He Oat Wei JAMES Christian Reformed Church The senseless and tragic murder of Quebec La bour Minister Pierre leaves our nation in deep shock and mourning- The suspense and fear resulting from the defiant and persistent attitude demonstrated by the including their refusal to release British diplo mat James Cross except on their own terms increases the tension to almost unbearable proportions in many quarters Many ask bow this could possibly happen in our Canada one of the few nations that has gained a reputa tion in world politics of being tolerant and peaceful cap able of making meaningful contributions for the restora tion and preservation of peace in areas of international unrest Could we have been pulling splinters out of others eyes while neglecting the beams in our own We are encouraged by the courageous and firm stand taken by our government in the present crisis and well might we continue to faithfully remember our lead ers before the throne of grace I believe however that we seriously underestimate the nature and scope of the crisis if we think only of the immediate difficulty in and around Montreal Unrest has been building for a long time Realistic analysis might well demand the recognition that what so far could be contained to rela tively small flames of violent upheaval can at any mom ent burst into a national Ere Its high time that we as ask ourselves and each other What is really wrong I wish to suggest in these few lines that a valid answer will be forthcoming only if we are willing to examine our national life in the light of unalterable and absolute norms Furthermore that such norms will become clear only in the light of Biblical perspective which focuses our sight upon among other things the claim that Righteousness exalts tion but sin is a reproach to any people It is from numerous passages in the Bible that we are to un derstand under righteousness that which measures up to the standards of the perfectly right holy and just This righteousness finds its root in law higher than those creat ed by human minds and to divine law which as our Lord Jesus Christ told us is to love with all that we are and have and to love our as we love ourselves This principle must pre vail in every area of our human experience Sin on the other hand is missing the Godset mark leaving unfulfilled the God intended purpose for life in Gods glorious creation Sin is egoism selfish ness casting Gods law to the wind and becoming a law to self driven by passionate concern for selfinterest Sin expresses itself in among other things political prag matism social class struggle disdain for divinely insti tilted office family breakdown Lewd and lustcreating entertainment yes everything that is geared to satisfy the wicked nature of sincursed man rather than wor shipful service before the thriceholy God through obed ience to his laws the very lifesphere for his creatures We can try to refine sin but that wont make it less sin ful And sin brings reproach it destroys a nation Through the death of Mr Laporte we are called to careful examination A nation is what its citizens are Which describes your life stylerighteousness or sin No not necessarily as you see it but as God sees it The Lord calls us to repentance pleading forgiveness in Jesus Christ and to live righteously before his face Then according to his Word we shall yet be a great nation and Mr will not have died In vain Church asks shift in school tax lario government to change of these attend fees its education policy and schools with the child In addition to rf chrij share of government con These schools re- trolled education the pe- assls- tttion points out schools to also allow them to direct their education taxes to those schools is being circulated in the NewmarketAurora area The petition is being circulated by mem bers of the Christian Re formed Church but they are seeking cooperation from other churches inte rested in running their own schools The petition points out there are Ontario children attending day schools which are open to Antiques I HORSEMAN OPEN SAT 95 SUN Till PM 1 KatlLby Ontario On Aiiretn I mil E 400 Hwy flash went off but it failed to faze the Great Parents group forms VANDORF A panel of teachers will be newly parents present to answer questions group will bold its initial regarding the school There general meeting on Mon- will also be a discussion on day Oct 26 in Whitchurch the availability of ear students of Whitchurch Highlands Refreshments will be served following the meeting and discussion Prescription J our Specialty J J Highlands School The Whitchurch Highlands Parents Associ ation has planned its first meeting in the auditorium It Is conformity of the school and the guest speaker will be Mr Terry Gray principal of Whit church Highlands Mr Gray will ex plain and outline the sys tem and curriculum in the grading of students and a she consulted her crystal The event was a fun for the lady members of the York Curling Club last week The Clothes Closet 27 Holland St Bradford The friendly little store lovely things at popular prices womens sizes 518 some are one of a kind Coats Jackets Day Party Dresses Day Party Pant Suits Imported Sweaters Ponchos Jewellery from India Suede Bags Etc Cook cheese slowly Cheese should al ways be cooked at low temperatures and only long enough to melt it For those who Prolonged cook- wa the medium cheese high temperatures favor associated with the separation in When making a sauce add the grated cheese after the sauce is cooked and continue cook ing only until the cheese is The finer the cheese Is grated and the gradually it is added Cheddar will give the best results A mild Cheddar is not a good cooking cheese as it tends to separate out and give an oily film MOVING hectic When it is followed by a Welcome Wagon mm WELCOME Prescriptions Up and I illy 10 OFF ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL OCT to NOV COME A BROWSE- Sat Oct 30 31 Sun Only NEWtlMMT on Sharon Holland landing County Hood CURIOUS FEMALE Valerie St John James Donnelly Cole Michael Greet t Angelique PettyJohn TnETOUGHMLESovt JOANNA In Cor Electric Heaters For let The People Probe The O God CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket I Hall B I THE PIED PIPER BALL attention I Tow If the casserole I the better the Processed cheeses yield a perfect sauce almost every time and for those who prefer a mild cheese cheese casseroles should be baked l at no more than I It the cheese is I THE ERA grated and combined with Charles I Newmarket I place I the dish in a pan of water I mIm This will ensure even heat- of the cheese and pre- vent tough stringy edges If topped it adequate Cheddar cheese will give sauce a much better cheese flavor The sharper Cheddars give bet ter flavor and their longer crust WES Direct From Manufacturer TO BALES OF RIGHT HERE IN OUR SHOWROOM NYLON PROPYLON OPEN NIGHTS EVERY WEEK SUPER CARPET CO 33 Industry St Aurora CLEANING ESTIMATES EPANO featuring BOBBY GIMBY in person and his ORCHESTRA by NEWMARKET AURORA AND DISTRICT AUXILIARIES to YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL FRIDAY NOVIMBER 1970 Dancing to 100 am Light Buffet pm AURORA HIGHLANDS GOLF CLUB per couple Drew Optional Rev Rev W E Smalley Minister Emeritus Organist Mr Keith Profit am Sunday School am Morning Group CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY 11 am SUBJECT Everlasting Punishment BESIDE SHARON TEMPLE All tire Welcome in Meet SUNDAY SCHOOL GOSPEL HALL Newmarket Breaking of SS Bible Gospel Meet- Tuesday it and All Welcome VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship Corner of Arthur and Newton Streets Has A Heart For The day Anniversary Dr J Walt Sen ices Di Young Ladles Chorale and Mr Mon 7 Pioneer Girls Tues and pm Boys Peoples pn ray Grume ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Where Someone Cares For You Eagle and Main Sis Rev A Am CHRISTIAN REFORMED 333 Davis Drive Newmarket Pastor Rev James Tel Worship Service pm Sunday School 1130 am Sunflower Clubs for girls and Clubs for boys on Thursday and Tuesday evenings respectively at 700 pm Radio Broadcast The Back To God Hour 1030 am am We extend a cordial welcome to all Christian Science Each Sunday Tuscan Masonic Hall Millard Ave just Main St west of Fire Hall Subject of Lesson Sermon Everlasting Punishment Sunday school convenes at All Welcome PASTOR Rev Villa am Sunday School Classes for nil ages pm Morning Evangelistic Bible Study I Prayer Meeting ST JAMES THE APOSTLE Anglican Church of Canada Sharon Sundays at 1030 Holy 3rd Sundays Prayer 2nd Sundays Sunday School at a Organist Mr J Morrison Sunday Alter a in Holy Communion Corporate for Servers in Holy Commu nion and Sermon FREE METHODIST NEWMARKET G Buflam 10 am Bible School 11 am Morning Worship Gospel Service Tues 730 pm Family Night All Welcome THE SALVATION ARMY and Mrs Carr Sunday School am Make the Salvation Army Your Church Home and Bible Study and Youth Fellowship i Christian Brigade Sun Bible He who waits to do a great deal of good at thing Grace Welcomes Yon E JACKSON am Sunday School 1100 am Studies in Samuel pm The Gospel of Mark ALL WELCOME FRIENDS MEETING STREET 1100 am Meeting for Worship followed by monthly meeting All Welcome Each new day is another chance God gives us to start anew