COME SEE THE From to JUST ARRIVED Drop In and enquire bom our new SNOW MOBILE CLUB RACE TRACK 3 AUTHORIZED SKI DEALER m to 10 Tus to Davit Dr so to none 8953251 Aurora Activities Of TnG T0WH Purchase Get a Instead of a at RIVEREDGE PARK MARINE Both for only SSiist 00 mo looJnaondun HoStpOWr off EZ terms arranged PARK MARINE m Walker of Connaught Wright of Hillview Road enjoyed last week at Kearney of Sask has been enjoying a couple of weeks with her cousin Mrs George Lear- Sreet North Mr and Mrs Stephens and son Tom Wells Street enjoyed the weekend with friends in Representatives from this area who attend- How dens Pro Hardware Convention at London Mrs Victor Orion The ban quel was held at London New Centennial Hall Jack Bryan of San Francis co Mr and Mrs Gordon Bryan of King City and Mr and Mrs McDermott of Island visited Mrs A last Sunday and called to see Mr who was a pa tient in York County Hos pital Newmarket Over members of Friendship Circle attend ed the play Spirit by Noel Coward at St An drews College Thursday Oct 23 The play was pre sented by Aurora Drama Workship and directed by Thelma Wrixon who also on short notice had to take one of the leading parts Anniversary ser vices will be held at St An drews Presbyterian Ch urch on Sunday Nov 1 A number of for mer members of ML United Church attend ed the 100th anniversary Wood of United Church Toronto was in charge and delivered the sermon His subject was Our Continuing Heritage Rev Ivan Kennedy and Rev Earl for mer ministers and Rev Douglas Davis were also present This was the last service to be held in the church Guardhouse of Sharon and Mrs William Kingdom Con- naught Ave Aurora at tended the reception in United Church on Saturday Oct in hon or of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Wrights Golden Wedding Anniversary home of their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Dong in on Sunday Oct ver Daley Kennedy Street East celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home on Tuesday Oct 20 Among the beauti ful flowers were those from the Friendship Circle Citizens and Golden Age Club of Trinity Anglican Church Citizens Friendship Circle held a most successful ba zaar and tea in Victoria Hall on Wednesday Oct 21 There was a large at tendance in spite of un favorable weather Mrs A H convened the Mrs Barbara and members of Del ta Chapter and Gamma were in charge the tea The homemade ter Mrs Keffer Mrs Sim and Mrs G II Pur chase In charge of the mis cellaneous table were Mrs J Willis Mrs Jackson and Mrs Lois Motesworth Mrs B at the candy table was assisted by Mrs Dawson and Miss Charles Mrs Cecil Adair and Miss Charles were in charge of the White Elephant table E 1 m a Lodge No installation of officers for was held in the Hall on Monday Oct DDP sister market Aurora Keswick Wed October Tor No Margaret Wood Warden Vera ney Conductor Lois Thompson Musician Lean Scott Color Bearer Feme Gamble RSNG Winnie Cutting Eileen Evelyn Kers well Betty Torbelt Mr a Harry Sestcn were the spe cial guests at the general meeting of the of the Aurora United Church on Monday October 19 Mr Sea on showed pictures he had taken in India illus trating life and work there Mrs showed many interesting articles they had brought home with them from India Mr Don Watson accompanied by his wife sang two enjoyable Dream heller conducted the wor ship opening with a poem God is not far from any one of us The scripture was read by Mrs Dorothy- Van Mrs Harold Graham outlined plans for the coming hobby fair to be held afternoon and evening Wednesday Oct when many people will demon- PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED No Extra Charge BEST DRUG STORE 8954091 BEEF FREEZER SPECIALS FRONTS SIDES HINDS Youll Save More- You Shop SEDORE 235 MAIN ST 8959056 Mrs Ruth Bond was the lucky winner of the Motors view the 71s draw recently She is shown above receiving her prize an electric carving knife from salesman Ron Sanderson assisted by her com PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED No Extra Charge BEST DRUG STORE 8954091 DVNLOP tour FAMILY TIRE CENTRE hog production ITS IN PROPER SOW FEEDING If there are any secrets in profitable hog production Most hog producers acknowledge the need of feeding milkproducing feeds such as Shur- Nursing Sow Ration to sows during nursing periods but some still believe they can cheat a little on the nutritive needs of their sows during the dry periods The cost difference between a complete and partial dry sow feeding program is negligible yet the results of a proper feeding program during pregnancy can be larger healthier condition for rebreeding immediately following their nursing period Two sow rations just part of ShurGains secret of successful sow feeding They are yours for the asking Stop by your local Shur Gain Feed Service Dealer Pick up some free hog performance charts and well tell you all about it CASE DIKE Feed Mill Main Si Mount Albert ST WHOM HILL Friday pm SNOW WORRIES Have No Worries At Our WINTER TIRE SALE 10 brunopiva Buv REGUUR frige SECOND TIRE ONLY YOUR CHOICE OF Retreads Fiberglass Belted Wide Ovals First Line 4 Ply Also Special Prices on Radials COME IN EARLY ON OUR WINTER TIRE SALEI Avoid The Rush and Save LET US KEEP VOU SAFELY ON THE WINTER WHEELS ONLY 887 NUT FOR LESS Hear Yell Hear Yell Is The Place TO MAKE A GREAT USED CAR DEAL EASY FINANCING We have several tow cost plans famous GU AC Whatever your financial pos ition if vou qualify can arrange for you DOWN PAYMENT LESSOR floTTftMHewJIARRETTTIfllTW north of Davit l