Its Curtain Time By RUBY L The Mikado be- manly a character but played one of the leads in Roar Like a Dove and the Odd Couple a few by The Au rora Musical Theatre De cember 2 to the 5th at St Andrews College Theatre rected by John forming a Poo Bah has appeared in Pirates of Penzance and Oliver Frank would like a the per Fitch died at the 8th annual Bradford High School Drama Night last week he gained control worth checks his pulse and Maroon Rhonda six Higgins holds his head In the play Sneaky White Photo vocalist He the soloist with the Male Chorus in Halifax Don played the lead in re cent productions of Pi rates of Penzance and Curly in the recent Ok lahoma Lawrence Halll- who plays the Mikado is a teacher in Aurora Ron in the role of Pish Tush played in Oklahoma George Jones is Koko George has been in volved in little theatre since school days He is Armstrong Sing attends Aurora High School and played Ret in the Young Peo ples Summer Theatre the Mikado she has a par in Man of La this years production a St Andrews College JulieAnn sang Gimbys Young Singers in EXPO the Township Fes Choir JulieAnn was the Rose Seller in Oliver ember Scout paper drive SHARON Sha ron Cubs and Scouts will hold their annual paper drive Saturday The drive which will begin at approximate ly will tun for most of the day and Involve area Cub and Scout packs of Bobby Gloxinias African violets cousin The magnificent of their velvety- textured flowers attractive foliage and the ease with be grown make the most ex citing of all flowering house GIFT SPECIAL Complete Super 8 Dual Zoom Movie Outfit PHOTO Heights SUPPLIES Phone The hicken Coop Old Don Mills Rd FOR PROMPT DELIVERY of PIZZA FISH A CHIPS COUNTRY FRIED CHICKEN 8953551 In fact its one of the few plants that likes ard thrives in the warm almost tropical temperatur es of todays modern hom es and apartments You might say that a gloxinia needs the same growing does its kissing from Brazil via Germany Its named after a man called of Strasbourg who grew some the or iginal gloxinias outside of Brazil were first produced in England in and from there made their way to Canada Over the years much breeding work has been done in gloxinias and we now have both single and doubleblooming var ieties Patience plus care ful watering and feeding are the keys to success its hard to un derstand why so many peo ple have trouble with these plants which are really easy to grow My experience has been that they use a poor soil mixture For gloxinias you need a loose mixture consisting of one part leaf mold one part tcp soil and one part coarse excellent to bloom almost every month of the year with the ideal growing con ditions found in their green houses For the home gar dener I feel that the best plan Is to start tubers any time from Dec until the end of April The first thing we want to do is to develop a good root system this need to be moved to the In starting them off in the threeinch pots the tuber should just be barely covered with the soil mixture Then give them a good soaking with at room temperature You wont need to water them again for water at this time later causes the plants to develop flowering buds to the point where they are about to open and then they drop off Place the pots in a welllighted warm loca tion with the night temper ature during this period be tween and 70 degrees After a few days puckering brown tubers Prescriptions Up and I Promptly Dollverad MAIN IT IBBWmi I II tnlitj was too much for W The TOUCH I To Your Home Fed up with the game she took a pistol from its hiding place iihove and shot Sneaky in the the Youll need two sizes of pots for growing gloxinias To start them off select clay or plastic pots just large enough all the world like tiny mouse ears It isnt too long after that that the plants start to grow vigor ously and soon the three- inch pots will be filled with the top of the tuber is one inch below the surface of the soil At this point you still going After four or five leaves have developed glox inias will need plenty of moisture This is also the time to start giving them a regular feeding with a liquid complete plant food every two weeks Such a plant food will contain ni trogen which promotes the growth of leaves and phosphorus which stimulates adequate root growth and potash which acts like vitamins for hu man beings and promotes the general health of the MMM Noirii Ntwmorkl on Sharon Holland landing County toad CMIlPHtN NOV SUN ONLY NOV IllCar Electric Heaters for your convenience Alan Funts Candid Camera WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A NAKED BARQUERO v i- PASSIONATE STRANGERS THE GIRL GRABBERS p hold tubers I find size for this purpose Later on when the first pots are filled with roots the plants PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Put your money where you get your mortgage Most of the money invested in our high interest paying Guaranteed Investment Certificates priority in mortgage loans we make in the same area Your investment in Victoria and Grey Certificates not only helps you it helps your community to grow and prosper TRUST COMPANY SINCE MAIM STREET NEWMARKET MANUFACTURERS LJ Ruby Manager 8955104 A COCKEYED MASTERPIECE Without a doubt the funniest service comedy I have ever seen Juditl Mori DELUXE WED THRU SAT TIMES MASH DONALD COULD TOM COMING SCON ENGAGEMENT OF A GREAT MOTION PICTURE ODEON THEATRE Reg 2999 Newmarket Plaza DESIGNED BY OK LONDON Special A wonderful gift lor someone special or for your festive occasions coming The newest of our exciting expanding wig collection Designed in Britain especially for Walkers with the truly authentic London Look by the designer who knows A perfect ol a wig soft and bouncy with curls or brushed sleekly for that look of sophistication youthful or ageless allows you to be yourself The newest mod look in slightly longer tapered neckline and adorable side tendrils complete a strikingly pretty effect Wash and wear fibre in all newest natural shades including frosts and greys Talkers