Alt Albert UCW holds election By VIOLA MOUNT ALBERT Rev Mint of Coated at the election of officers at the General Meeting of the United Church Women which was held recently Those elected are Honorary President Mrs WiOiaiB Mare Past President Dan WO- den Mrs Bern First VicePresi dent Mrs taw Secretary Art a Treasurer Afternoon Leader Mrs Aagss Harri son Evening Leader Mrs Junes Reynard Leader Mn Stewart Bin Membership Commu nity Friendship and Visiting Committee Finance Mrs Geerge Walsh Flowers Mrs Oral Jordan Stew ardship Recruiting and Christian Education Mrs Dan Th Supply and Welfare Miss Florence Brooks Program Litera ture and Communications Miss Mildred Dike Press and Publicity Mrs Jordan Nominations Mn Isaac Christian citi zenship and social action Mn Artist Date Social Mrs Elsie Grader Miss Gladys Brooks Mn in North Bay They are slaying with Miss Joanne Fleming and her family on The Era Newmarket- AuroraKeswick Oat Wed- December COMPASS RESTAURANT TAVERN ROOM Now Playing rebels Beit Show In Town Santa visited the children ward at York County Hospital last week with the help of Newmarket Ambulance attendants At left Bill Brown on bed Blake Turner Santa is holding Phil and Scaton is held by Ian event organizer In front Shane SUTTON SCENE SUTTON WEST pics for the Mentally Trimble and lis Luke The students at the Sutton from their nursing courses District Retarded School held open house for parents Mr and Mrs s 0 1 a l and friends prior to the Miehael Ottawa vb- Provincial Park reports school holidays Tea was his parents Mr and trails on the east poured by tao of the Gil I an tor side of the park are now joy open They hope that the skating rink will be ready fists So far this season weather has not been favor able for the operation of outdoor skating rinks How ever with recent falls of who helped to pack it work has commenced on a base for Ice in the Mount Albert Skating rink and if present conditions hold the rink very shortly Al though the Mount Albert Rink operates on a nonpro fit basis ft Is expected to pay its way With this in mind a schedule and charge for use of ice sur face will be posted boys greeted the guests as Mr and Mn Terry they arrived Everyone re- Near and family Michaels ceived a gift from the sister Christmas tree are George Holboni from We are reminded Windsor Marnie Walker of the drive for the Mental- Jane Tunmins John Nob ly Retarded held by CFTO- at David Mac TV from New Years jy Eve until 1 pm New Years from McMasler Pamela Day The money is to help Tom Jill sponsor the Canadian Peternoro Join EG Brownies By Harrison Dr visited friends EAST GWTLLIM a Stewart BURY HEIGHTS at Bridge North near Peterborough PubUc for fikiing skating and ski- East Brownies cottage held an enrollment Dec at Maple Leaf School Enrolled we da Gavin Louise Lai in the New Yea Dr Robert past moderator of the United Church will be speaking at the Sutton Dis trict High School Jan 19 at 8 pm He will be speaking on the problem of over population in the world The evening will be free and everyone is wel A group of young people gathered Day at the House Was Christmas weekend celebrate his 21st birthday There are 360 days till Christmas but only one day till we bid farewell to and greel 197J With this thought in mind your correspondent takes this op portunity to wish you all a Prosperous and Happy New Year Mount Albert Cubs and Scouts joined to gether for a Christmas par ty at the United Church Dec 17 Each patrol and each six put on a skit and Newbury Dr Mr and Mrs Bub Brown Beaumont a so n Owl Mn Betty McBride I Richmond Hill Tawny Owl myself Snowy from Owl and our District Com- Toronto and Bobs sister Mn Zeal and r who enrolled me into the Marjory Holla ra a over First Brownie pack Par- Christmas were also there en- Joyed the Christmas Tbe annual meet ing of the Li South Shore Society to be held Jan 11 will have as guest speaker Mr John I Reropel author of Build ing with Wood in Ontario Mr Hempel subject for the evening will be The Polygonal Fad in Building in the 19th Century Mr and Gifts exchanged and a spec- of a Guide cup and sauce Refreshments of s a wiches cookies and Open House Christmas Eve for all their friends and neighbors Refreshments flowed and everyone had a good time Walter and family CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED BEST DRUG STORE AND BEST 10 OCR MANY FRONDS CUSTOMERS thtitaff of SHACK MR OPEN TO SUN ONLY COME AS YOU ARE WANT RELAXED 2 EXCITING COLOR FILMS 2nd HIT IMC SOYAS 17 NEW YEARS EVE SPECIAL ONUS SHOW BARBARA HERSHEV RICHARD THOMAS summer III FM1IIES FLAMBOYANT SEX SHOW Thwr At PN PM 4 Flints THE ERA 3MSSflMDSEMi Now that the Christmas span ng season has ended chart ces ore you have found yours elf a 1 short of cash You may have also acquired something new leaving a perfectly good item idle Now is the tin to turn any goad idle items into good useable cash Help the pain of Christmas bills by running an inexpensi ad in the action clas- sified section of the Era ONLY 150 for 15 words and 10 for each additional word FOR AN EXPERIENCED WANT AD TAKER CALL