COTTON PEASANT PRINTS Machine washable colourlast cot ton prints lor delightful peasant gowns Assorted patterns colours wide PERMANENT PRESS COTTON DECORATOR PRINTS I cotton j sew g PERCALE PRINTS SOLID OR PRINT wide Fully washable iron and cotton in fashion prints and colours For blouses sportswear playwear 100 COTTON PRINTS Hide Machne washable colon pit shrunk patterns lor sum nil A CE POL YES TER KNIT PRINTS wide washable preshrini d ip acetatepolyester In fashion inls far dresses pantsels 7 9 POLYESTER WARP KNIT pill and crystal colours 325 NOIRON LINING in a wash fast colours 45 DIGDDENIM Hey pj due- leak at this mash washable pre shrunk drip dry polyes ter denim tor all your dude duds Colour choice SOLID OR PRINT TERRY washaale terry its last ted and solids for sensational play PRINTED BATISTE Polyester and blend thats colour lasl mackiae washable drip dry fashion piints for sewlny SOLIDCOLOUR CREPE Permanent Press Polly polyester crept is fully washable drip dry Comes lonely solids for rlfM on dresses putsch 962 I OF