I I int Rettie Hi York It eg Garfield Wrights appointment of Jack to the post of chief he council will find a motion before it Hick asking that the he advertised and that Mr anyone who applied for the permanent tabled Ann chief lie asked to position when his temporary We hope council rejects Ihis motion because we feel Sir Rettie is the best man for this job He should be appointed to the permanent position As a former York County chief engineer and chief engineer of the Toronto and York Roads Commission posts lie held simultaneously between 1054 and 170 he gained a large fund of knowledge of the area that has become the Region York an asset the new council could not replace by hiring any other man no matter how well qualified it is important that a continuity in the administration of government be maintained Many departments of the old A chief administrator whose backs to smooth out these disruptions will be vital to the success the new region Help two kids Halloween When the neighborhood kids come calling out trick or treat Saturday night ask for the UNICRK box and put something in it Not all the schools in the area are participating in the program but many are In this era of plenty even the smallest kids usually wind up on Halloween with so much candy and other goodies and with so little effort spent getting them that much of it is unappreciated goes uneaten and is finally thrown out Children will get just as much satisfaction out of a few goodies and a lot of pennies in their boxes so give pennies where you can and make two children happy the neighborhood kid and the child helps to a better life Scott Young a deathrobbed wish This discussion did not concern great public benefactors friends of all humanity hut who were kind in smaller ways and would go he grave unsung especially by themselves An old i parents she porch or even a step she said The front door just opened into nothing an eightfoot drop to the ground I said You save money on taxes that way Its counted as an unfinished house But he had lots of money she said Maybe thats how he got it I said There was a porch at the back she be the kitchen eventually But y that to a little room she did use as a Kitchen it had no windows and a big wood burning stove The room that was supposed lo be visited her she had new cjlf Or how stitch Ive of the I seventies She said One day her husband was away in Vancouver She had an old cow that used to follow her around like a pet and this day it along with her to the mailbox out at the II must shoved her or something She fell mil luoke hoi hip Shi an old wo man She lay in the ditch all day with her hip broken until her husband got home I remember going to visit her when she was in lied in a room just off the kitchen there was no heat in there except what came in from the But then when she was in bed with a hip that wasnt going to mend her decided to finish the house He built a fireplace in the bedroom where she was And he 1mnhed the mil kitchen the huge room putting Why would he 1 luuk Ihe progress this new will bring to alt mil lo he same toil acrylics or pKvitas difficult to the tows lbjOJjbBt fe shot During 1 Thev had a large that her had built but hadnt leal finished In ail the years I went there they never bad a front She once showed me another unfin ished room with wood floors In there the had brought from Swed en especially a that she was very proud of it was sort of sad it was all in there in the fork She had no relatives in Canada anil it always her ambition to make a tup home to Sweden she died But if sin- could have got her husband to finish the house she could have put out her furniture properly it would have meant a lot to her asked What happened eventually my wife an gel to pill never did get out of hat bed She died lit there ho she never did her furniture or to go back to her family before she died I said nothing tint she was dead my wife her husband the trip back to Swed- Its in the of Bill Smiley segment of pollution He in the at the department supetoiafUts grounds for a de- refuse vs4ing rated are again and jwftfltd v till Un tit tt rtiil ay a w Milling pat lOWald Sorry you werent able hare in this mail but then voy werent invited the Bala in backyard When was in the is I loathed up with in- rminablc detail of the brides costume down the eplaiotix this one wasnt all ailiiijs My wife thai Hie lawn he raked insisted that to spoil the natural setting of I ban bet I all week and I lluillifht I the day before I he me lore persistent the aid IM he Ilia liti ills In pin i lit i shoe the couple wanted it The at lime I Willi a of two small boys jot the Il ia 11 Hie filial weeds pulled and pile of fieh leave- Die old sand box whirl i vei as a ion tempos heap and the and asked the was of I he leaves Iln rnllicil and blew and by moriiliiK Ihe look I nelly as had when Id Hie day Inline My only salnfilini was nil Ink mnlleiiiik I old you so rim wlinil liiini Itmk- In fin weeks would d ply disappointed Mm lllov- iiiihiis As Ilia Rid passed llrizzln In mi limn Wo Plowing ami politic UK- in lib neon I link was like Iln III clem- by noun At WO laf imp lllllosashn side a 1 lu ml In Ilw sky bill 1 and 1 ll ill Ivt eit tele iDlrtt dun Hun lliov into walden swan son mil BORIC Hi to J war I will only fur III furl Mould In- write fiwuii or almost film roll- II hi Hie lid fllllllldllllb oil Vila nun Willi aim mass Willi former polilhlier i livid II I I lie lliiouiili mill aver one I i look din IluV I ell I lie My wife mid my- sill have derided old adage Hint arc relutlunliy leaving yearn la go had desirihid a a in 1H3 on I had mime when I could easily my hat on of life rehlilrme in mid Willi a of years striving present a few fails bills d Hi in Inn ma I mini lit him lull It In I he and walked out you ran but now heres a lump up and one wonders if lids Is right do or really isnt a case of grltly III diary Its a serin of slipping from farewell pur Former Major Kenl hud making front pa knew land so did lit I most he snlil world pulling Into hand In lid till while dim with mal him id Ill mm was no Ins will build and Aim hull III tail lull I in a null I 1 i Old a Im old iiiiiaii III I PI lining anils mid Hi repld organised by In llaster I iniivlio ilaulf ill nidi I in sill I iliiil end sell pun is llui Mil diary would apprehension come In very bandy right heard thai wo would have now Era publisher Dave a new When we Haskell has designated finally met David II Has dubious honor nf allowing hell we knew honey Ion Inil straight of Ike angle one lulu inn in 111 In up no Wldhilulaus up lie will ills led Ililll fiilllmr piev 11111 hi IeeillIK Ilium of mini tiny lo Hill II will Iiiivo In ho sin lui mini isspol- liil will mil him Iln inn Plow s and harass- York Ike I longer came I leave the north go out and gel II The Kra a srgiiicnl agnate ana I flnwiht and there were a few sad Hie was when tfnj win frinli a moments when we tried charming at lake excuse ourselves asked ay to thai was no use The the mule and gave la lira was taking en a York some of The mule linotype Ike Hi I II lull vivid swan oil II iiiiuiiI could susliiln my wile and for a long come you Newmarket and llio is Inn ii Intuit klH IioiiI Mike llio in In nub ollm lii llml lilsmui lilml limlly mid wild mil Ihilnil In my mil Hum I ho I will mil my fin- I I ii like few furrow tnko the in skis of Jones em- for lditireittiniw A I Inn pulse slop mot full spate In I suppose wo of goodwill got In ml here Inst due Infill In I in mi Hull he tins hull no Iewel Hum Seven from who have been Kim for jobs CMHlOOOoOOOO My October York County Hoard if Education news release complains of vandalism theft place County schools It also points that work- ink drawhiss for three new schools arc currently on view at Church Street Aurora No the builders of new edifices of loarninK will be claiming that their brand new mod els will offer maximum resistance vandals dictionary a vandal Is person who willfully destroys ant thine sacred or beautiful but lets not he too pedantic iwoooOooooo The Newmarket Crisis vcntlon Centre on la more support each ml from people who cafe Dairies arc now supplying of milk each and the In cash Umntlons to the centre come from Royal I onion Ladies Auxiliary