmar- of Mary St who needed stitches in her knee Police described the car a total wreck while the bus incurred damage to the left Miss Arnold was with careless driving police The letter to Mr commended the driver for do ing your utmost to avoid colli sion and injury It was signed lan of St Josephs School THE ERA Sine VOL 121 NO 2 ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 12 1972 NKWHABKET POPULATION CEILING TO STAY MCKEOUGH ADAMANT TCRP means poor housing mayor NEWMARKET Popula tion ceilings in the Toronto Centered Region Plan will stifle substandard accommodation Mayor Bob warned Mon day night I didnt know we gave the Conservative government a he revealed he has had a i indication from Provincial Treasurer McKeough that there will be few changes the is here to stay said the mayor Mr is the cabi net minister responsible for regional governments and the TCRP mayor said the minis ter has indieated the population ceilings for York Region will re- but that he wilt not interfere with regional councils of the population within its boundaries York Regh population of and cording to last summers Status Report on the TCRP York will be allowed to grow to about 250000 by the year 2000 The plan allocates the New marketAurora area a tola ulation of 50000 by the year 000 Newmarket is already at so It can only grow by 8000 people under the schemes limits in the next 20 or years said the mayor If the plan stands as it is a municipality in the Region will be allowed normal growth growth would be to He said the population ceil ing will mean a lot of basement apartments a hidden popu lation and a lot of people being forced to live in substan dard older homes because no new ones will be built He piedicted the province will cause municipalities a lot of problems with the TCRP but it will not take the blame for COUNCILLORS COULDNT PULL THIS OFF Newmarket town councils team despite the use Auroras Winter Carnival to the Aurora council team For photos of both own recreation director Dan Shannon and wrestler Dick of how Aurora won see page 13 Town councillors are from left Bulldog as anchormen lost the pull at last Saturdays Ray Hill Steele and While photo King employees set strike date Monday KING TOWNSHIP A strike of King Township em ployees is scheduled to begin next Monday following a near- unanimous vote last week by the two units of Local Canadian Union of Public Em ploye strike action would make it dif ficult for the township to ar range ahead of time for outside Mr Edwards said the lo cals two units the inside and outside employe wall The council of King Town- is determined to smash the in claimed Mr Edwards ted last e v accepted conditions of the which are less than those in iuch the Seek witness to fatal crash BRADFORD Oak Ridges a fatal accident near here Satur day night in which Susan Air- hart 29 of Bowers Rd Newmarket was killed She died several hours later at York County Hospital Police said Mrs drove onto Highway from the path of a north bound car driven by George smashed into the side of Mrs lows eight months of futile and sometimes bitter contract nego tiations between the union and township council I have informed the depu ty minister of Labor CUPE representative Tom Edwards told The Era and unless he wants to suggest a mediating process the strike will take place as scheduled on Monday morning Legally we can go on strike anytime after Thursday Mr Edwards Such rotating The final week of the Spot the Merchants Contest brought the most entries of the sixweek Worville of Dr New market second prize of a reliable source t The source cited council inter ference as one of the main problems and said council ap parently doesnt understand its role as a policy maker which deal with employee Township and through department heads Turn down alternate hydro route NEWMARKET Ontario Hydros alternative route for its 66foot wide transmission line rightofway brought a prompt and unanimous rejec tion from town council Monday crosses St just south of Sideroad was rejected last week by King Township council and the Hydro officials The alternative which the officials showed council cuts through Town said the official It would also add million the cost of the project Some people on King want it somewhere else said Hydro official Frank Ellis Regional Councillor Ray iking a Kings really doing us a fav or Theyre ruining industrial land kicking out our industry mug the hue through the For story on King Town ships vole against the line see Page Gulf to go Sutton told DATE FOR RABIES CLINIC NEWMARKET A free rabies clinic will be held in Newmarket Jan by the fed eral Agriculture Department wn council was told Monday It I be Of third prize voucher participated and The Era hopes to have another contest as popu lar sometime later this year through Newmarket Hill subdivision Knock out Construction Cos build ings as well as cut through a number of other properties The favored route would affect eight buildings and 38 property owners and the alter native route buildings and 78 SUTTON May or George Burrows told coun cil Monday night Gulf Oil Co had agreed to move its oil agreed that the facilities should he relocated This follows continuing charges that oily wastes have home River Glen Haven Howard Harrison heating rural market administrator told The Era Gulf Oil has spent over the past three that the oily wastes the refers to in a letter dated Dec I could not possibly be coming i earthen dyke around the property of clay Hint is im pervious to water oil and gas sec OILY WASTES page PLAN PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL FOR NEWMARKET AREA By ALICE KING TOWNSHIP More thin 100 children from central York Region could be enrolled i be found in the area Behind the campaign for the coeducational private school are about 125 families five trustees and a headmaster Theyve conducted a feasibility study and hope to hold their next general meeting for inter ested parents on the site of the master John S Pratt of King J Dunlap of Newmar ket and Edmond G of Aurora outlined their propo sal last week at the Pratt home east of Dufferin St off the KingVaughan line They described the day school concept as t areas first alternative to the public and separate school systems aside from the places for day day boys at Newmarkets Pick ering College The trustees their official body is the Country Day School Foundation declined to reveal their proposed but indicat ed they have one in mind in the Newmarket Aurora area It was last March that a group of interested parents in the area appointed Mr Pratt to conduct a feasibility study on a coeducational country d a school Since July he has been busy on a fulltime basis with this project- To date trustees told The Era families are known to be interested In the idea And attendance at the first seven general meetings on the DAY SCHOOL page CAMPAIGN Roberts to seek lid on election spending KING CITY York Sim- MP John Roberts wants election expenses to get a gentlemans agree ment from the Progressive Conservative and New Demo cratic Parly candidates In the riding setting the lim it for the forthcoming federal election which Mr Roberts indicated will be in June Mr Roberts told a press conference at his home that the Liberals spent and the PCs spent in the personally cost him manager Mike Itonan of New market will perform the same members of the GO North Committee three federal ca binet ministers and Toron to Liberal Mis will be held In Toronto on Jan to fundraising have spent as Unless something is done to curb high election only the very rich will be able to run for the House of Commons Mr Roberts said He said York Slmcoo had a history of candidates pay ing their workers during an election but he paid only a handful during election only paid a few people who worked fulltime for me Mr Roberts said He told reporters over a morning cup of coffee that he HIGH election He said the Lib eral Iarly gave hint The remaining contribu tions were nil under and ninny of thorn well tinder Mr Roberts said He said he will ask for the gentlemens agreement for the June election because it is not likely that restric tive election expenses I jilt- popularity and feels York Centre Don Deacon and lawyerrail roadcr John are also Invited to the meeting When asked to comment about the location of the new international airport Mr Ro berts replied The Federal northeast of Metro He said that no matter whore it was located It would be at least 10 years before it will be used and then mainly for freight and charter traffic Mr Roberts fell the loca tion of the airport had no bearing on any government action federally or regarding road or rail transportation facilities in answer to a question about the disposition of New markets request for assist ance to build a new town hall he said the proposal was still at Queens Park Ottawa has not received one single request from Que- Stevens kicks off bid for PC nomination with a big bash If Sinclair doesnt get the for York-Sim- he at least de an A for effort hosted a bash at the Highlands Golf Club SLNCLAlffsTI his candidacy that made most victory parties look like dull wakes The 44yearold lawyer- businessman had every thing going including pret ty girls in hot pants totting signs free drinks lapel stickers a swinging band least invited guests and a press kit worthy of a And the media was there to hear Mr Stevens told the press niter the understood the questio will be centered Toronto dont ha the whole Toronto area Mr Stevens told repor- are four specific in- being effectively handled by the Trudeau govern- He said the issues are unemployment housing and urbanization problems transportation and a lack of positive constructive program for farming The Trudeau Govern ment has shaken the confi dence of the nations busi ness community with its ec onomic ineptitudes he Mr Stevens who hopes to be nominated a meet ing at Huron Heights Sec ondary School Feb even has a campaign song writ- ditty let Sinclair Stevens do the It appears that he will get the nomination because have indicated any interest in former Toronto ted a Queens Counsel ear lier this month He was raised in and is a graduate of Hall He led group of businessmen in founding Hie Bank of Wes tern Canada in which later folded Today Mr Stevens is chairman of a data proces sing company and a retail ing concern He is a direc tor of Eagle Star Insurance Co of Canada and several other Canadian companies He and his wife live on a farm in King and the largest such the