Buck BETWEEN THE LINES SI I Foresee York Social Planning Council The Era Out Wed October IK Plan home care program Judging by response received from my first column a hearty chuckle was enjoyed by many And thats good Its just great But theres something else you ought to know You were not laughing at the new regional councillors you were laughing with them Theyre a sturdy bunch not unaccus tomed to being buffeted by the press It isnt al ways done so openly or without malice Besides that I didnt give away any secrets Hi for example A quiet gen tle man probably without an enemy Never did hear Hi open his mouth at a county council meet ing These were the very qualities for which Hi was elected His election is a symbol of the values Each and every man elected stands for something that is respected and can be identi fied with- People dont get the government they deserve they gel the government they want Having said that there is only one other thing left to say thank God for the civil service and for a sense of the ridiculous Now waiting for things to start pop ping on the regional scene Ill take a sidelong glance at the other august body of Yorks admin istration the Board of Education As a partlyfledged member of The Era team I shall be covering board meetings from a news angle I attended the last as an trustees My goodness theyre a well behaved lot kind of a mutual admiration society It was like listening to a AH praise and all thanksgiving be every moment ours It may be the traumatic effect of hav ing been the object of severe criticism ever since the boards inception You know Its us against all those rotten politicians and the press so lets stick together chaps It is certainly unlike any thing to which I have been accustomed Hut be that as it may one item came before the board which could be of interest Growth Points the first of what is to he an annual publication containing reports of re search and development projects completed the previous school year It cost cents a copy to produce Twentyfive hundred copies have been printed to be distributed lo the approximately teach ers within Yorks educational system as well as to other pertinent observers At a modest reception coffee and pas tries held to Introduce the contributors to mem bers of the board and administration and press public board member John herald ed the first publication with the usual string of superlatives Heres what think Ive read It myself not once hut three times Heres what I think about it It appears that something is happening In our education Teachers are being given a freedom they have never had before Theyre being encouraged to participate in the decisionmaking process to utilize creative ideas to act upon theories ev olved from simple observation Theyre not quite sure the situation Is for real Theyre a little hesitant and unsure about taking hold of it There are no world shat tering in III- ill teacher participation It doesnt matter how many millions we might spend on buildings and equipment for education If you dont have good teachers you It seems that we might we just might have started to create an environment that will eventually give us good teachers AURORAAYoi County Social Planning Council has evolved as of the main goals participants in the Conference on the Troubled Child In the Community held at the Anglican Conference than a year ago when planning for the daylong event started was to survey York Countys social services determine in what areas there are gaps and to put together a directory of existing agencies This has been done and at the confer- Yorks Troubled Child Conference MUST CUT OVERHEAD held dividual separate meetings to dis gaps revealed by the survey and to set The Sutton group for instance decided its be estab lishment of a family life education program in its said Mrs George Burrows a Sutton delegate The needs listed by the Newmarket dele gation closely paralleled a list drawn up earlier in the conference of general countywide needs said The Newmarket delegation said the im mediate objectives In the community should be es tablishment of a public relations program for ex isting services so each ac tive group and the public wilt know what is avail able In their community a citizens advice bureau a birth control clinic a family life education pro gram in the schools that child care centres more facilities for children of working mothers sup ervised lunches and alter school recreation pro grams in the schools and treatment centres a half way house youth hostels and a youth job bank The big thing is a Family Life Centre some place where both kids and their parents can go for advice said Mrs Ferris but she said no firm priorities have been set on these needs These must be established by the continu ing committee established to carry on the work started by the conference This is the committee whose members envision It evolving into a county social planning council Its goal as spell ed out by interim chair man Dr John is secure communica tion cooperation and co ordination between the various professional car ing agencies and natural community group organi zations in York Region Dr sevenseat Interim com mittee will resign after it has established a rep resentative Council for York Region said it seemed to be the feeling of the conference that such a council was badly needed to make use of the existing facilities some of which are not widely known and to determine what gaps there are in the caring services av ailable to the people of York Region He poinded out the conference concluded that such a through oper COUNCIL EVOLVE Finally it was felt that such a council would if successful be a natural precursor to a Regional Social Plan ning Council which could truly represent to go vernment the needs of the people towards making our various communities more facilitating places in which to live and grow he said led children were seen as very often being symp toms of a troubled com munity of the Troubled Child Conference Dr J W director of the Met ro Toronto Social Plan ning Council advised the conference to establish a service centre to look af ter administrative duties for all community ser head one man with one desk and one tele phone and can send typing etc to the cen tre he said Dr Frei said a social planning council will develop in York Reg dinate their efforts save lots of money and give better service fie said the Reg ion also needs a central bank of information on what Is go ng on in other and what background is available He also recom mends that in conjunction with a central adminis trative office single pur chasing and account ng agencies be established to service all the commu nity groups What Im really saying is this ad minis and professional leadership should be cen tralized he said Dr Frei warned the conference of one big pitfall in such centraliza tion and that is profes- sonals and middle class people deciding what ser vices are needed wrong You must begin at the bottom and let peo ple who will use the ser vices decide what they want You must have good channels of commu nication downward Of i must also have services for the middle class but you must also let them decide what they will be he said NEWMARKET The need for a Home Care program in the Newmarket area sparked a meeting of Red Cross and York Coun Health officials to dis cuss the organization of a Red Cross Branch in New market to serve York Coun ty- Through Home Care a patient can receive the equivalent of hospital care in his own home The part that Red Cross home- makers play in the Home Care program is direct ser vice to the patient prepar ing meals looking after children as well as other duties deemed necessary by the Home Care author ity With a Home Care program in the area a patient can be discharged earlier from the hospital because comprehensive and equivalent care is available at home Thus the shortage of hospital beds is eased be cause patients can be cared for at home during recu perative periods Dr J Suther land York County Medical Officer of Health endorsed the Home Care concept and said he hopes to introduce the program in the York County area The formation of a Red Cross Branch would also assist the blood trans fusion service which re cruits blood donors con ducts clinics and supplies hospitals with blood and blood products Because of this service hospitals are able to provide blood to pa tients without charge The branch would also provide a Disaster Service to assist people involved in major or minor disasters The original New market branch organized in was one of the tive branches in Division It is expected that this enthusiasm can be re activated in York County and citizens who ire inte rested in serving their communities as officers of a reorganized Red Cross Branch are urged to con tact Dr J 0 Slingerland Officer of Health Public Heakh Office 22 Prospect Street Newmar ket or Mr McAdam Assistant Ontario Division The Can adian Red Cross Society DELIVERY and GARDEN TAKEOUT THE BEST CHINESE FOOD this side of TORONTO FREE delivery over 500 NEWMARKET and OAK RIDGES PHONE Mini to Aurora Dick Smyth Not all the news is bad Dick Smyth tells you some of the good news Mornings at 7 and 8 chum All th news Engineers talk bargaining The York County branch RICHMOND HILL of the Professional Engineers of Ontario to discuss collective bargaining for engineers The branch will hear a panel discussion said chapter chairman J Gordon of King City Panel members will Include Dr W K the first vicepresident and chairman of the employee engineers committee M A Sutton of Toronto and J Richmond Hill York County Hospital earns new accreditation last week This Blue Ribbon award is a result a re view of hospital activities and a visit by an Accredi tation Survey team a hospital spokesman said Announcement of the reaccreditation was made by Dr O Bradley executive director of the Canadian Council on Hospital Accreditation The Hospital Accreditation Program is de signed to improve the quality of care of Canadian Hospitals and recognize hose hospitals that meet the standards act It Is an Independent program Jointly sponsored by the Canadian Medical Association Can adian Hospital Association Royal College of Physi cians and Surgeons of Canada and the Quebec Medi cal IS your phone listing correct Please tell us now before we print the new NEWMARKET Directory on November Look up your listing In the current Directory If you wish to have It changed cell your Telephone Business at Bell Canada Built managed and owned by SCORE WITH SAYINGS EVERY DAY DOANE HALL NEW PROTEIN SHAMPOO NOXZEMA ANTIPERSPIRANT SPRAY DEODORANT 477 KODAK GIFT SET Complsl with Film Cubo mi HOT WHEEL 1399 ISUPREL MISTOMETERS 227 NOXZEMA HAIR GROOM NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 133 LAVORIS MOUTH WASH 77 AGAROL LAXATIVE 133 Antibacterial Skin Cleanser DODOS KIDNEY PILLS 144 WICK V hall PHARMACY low Y0N6E ST Nat WELLINGTON til 10 PM to AM PM SATURDAYS AM PM SUNDAYS NOON PM