in cellar after defeat NEWMARKET Newmarket and District High School intermediate football Raiders pounded Markham High School 204 last week scoring in the first quart er although Paul burg missed a touchdown pass from quarterback Dave on the yard line for New market In the second John McCowan carried the ball yards Brian McNeill of Newmarket took the Schools active in sports NEWMARKET In Geld hockey last week Newmarket District High School lost only one game of the three played In the first a gainst NDHS took a 10 victory but lost their second game on Wed nesday by the same score to Huron Secon dary School on a goal by Janet Bailey Last Thursday they played a scoreless tie with Bradford High School Football action last week saw King City High School seiners defeat 60 on Tues day while the Intermedi ates were beaten by King 18 the same day On Thursday the Newmarket seniors jour neyed to and won their game io Earlier in the week Markham sen iors defeated Aurora 26 Newmarket de feated Huron Heights two girls volleyball last week at Newmarket District High Huron Heights upset Markham two games to none after which dropped Newmarket two games to one the same In junior volley ball at Newmarket he junior clubs of Huron Heights and schools were beaten by Newmarket two games to Markham came back to defeat Huron Heights two games to none an end run took the ball in for six points Guy Rob- sons convert was good and Newmarket led at half On a kickoff took the ball Newmarket and back for six points Clip ping was called against Newmarket and the touch down was washed out The following play saw Hetherington throw short pass to the and again he rai back This time the play was good for six points however the convert blocked In the third ter although picked off the only inter ception of the game there Early in the fourth McNeill and Doug yards on the ground Newmarket in scoring took the pass and went yards for the touchdown The vert was good on Hetherington for score of market Ref school overall success I for the Newmarket Ref erees School organized by Dan Bond and Larry Blight The first class held last Tuesday drew 39 hopeful applicants with returning the following the t The first night of the school Charles spoke to the group giving his support to the referees Ed Adams presi dent of the North York Minor Hockey Association also spoke and stated that there is a need to improve the referees Vice president of the Ontario Hockey Associ ation CUff Phillips also spoke to the gathering in support of the school Sunday was the day for the Ice test as more than 30 applicants of all ages put on skates and were tested as to their awareness of the calls Each of the students demonstrated and announced he call given to him by the referee in charge Don Bond Larry Blight and Gregg Scott di vided the class into three groups of nearly people for the session The referee school had to its credit that it was the first held in Newmarket and it was first group on the ice in the renovated arena Larry Blight HIGH QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING AT NEW LOWER PRICES sincere thanks to the Recre ation Committee and other organizations for free use of the fire hall and town hall and Newmarket Larry Blight who last week operated the highly successful Referees School explains the holding call to hopefuls Doug Keats left and Kevin during the ice session at the newly renovated New market Arena Blight was the first person to skate NEWMARKET Joe McGowan topped the Bowlerama Mens Major Bowling League last week with a high triple His high single of 300 was second to the 320 high singles of Bob Ban ning and George Keroff Banning and had high triples of and respectively Stan L u n y bowled 747 high triple and high single Larry Baguley was one point behind with 746 and high single of Further down the list Bill Eves with and 269 Bob Daniels and 265 George Hill and 264 Mike and 265 Ken Ross 725 and and Randy 70S and Top bowler last week in the Friday Night Ladies Bowling League was An nette Robinson with a high triple of and high sing le of 283 points Second was Clark with and Ida took third place with and 243 points while Eves was fourth with and 277 Further down the list was Young and Yvonne Turgeon and Norma Tans- ley and and and 253 points he Tuesday Night Ladies Major Bowling last week with a high triple of 754 an single of Gymnastics for girls to start NEWMARKET For further Starting Saturday Oct 31 contact the recre- a course in girls gymnastics ation office at he New- will run for weeks will be conducted each Satur day Fee for the course is 50 cents per person and FLORIDA VACATION Ethel Winter with and 280 Eves came in third with and 219 while Ruth Eves grabbed off fourth with and 217 points Jeanne Gatti led the rest of the group with and 225 Behind her wu Marg Coates 584 and Evans and Linda Faber 563 and Barb and Gert Clark tied for the final place with 550 while Clarks high single was three points behind BillMcVean gives you something to think about weekdays 105 to 3 pm ONTARIOS FAMILY STATION INTERNATIONAL CREDIT UNION WEEK 1970 Qiao pit WE SPECIALIZE IN BARBQ CHICKEN STEAK TRY OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER TAKE OUT OR1IRS CALL HON to AH T MIDNIGHT H I IWAH HURON HEIGHTS PLAZA DAVIS NEWMARKET Around the world this week some llion members of credit unions the ways in which these self help savings and credit organi zations have enriched their lives rios million credit union mem bers have saved close to mil in their credit union accounts This money is loaned to members help buy or repair homes and s to pay for household furnish ings and appliances education and family vacations Credit union members in this inco and elsewhere in Canada and the United States are also aiding people in the developing nations with people and hinds to organize their own credit unions CIAG is proud to provide of every kind to these good the credit union families Ontario If youd like more infor mation about credit union member ship or insurance please call us 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