EG Guiders at dinner meeting For the past eight event a dinner in their yean the first week November has been pedal for a Twelve students from each of Newmarkets high schools were invited Those represent tag Huron Heights were Jane Brom Joanne Lind say Mary Irene Dorothy Ziegel The two months of the course was spent in be nursing class room learning patient care then the girls receive their caps at a special cere- the ceremony last Tuesday the students of received their Nursing Assistant caps af ter the pledge was said Mr Michael led her cap The Gideon Soci ety attended giving nursing testaments to the girls Speakers were Mr Frizzell Principal Mrs Maunsell Director of Nursing at York County Hospital and other hospital staff members Following the ceremony a tea was held prepared by the Grade 12 nursing class Tea was poured for the presenting each girl with parents and guests by Mrs Steel Optimists Cub of Canada a s r November Youth Appreciation Week and in a with the BE By EAST BURY HEIGHTS First East attended dinner at the Community Hall in Sharon last Monday Nov 2 Ap proximately 50 attended from York North division Attending from the First East were Mrs Zeal district commission er Mrs Barb Jeffries Brown Owl for 1st Gwfllim- bury Brownie Pack her Tawny Owl Mrs Jane Hammond Mrs Armstrong Brown Owl of the 2nd Debbie Mark from the 2nd Mrs Freda Reed captain of the 1st Guide Company and Mrs Connie Lunney lieutenant of the 1st Guide Company Maple Leaf Pub lic School grade students approximately and their teachers Miss Marie Catt ing Mrs Linda and four mothers visited Mid land last week and toured SainteMarie among the Hurons original loca tion of a French mis trading settlement George Foot Terry Hutch- volving the Huron Indis inson Brian Ross and Way ne Stentiford All the students were treated to a warm welcome and an equally enjoyable evening with the Newmarket Optimists A special thanks is extended to Youth Ap preciation Week chairman Al Martin Huron Heights will enter a float in the College Bowl Parade to be Make gifts for patients held day Nov 21 This parade will precede the College Bowl Game a miniature Grey Cup Football game between teams of East and West of Toronto AH proceeds from it will Children Fund national organization d to aid the poverty- stricken in suppressed are as of the world Huron held a con test for the float design and just recently announced a winner Peter McCarnan of gifts for patients at Prin cess Margaret Hospital as part of a Christmas pro- and hat for the children at the hospital The final Christ mas project meeting will be held Dec at the home of Mrs Allan Henderson Sixth Concession First East pack cubs held an last Wednes day Nov in the general purpose room of Maple Leaf Nadine Lewis reviews trip to Expo for Sharon SHARON dine Lewis showed slides of her recent trip to Japan at the November meeting of the Sharon Womens In stitute spent three days at Expo Osaka Japan and also visited the Mlkimoto Pearl Island Hiroshima Tokyo and Ki- members and three visitors attended the meeting at the home of Mrs J HaU Mrs Morning dent presided The members vot ed to donate o the Can adian National Institute for the Blind Mrs A Gray was appointed alternate district director The date of the December meeting was changed to Tuesday Dec of Newmarket William B Davis and Carl A Lat- of Bradford William J Gillham of Sharon John Tumbull of King City and A Walsh of Sutton PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED No Extra Charge BEST DRUG STORE Five years ago whod have thought thered be aNfolkswagen this different The Super Beetle Nobody did least of all Because yean ago we the Beetle virtually perfect Like a whole new front suspension system A bigger more powerful engine A now booting system thai now two heaters and a total of 7 But become wo well enough alone it 1000 improve to leave different outlets And a new ventilation system Theres now a rear window defagger trunk thai carries twice as much as ever A A 1971 Super Beetle never been cat ke it And mot includes Volkswagens HJ Waff Moton Ltd YONGC Feature Value Machine Washable 58762 DOUBLE KNITS Choose from a colourful selection of double knit polyesters in crepes blisters and jacquards All are machine washable Assorted pastels and dark shades AntiStatic and Washable 44 POLYESTER LINING Cotourfast plain taffeta lining that wont cling Assorted dark shades and pastels In the Selection 99 Washable Twill Backed 3536 VELVETEEN Perfect or dramatic Holiday Available in many Washable All Medium 3536 CORDUROY 19 Machine Washable Polyester 44745 BROADCLOTH 109 Sew shirts pyjamas dresses blouses etc 65 polyester blend that requires very little ironing Assorted pastels and darks Washable Polyester 4445 DRESS CREPE 299 Save on plain polyester dress crepe that Is texturized both ways Completely washable in assorted fashionable shades Newmarket Plata