In The Garden Give your indoor plants plenty of light someones home and see the windows full of flour plants They wonder what secret formula is used to get the various house plants to grow so well Theres nothing magical about it Just give the plants the daily care attention and growing con ditions they require Lack of sunlight is one of the biggest stumb ling blocks to plant growth in the home or apartment All green plants require light and most of them need this in the form of direct sunlight although there are a few plants such as the John African violet foliage be gonia Impatiens In the garden a plant will usually get ade quate light in the form of sunlight from all directions But indoors it only comes from one side Window gar dens facing north get no sunshine at all and those facing in the other direc tions get direct sunlight for one part of the day Keep these light ing facts in mind when se lecting a window in which to grow plants A large bay Farm Report By Wall tory situation for the ma jority of plants Leaves of plan grown in insufficient light become inactive and even tually turn yellow and drop off The older and more mature leaves are the first be affected Eventually leaf after leaf will drop until the plant dies In such cases theres no point in feeding the plants because the light conditions are so poor that the leaves are unable to carry out their job of changing the chemical elements in the fertilizer into a form of food which the plants can use Few if any house plants will stay symmetri cal when the light only comes from one side To achieve this turn the plant little each day ally or even fully close diators hot air registers electric beating House cool room for the night and doors need a plants in other parts of the returned to their usual of fresh open a window from New advances in pest control nil sides a the The to gree temperatures found in many homes are too high for many plants Under such conditions they Representative for York County Grain corn in York is coming off well these days good from at the combine and from our yields taken by hand for fields in the county corn competition We expect several to be over the bushel mark Cash cropping on a big scale is a change from tradition here in York but its a natural result of the changes in farm ownership John and David Pegg both up at Keswick are typical of a new breed of farmer handling huge acreages with all kinds of mach inery and doing nearly all the work themselves When I was at Johns last week he was start ing to combine something like 600 acres of corn drying it and storing most of it in storages with total capacity of bushels The only persons helping John was his wife Annette who Lipped the switch on the continuous flow dryer about every half hour John planned to replace even her in a few days with an automatic control His neighbor Dave operates on about the same scale The key is being able to dry corn as fast as it can be combined They both have big capacity con tinuous flow and heat dryers Another neighbor Jack Crittenden had a great demonstration he reliability of corn this year His acre crop was hailed out in July Leaves were smashed to pieces and I only hoped for a low yield of silage But those plants got some new growth ears developed and while yields will be down there is still a very worthwhile yield of grain It illustrates that if the crop Is well looked after there will be useful yields even when nature goes wrong This is a big point when a grower has such a tremendous pile of eggs In one Soybeans are late but yielding well Some are over 35 bushels Storage difficult with high moisture levels A few growers are shipping direct to processors but most of the beans grown here are for home feeding Don Herbert at has a Roastatron going and a few growers are trying acid as a preservative too day and night but this is simply not rue Outdoors its al ways cooler at night and filch variations so that plants facture food in the daytime build up their plant tis sues at night Those grown under continuously high temperatures become leg gy have much less resis tance to disease and in sects and their flowers are usually of poor quality Its difficult to re duce the daytime temper atures by more than a de gree or two but it is pos sible to cut down in a se lected room to somewhere between to degrees The closer you get to degrees the better for most plants The best way of reducing the tem perature would be to parti All of us in the agricultural sector will bear much more about the control of insects and di seases by means other than chemical methods Chemicals poi sons etc are dirty words and the pressure is con stantly on us to stop using this type of control prac ticed I believe that chemi cals are here to stay as long as we as growers use them according to the di rections and only if there is a need for them to be used It is the abuse of these chemicals which will force the politicians to ban However resear chers are always looking for improved methods of controlling insects and di sease We already have a very effective bacterial formulation to control cab bage worms called This material with a bacterium as the active ingredient when sprayed on the crop does not leave a harmful residue and kills cabbage worms by VALK ON VEGETABLES Fruit and Vegetable giving them a bacterial A small wasp when released in green houses goes to work on the greenhouse white fly by parasitizing the eggs and ii Matthew Valk Extension Specialist eating their way tbrou 1 thai is equally as good chemical insecticide Unlike chemicals- successful controlling the to- because in their crops Dr R at the Harrow search Station tells us th some viruses may soon a welcome boon to mi used to kill insects that a natural to the and thus do ncrease soil pollution not become outdated velop resistance to them All this should make the antipollution crowd very happy hut I doubt if the chemical man ufacturers are smiling at these developments Speaking about will want to know how much fertilizer to apply this fall Whether you I ply your fertilizer this fall or next spring it will al- ways be a good idea to take soil samples so that they can be analyzed Very few things are free these days but this service is still available without cost Do take a half a day some- time soon to lake a soil sample it may save you money and will certainly help you to grow a better crop Sample boxes and bags are available at your fertilizer dealer and at our Newmarket and Research Station offices Call mark during cold snaps To discover if this is the trouble set a thermometer that registers maximum minimum temperatures temperatures at night close the window for a few to or even below the nights NNNNNNNNNNNNN Z TOWN OF NEWMARKET POBLIC NOTICE i el Town of or horaby inded following provision of Bylaw PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED No Extra Charge BEST DRUG STORE Each Additional Mole Dog Female Dog Eoch Additional Fmof Dog IMS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED So 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