The Era out Wed March IT Begins Thursday Store Wide Savings GIRLS ALL- WEATHER COATS Sizes 6X Sizes 7- each cotton lhat impels rim and kiddies styles in blue nold or green older giils l do safari coat in teal blue or squash and styles lo match the group ALLWEATHER PANT COATS stylos made of lenl nylon and cotton nylon blend fabrics Assorted Spring shades to WASHABLE ACRYLIC PULLOVERS Specittl Purchase Choose from short sleeved ribbed pullovers plaquet front or button trim front All are first quality and fashionable Assorted colours to choose from Sizes CAREFREE WASHABLE FLARED PANTS Special Purchase led washable cotton fabrics the selection lh zipper fly front 2 belt Hare legs Sizes 5 r BOYS ALL- WEATHER COATS J 4 I Smaller boys style is made weatherproof nylon and cotton blend fabric with fancy lining Blue or beige Style tor 8 to 12 is in and cotton with slash pockets and contrast stitching Navy or beige SHIRTS Sinful furriiu WETLOOK HANDBAGS 19 FLARED JEANS pa 299 BANDEAU BRAS Swiss HANDBAGS each PRINTED SASHES each 89 Tender Tootsies WALKERS SEMIANNUAL 20 OFF HOSIERY SALE s Walkers own quality brand of hose and hosiery specially made by a leading of wellknown brand hues Guarnnlecd for quality and 111 pncid to you money fit small Slock up r ONESIZE PANTY HOSE Special Value tnupo 1 fils95 to lbs PANTS DRESS so GIRLS SPUING DRESSES each 499 en PRAM SUITS JUMPSUITS each POLO SHIRTS NOIRON PANTS 249 STRETCHY SOCKS MENS PERMANENT PRESS DRESS SHIRTS 299- iiolyosmi Se11 Save On Quality Linens PRINTED LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 70 GO X Rog Roq349 on Hog on MATCHING TEA TOWELS nog LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Approx 249 Best Buys in Bedding TEXMADE CONCORD NOIRON SHEETS Iltrclutwl Twin Flat ami Fitted Flat anil S69 Matching Pillow Casos pair SIDONIA DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS 279 Linen NAPKINS each PURE LINEN PRINTED TOWELS x 32 Bog 69c PRINTED EL LINEN TEA TOWELS x 49c PERMANENT PRESS TABLE CLOTHS ELEGANT BANQUET SETS Pes set Pes sol COLOURFUL VINYL PLACE MATS include Wildljte Fancies in An end Skyline Reg 4S6 li9V NOIRON PILLOW CASES Embroidered casos poly Rog pair 249 HANDEMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES lunliim1 Boxod Pair Sew Save SPRING FABRICS MACHINE WASHABLE PLAIN LOOP KNIT nog mid l midline a mil shades MM Wide 100 POLYESTER CREPE CHINE Rog yard 179 CORDOBA SHADOW STRIPE PRINTS yard le49 MULTIPLAID FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Special Iurrliaml Approx x 09 It now use your Handy Wfilkora Option NEWMARKET PLAZA It now your Handy Walkers Option