York science teachers attend workshop NEWMARKET For the last three years the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education has operated workshops for el ementary school science teachers As a result of this program of workshops more than teachers and Science fair Elementary school teachers from all over York County gathered at Notre Dame Separate School hi Newmarket last week for a science seminar and work shop Above Vince Base Borden a gnest at the workshop and Sister Stella Marie watch the start of an experiment using an MOUNT ALBERT Hartman UCW meet at Shillinglaws MOUNT ALBERT The Unit of the met at the home of Mrs William Shtllioglaw October 21 with ladies present Mrs Old ham was in charge of the devotions the theme was Mothers Love and Ap ron Strings Keeping this theme in mind Mrs A F Bin of Mount Albert gave an interesting and en joyable talk on Footprints in the Sand of Time A social hour over lunch served by Mrs Gar net Mrs Harold Rase and Mrs Bruce Pais- ley brought the evening to pacify crowd in the IOOF Hall Monday October when the Mount Albert Horticultural Society enter tained the So ciety Guest speaker for the treating and uses of dried plant materials The Fall Flower Show was held in conjunc tion with the meeting Sen- heavy frosts prior to he show placed 112 en tries Beaverton Society who were invited to parti cipate placed 22 entries In the Senior sec tions Mrs Smal- placed high with 37 points from entries Mrs Allan Dlion came second with 35 points from en tries while Mrs Murray captured third spot with 23 points from nine en tries Judy Snooks for first place with nine points each and Connie West- garth lied for second witn five points each Cynthia Cupples and John placed third with four poinds each and and Cindy Snooks both had three points winning for them fourth place Judy Snooks whose Gourd entries are headed for the Royal Winter Fair for Pro vincial Also featured on the evenings program was a Pumpkin and Fall bulb Mrs Isaac Case Mrs Ross Harrison and Mrs Stanley served a delightful lunch of fruit breads and cheese The Cubs and Scouts held a Ce remony October when four Cubs went up to Scouts The new Scouts are Jim David Kirton Michael Cherry and Ronald Vanderloo Special guest for this ceremony was Mr It looks as if the Explorers have some inte resting things planned for this season A workshop Leaders attended these sessions taking crafts ban ners Mission study and Rhythmic Movement- Guest speaker for the day was Miss Olive Sparkling bulletin coordinator and secretary of Childrens Work The leaders who at tended Mrs S Mrs and Mrs G will be working programs around these sub The Explorer Girls will be having a Hal loween Party Friday Oc tober Girls are asked to please note this is a Fri day night in the Mount Al bert United Church The Explorers are also having a luncheon and bazaar at the United- Church day October starting at 1230 pm The program em phasizes the idea of learn ing by doing During the 195869 school year the Ontario Teachers Federa tion took over the operation of these workshops Under the Ontario Teachers Fed eration and the York Co unty Roman Catholic Bergin f Camp Borden School Simcoe County and Robert Zoskey of Notre Dame School It was attend ed by teachers from York County Separate and Public School Boards Met ro Separate Perth Public Simcoe and Halton Visitors from the Depart ment of Education and the Boards also attended The workshops last a full eight The initial four days was spent discussing philosophy assembling mat erials and working with equipment Between this in February the teach ers will have the opportun ity to work with some of the materials with their child ren The O I S E develop in children many skills Methods of evalu ation and pupils records were also discussed Many of the facets of this prog ram can be applied to other subject for the entire project is Don Cooper of Kingston Ontario The pro gram is now entirely spon sored by the Ontario Tea chers Federation PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED No Extra Charlie BEST DRUG STORE Hold services for late Harry AURORA A re- Harry of George St Aurora died on Oct rk County Hospital failing health for months The late Mr was born on Manitou- lin Island in and he from Iroquois Falls to reside in Aurora follow ing his retirement in He was a member of Aurora United Church land an active member of the Friendship Circle senior citizens group Surviving besides wife Myrtle are two sisters and one brother Mrs Wesley Island and Harvey McAnsh of Ont Funeral services were held on Sat Oct from the Thompson Funer al Chapel in Aurora and Rev John Hunter con ducted the service The pallbearers were J May George Fish Earl Cook and Harry White all of Aurora Gor don Bryan of King City and Scott McDcrmott lin Island Interment was in Aurora Cemetery PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED No Extra Charge BEST DRUG STORE 8954091 Renault Presents New Dealer ANCIENT RENAULT REM DANNYS CAR SALES LTD Yonge St Newmarket 8958671 Dealer Presents New Renaults COMMERCIAL COURSES FOR ADULTS The following daytime courses will lie of fered Seneca Colleges Shcpnnrl Sinning Nov ember nth Bo FINANCIAL THESE COURSES PROGRAM ON AND FURTHER IN- SENECA COLLEGE APPLIED AHTS Sew and Save With These FASHION FABRICS