Wed December I WE SPECIALIZE IN BARB0 CHICKEN STEAKS TRY OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Ihuron heights plaza DAVIS DR NEWMARKET Snowball Wl York Pines UCW join in holiday party By DONNA KETTLEBY Many Snowball residents attended the Christmas par ty at York Pines last Tues day evening held by the Snowball Womens Institute York Pines United Church Women also enjoyed the evening which featured the Sweet Adelines and San dra School of Dancing Toe Masons held a family night at the lodge in Scbomberg on Dec 14 fteshmenls later The la- j dies provided Christmas cake and cookies The Kettleoy- Snowball Cancer Societv held their Christmas meet ing at the home of recently and en joyed a pot luck dinner Sympathy is ex tended to Mrs John Little and family on the death of Mrs Littles mother Mrs Robert Johnson a longtime Kettleby resident Kettleby Public school children enjoyed skating parties at berg arena on Monday and Christmas parties at school ray Woods returned home this week after attending school in Johannesburg South Africa York Pines United Church will hold a Christ- Eve family The Anglican Wo- Thursday and all a appreciation of your patronage Best wishes to customers and friends for a holiday filled with the happy sounds of laughter Merry Christmas ROM THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF of NOTICE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH The folio Bylo- passed pursuant to the pro s of Section of The Assess ment Act 19681969 provide for the relief of that ore unduly burdensome as result of reassessment of lands in the Town ship of Whitchurch in the year A byla to provide tax relief under the visions of 1 9 of The Assessment as amended TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH IT ENACTED BY THE OF THE SN0WM0BILERS Now You Can Build Your Own Cutter For P SKI AND HITCH ASSEMBLY J BEAVER DAVIS DRIVE 8954537 The toys came alive at Regency Acres Mama Doll Laurie Taylor Cowboy Jim Allen Public Schools Christmas presentation last Friday Jackint heBox Sandra Pedersen Teddy Bear night Thinking all the real kids had gone home Perry and Tin Soldier Lyle Jacques AURORA ACTIVITIES Topics of The Town by Emma Purchase Borden and Mr and Mrs K attended the Candlelight Carol Ser vice at Warner Road Bap tist Church Toronto Sun day night G Lelliott of will spend the holidays members of their family a Mrs Robert St Monday PRESCRIPTIONS ith her son Master Corporal George and Mrs Ilodgkinson and daughter Laura in West Germany Born at Hospital to Mr and Mrs Robert nee Belle Hutchinson of Long Lac on Sunday Dec lib Rich daughter Kelly and Michael of Windsor I were guests of Mr t Mrs Murray Wells St for the week- son of Montreal spent a few days last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Clarke and Lodges CPT Com mittee held a euchre on Friday night Winners La dies Adeline Daves Flora Lunda and Marie S tenia The Christmas basket was won by James Mr Larry Miller of the staff of the Univer sity of Syracuse is spending the Christmas vacation with his parents Mr and Mrs A II Miller Wells Street Captain William II Stiller left Trenton Sun day to spend the vacation The of the GREETINGS At this Joyous time of year we extend to our friends whose confidence we highly value Thank you VANDEVENS CAR WASH FINA SERVICE Aurora United Church had their Christmas meeting on Monday Dec An inte resting array of desserts Unit The program was in charge of Unit and mem bers of the Unit participa ting in a presentation of Christmas carols were Margaret Kerr Dorothy King Lois Lane Mil lar Laura Wilson Bessie Mount Florence Smith Donna Stephenson and Gate Guest soloist was Mrs Judy Rev John Hunter installed the new Unit lead ers for the coming two years Mrs Beth Mrs Dorothy Van Wren Mrs Margaret Kerr Sirs M a r Mrs Grace Smith and Mrs The Aurora Horti cultural Society held its an nual Christmas Show on and junior members pre sent It was an outstanding show competition was keen Judge Mrs Clarence Mar- chant of Scbomberg had a difficult job A short program consisted of delightful pi ano solos by Miss Oliver Aurora and Miss Pamela Hodgson Newmar ket The nominating committee submitted the slate officers Mr J Stephenson of Newmarket presided for the election BtifWitktt CHRISTMAS SEASON In Ibe friends old and everyday business is a spatial planum whiles for holiday season SADLERS HOLLAND LiiSbim president Leonard White 2nd vicepresident William Davison Secretary Miss treasurer Mrs H Coburn Direc tors Mrs Crawford Tom Carter Osborne and Mrs D United Church held their annual candle lighting service Dec 13 Mr and Mrs Ken Smith and their child became a modern Mary and Joseph The man ger was a box in a barren kitchen Candle lighters Joanne Gilbert Linda De- vena Terry Stances Rett King and Kathl Stephen were challenged to take the light of Jesus Christ into areas of need prejudice misunderstanding poverty and bring about peace SEASONS GREETINGS