2 Era Newmarkets GOTRANSIT Postpone dialabus decision until spring TORONTO No decision will be made on service for com muters in this area until next spring a GOTransit report issued Monday The dialabus experiment which has been underway in Pickering Town ship since September has apparently not been as successful as the GO of ficials expected Under the scheme the commuters can telephone to small bus call at their door morning to take them to the main GOTransit depot where they trans fer to a train GO officials said in September if the experiment succeeded they would consider the service for the Newmarket and Aurora areas This week provincial highways min ister George Gomme said fluctuations of patronage indicate this service is subject to seasonal influences and it now appears it will not be possible to draw any firm conclusions from the experiment until next spring The GOTransit statement also reported a steady growth in commu ters on the Coach Lines service between Newmarket and Torontos Union Station Mr said ridmship the northern corridor reached peak- hour capacity shortly after Hie Sept 8 inaugural date As a result of this acceptance changes in scheduling on a basis are planning to take effect Ian he said He did not give details The service provided a in crease in bus service and has risen from weekday passen ger trips to a daily weekday average of more than trips during the last week of October said the This works out to an increase of about 350 regular commuters from the NewmarketAuroraOak RidgesRich mond Hill areas since the 50Tc in crease in bus service was inaugurated The statement said ex tra peakhour buses had to be put info service to handle passengers originat ing at Aurora and Richmond Hill and that the express bus from Newmarket down Highway had to be replaced with a larger vehicle Of the total trips in the New marketToronto corridor Mr Gomme said an analysis showed origin ated at Newmarket 31 at Aurora at Oak Ridges and 19 at Rich mond Hill NOTES from TOWN HALL Deputy Reeve Bruce Eves informed council that he and Reeve Clare Salis bury have volunteered New market as host tor a party tor all members York County Council after their final meeting in December It was Indicated Monday night that the town had put up for a Christ mas party for council mem faera and members of the towns appointed boards and committees The parly held last Saturday night have that one quipped Councillor Bob Forfaan re ferring to the scruffylook ing plywood desks council is using Mayor Surgeoner suggested Reeve Clare Sal isbury bring in a report and recommendation but he declined saying be did not want to bring In a re commendation about him self The matter was left for the 1971 council to deal with The first bad blow A n broken limbs On Main St 11 pm right on top of of the winter took its toll last Thursday night near Queen St this old tree came down about owned by Bill It was parked in front York may return roads A SPECIAL GIFT for special friends Laura Christmas Candies mode with sweet dairy and fresh country butter ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CANDIES FROM THE BEST DRUG STORE 219 Main Si WE DELIVER When you let get your car ready for winter Youll wonder where the winter went Service Centre Gordon A Old Don Mills Road 8954661 NEWMARKET The town may wind up with more major roads to look after under regional government instead of fewer it was learned last York Regional Council indicated to the steering committee of the towns council that it only intends to assume boundary roads when it takes over the duties of the Toronto and York Roads Commission Jan 1 Mayorelect Bob said this means the region will accept responsibility for St New market western boundary and Sut ton on the east but not for St Johns Sideroad on the south and Green Lake on the north Newmark ets north boundary lies 80 rods short of the Green Lane and the southern boundary is 80 rods above St Johns Sideroad Now they will probably be giv ing us Eagle St and Gorham St back he said and added after they fix them I hope The Region also is taking over health welfare and day care centres Drivers fail to slow buses SUTTON Ten Sultonarea school bus drivers who walked off the job last Wednesday over a pay dispute failed to a single bus off the road said Robert Walker of Simcoe Coach Lines their employer The members of the 33member School Bus Drivers Association are apparently out of a job The Association had demanded per hourly trip and a written contract in place of the present per run without a contract Coach was paying Mrs Norma who lead the walkout said Mr Walker offered us cents more effective Dec When we asked that it be retroactive to Nov 16 he said no and thats when I left with nine others The meeting in Elmgrove Community Hall saw of drivers in the association attend along with Mrs FiUpatnck The firm employs between and drivers Walker told us it therefore he didnt feel he after the two hour meeting Since we left he has hired new drivers every day she said and what I would like to know is how theyre getting the licences so fast The present rate for some of York Countys school bus drivers is per trip I was paying my drivers a run at the time said Walker and I increased it to 350 or daily As of September 1 it will go up to Eighty percent of the drivers were satisfied with what I offered he said Last Wednesday after the meeting I ran all the buses with fully qualified drivers The runs that my drivers make are between an hour and an hour and 10 minutes long in morning and afternoon said Walker done away with Boxing Day at least for this year Council voted not to authorize Sat Dec as Boxing Day in New market Deputy Reeve Bruce Eves said if Satur day was proclaimed a holi day it would deprive own suggested Dec 2B be proclaimed instead However council voted down a motion pro claiming Saturday a holi day then took no further Deputy Reeve Bruce Eves the last deputy- reeve Newmarket will ever have wants something to take home with him as a momento of this fact Under regional government both the reeve and deputy reeves posts pass into history The re eve and his deputy repres ented their municipality at county council and that council gave each An installed the small pond next to the Eagle St to keep the pond open for the winter for waterfowl council was told Monday George Geese two white Building permits homes OKd SHARON Ear wil enter into a resilient which will a cleanup of the area north of Davis Dr and of North Main St said Bob Construc tion will a homes on the acre parcel of land There will be some lots with feet frontage and some with fit ft The homes will be of frame construction brick and four hundred dol lars will be accepted by the Township iu lieu of the five of lands to be do- To speak on building in 1Ws John I author of Build- Log With Wood in Ontario will address too next meet ing of the South Shore His torical Society Monday MEAT MARKET PRICES CUT TO BONE MINCED SIRLO STEAKS Loin Port SWISS POLISH SAUSAGE SWISS DUTCH LOAF Whole Chicken 59 FRONTS SIDES HINDS 45 ib 55 65 YOUR FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS TURKEYS NOW SAFE MORE WHEN SHOP fitt