M Car A Track Lease Rentals If Car Track Lease Rentals Car and Truck Lease Rentals LEASE FOR LESS IN OCTOBER LAWTON BROS Lawton Bros Ltd in Aurora are offering the lowest leasing rates in the year NOW Our depreciation costs are lower now than at any time in the Free automatic is being supplied by Chrysler Our lease financing just went down US QUOTE ON YOUR IEASE 44 Building Trades Building Trades and Household and Household Directory Directory RENE J BRAY CONST BUILDER Alterations Additions to Rsidentiol Commercial Properties Fireplaces Chimneys Rooms Repairs FREE ESTIMATES J 1 PLUMBING DRAINS ERA Gardening and Sopplies BROTHERS LTD CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH 7279439 ST S AURORA Automotive Automotive Services and Repairs Services and Repairs CAR OWNERS FALL SPECIALS MR WHEELS Wellington St E Aurora BONUS OFFER With each tune up FREE Electronic Engine Diagnosis FREE Front Wheel Bearings Repacked FREE Engine Shampoo 44 Building Trades and Household Directory Farm Machinery Farm Machinery NEW DEALER DAVID BROWN Solas Service GORDBELL FARM INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT 5th Cone 8958912 NEW PRICES I REGENCY TOR WINDOWS DOORS AWNINGS STONEWORK SIDING PATIOS RECR EatlMtM DEIEER LANDSCAPING CALL FACED WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps Alcoholics Anony mous or Family Group can help Phone 3576 Newmarket 7274604 or Groceries Meats Produce for Sale Beets by he bushel or bas ket all sizes Carrots green tomatoes preserving citrons Phone 2 potatoes 1 per 73 Lb baa John Pota toes Ltd 8955422 New market Pet Stock Supplies Puppies usually available Poodles beautiful jet black and dark chocolate minia- s Quality breeding Re gistered shots Phone Male Brindle boxer pups for sale stock 100 to Phone Rex- BOB WOOD SONS Drywoll Insulations call second Phone 44 Building Trades and Household Directory AALBOKG CONSTRUCTION LIMITED General contractor Building Trade and Household Directory NEWMARKET ALUMINUM Deer bare liSbi Lew Prices- Fall Gsmrsstee Flee ST free NEWMARKET Contracting TRENCHING EXCAVATING GRADING Fireplaces a specialty twee Newmarket and female Siamese cats 2 years old well house trained Phone 4764267 anytime OPEN HOUSE Mr and Mrs Garfield will be happy to welcome friends at their home Davis Drive Newmarket on Saturday Oct 31st and 79 pm TOWN OF AURORA WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO The Ere out Wei October a IMS SEASON OPENS Minor hockey Tenders will be received at the Town Aurora Mun icipal Offices Aurora Ontario until 1100 local lime on Nov for the construction of Waterworks Im provements in the Town of Aurora Contract Documents and Drawings may be obtained from the Town of Aurora Municipal Offices Yonge South Auora Ontario and the office of JD Associates Ltd Consulting Professional Engineers Dunlop Street West Ontario There will be a nonrefundable fee of ten dollars S1000 for the Contract Documents The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted 10 Associates Lid Mr scores star play begins next week Newmarket at District House League i Morton Dr Keswick will occasion of their golden wedding anniversary No gifts please THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Request For Tender Paper Supplies and Exercise Books tenders clearly identified will be re- up to pm local time Nov 6 1970 in purchasing department of the York County of Education 22 Church St Aurora PO Details and bidding from the purchasing I Educe Mr and Mrs Ernest of will be at home to their The family extend mi to all of tea with invitation to all Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF ESTATE O F CHARLES LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET YORK RETIRED E- Creditors of the above imed deceased who died the Town of Newmarket the County of York Free to good home kittens Free 7 week old pups Labrador part Shep- Phone and I hound Phone 8958075 or 4784987 Phone GLEN of JIM Res tfii Sale Keeshonds registered puppies fluffy little silver teddy bears wonderful pets for children wormed and up 49 Miscellaneous CORRECTION Walkers Ad Oct 21 Girls Coats at and were incorrectly ad vertised as Suede Instead of Walkers regret this error and any Phone Sutton in the County of York on or about the fifteenth day of July 1970 are hereby notifi ed pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the under signed proof of their claim on or before the Sixteenth day of November af ter which date the assets of the Estate will be distribut ed having regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned will then have DATED at Newmarket this 13th day of October 1970 Executrix by her Soli- STTVER VALE PIATT ERRINGTON Newmarket Ontario EAST In the second BURY In allstar hockey got the last week the novices won fl two games downing Newmarket all- berg and thumping Bol ton 112 In the game Brian scored twice with singles going to Alan Morton Shayne Bor- and Brad Sullivan scored five times against Bolton Dave Hurst got two with Andy Morton Mike scoring once East split their games losing to Bolton and defeating Schom- TOWN OF AURORA TENDERS MUNICIPAL VEHICLES Seal landers mark on out side of lender enve lope as to Vehicle tender on will be received by the undersigned until 1200 noon Friday November 1970 For the supply of the following Vehicles only GVW Dump Truck lonly Truck Cab Chassis only 10000 Platform Truck lonly Pickup Truck utility box 1 only 5200 Pickup Truck fleet side Vehicle Office Lowest or any tender available at Municipal of necessarily accepted RODGER AMCT MUNICIPAL CLERK ST S AURORA 19S5 Meteor lie No 273917 to be sold by public auction on Thursday November 1970 at I Murray Newton Ontario will not responsible for any debts in my name af- October 1970 with- to York Mills or Ellesmere Rd in the and Markham Road From Regency Acres in Aurora Phone tuns additions custom homes and cottages septic tanks and drainage sys tems phone service for emergencies tfM work repairs and al terations Phone 8968726 Newmarket after pm Far Btockwerk Chimneys Phone Ralph Brown 45 Gardening and SuppBca lap Mil or yards delivered Alto rotted manure Phone 473- or downtown returning leaving Newmarket Phone New- available to downtown leave Newmarket Wanted ride to Toronto riving 8 oclock leavi 530 Phone 8954960 College arrive turn 5 after p n turn 5 pm Phone FRESH FLOWERS From our own greenhouses delivered anywhere In Met ro Toronto dally AURORA GREENHOUSES St 8 Aaron Fktae RUCTION of a king lot at Scanlon Creek north of Bradford Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the under signed until pm local time on November 4 Plans specifications and form of tender may be ob tained at the office of Hol- land Valley Conservation Authority on or after Octob er Each tender must be ac companied by a certified cheque payable to the Auth ority for at least of the total tender bid Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted SecretaryTreasurer Holland Valley Con servation Authority Main Street Box Newmarket Ontario SAVE on hour Driving Lessons FREE HOME PICKUP Are In Tews ft Driving School vocal and the is preferably a lessons preferably beai after 4782249 58 Business Services Water Haulage Wells and cisterns filled Queens 24 hour service TAKE A RICH MANS VACATION All Be Pail For It If you like resort living meeting people golf fish ing or any of the holiday activities Then youre the type of person that the HotelMotel industry urgently needs Age is no barrier and husband and wife teams are in demand Train easily and quickly at home in your spare time Write or today for free career brochure by retanmall 6308420 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN INGE 59 and Found Gary Collins led lha scorers In the second contest with two goals Doug Dunac Brian Steve Bronetto Tom Tid- Scot Thomas and Chris Shcrrard got one The Bantam all- stars played two games last week winning one and In the first game against Bolton they tied with Tim MacWiltiams scor ing both goals with Allan Harrison drawing both Brian A v i s n scored the only goal of the second game against with Chris drawing Ihe assist The East Gwil limbury midget allstars were also in action last week with games against Bolton and Schomberg The first game Bolton East Gwil won with Mike Killman Tom Coffey Mike and Scot Murray scoring case brown and gold frame vicinity Park and Davis Reward Phone Sales Register Auctions sale of farm stock imple ments hay and grain the property of Matthew Veitch Lot Con 5 Scott miles north of mites west 1 mile north or li miles east of Sand- ford mile north head and Hereford yearlings PB Hereford bull 2 years number of smaller calves 3300 bales of hay bu grain John Deere model A tractor and loader good condition Case model S tractor Case model V tractor case 312 DOLOMITE DR DOWNSVIEW Name Street ft Neaaber 59 and Found Lett Young white goat Cedar Valley cession Pbooe hint- v ato digger good Full line of machinery Farm sold Terms cash Sale at pm Reg Johnson and son auc tioneers Phone Sunderland Gerald Gra ham clerk Auction Sale Saturday Oct ober Pollard Auction or Keswick HOUSEHOI J FURNITURE ANTIQUES PLUMBING SUPPLIES STEEL SHEL- V I INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR Refrigerator wringer wash er cook stove new chesterfields large square hand carved dining room table Ash floor polisher typewriter sink units Wal nut buffet and matching dining room table dressers wash stands writing desks grates linen table etc Antique mantel clock china cabinet lamp brass bed form rocker and chair Beaver sealer Aladdin lamp complete crystal upholstered chair silver coffee maker cars Yes they will be sold by auction at Sales Barn from 1950 mod els to 1969 from cars to gravel trucks units offered All units on display 3 days prior to sale Finance arrangements can be made on premises be at your price By just take in the sale for a family outing Truck and car sale to start at 10 am sharp Norm Faulkner and Frank Bennett sales man agers and auctioneers Clearing form- is for the of erly of to be held at the Community Centre located 2 miles including comports cut glass cake glass oil pine pieces lamps lanterns iron pets nine nieces antiques num ber clocks Bayruih Beaver sealers brass pail brass school bell copper boiter quantity of odd dishes ire screen Ivory dresser set pine cradle pine writing desk bake board parlor chairs hall chairs racking chairs Boston Rocker small cabinet brass lined dining service picture luilt tops and Auctioneers Wed Mark Twain Bradford St Bar- tit all household furniture including full line the property of Harry Nor ton Bradford St Bar- Sale of all household linens beddingantique pie ces garden tools power lawnmewer etc Terms cash No reserve as home Is Sales Registei Auctions Saturday Nov lHt The properly Mrs Ethel turn north on Main SI Davis Dr to Aggar first block north on side Auction sale of and articles Hall rack Elate glass mirror antique lining suite 3piece chesterfield radio refrigerator gas v machine kitchen chrome set Quantity of antique chi na few pieces of satin glass Bean crock Crocks All kinds of dishes every style cooking utensils Quantity of bedding HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Large hall rack oak with plate glass mirror anti- Spool type stand Vanity dresser Small stand pine with with oval mirror plate glass Round stand part of toilet china excellent About sets c sugar condition glass quantity of china ads of dishes Moustache cup Same pieces of silver Quantity bedding Philco refrigerator Washing machine refrigerator Washing machine Kitchen chrome set ana chairs and table buffet and mirror 3piece chesterfield Hall tree beds springs and mat- 3 Dressers high chair Writing desk 2 WssTCTOJes Radio table model Power Hand mower 3 lawn chairs Oil space heater Quantity of garden tools and many many other sro- not mentioned Terms cash Alvln S Fanner Pho