The Eta Wed LANDING SCOUTS bring their sons lor HOLLAND LAND- ration 1NG The annual registra tion for the First Holland Sadler and Landing Scout group will be i assistant Scout Leader i the Scout Hall Wed Oct at leaders Parents are requested to and Jim and are badly needed to transport the boys matkra may be obtained from the committee chair- Leonard RALPH SMALLEY WINS NINE FIRSTS AT District five gather at Mount Albert he committee chair- Albert Foster By VIOLA corned the district MOUNT ALBERT One hundred thirty ticulturists gathered Larry Solway Its taken him nearly ten years to come to one important conclusion in spite of world events crashing and thundering all around us the most important thing is still human behaviour yours and his What do you think about the pollution your husbands clothes feminists and kids Larry Solway to am weekdays chum Mount Bruce Roll- by Mr of East Gwillim- the Assistant the MSbrt Community from the was condSd by Thursday night Oct 1 Miss Ada Linton or the annual meeting of rector Miss District of the Ontario gave a Horticultural Association on the of the ok- In the decorative activities of the dis- Stanley vice- through the year aecorauve president of Mount Albert Som competition Brooklln l cultural Society placed and Pickering third Society was a- warded an honorable men- Horticultural Society by horticulturists from making many ex otic dishes from casseroles to fiambe desserts The Ladies Auxiliary who sponsored the cooking school appreciate the t shown by those attend- Oct 13 in the Mount Ai rier Public School at pm when the speaker will be Mr Edwards BA pal of Mount Albert DELIVERY TAKEOUT THE BEST CHINESE FOOD this side of TORONTO FREE delivery over 500 NEWMARKET and OAK RIDGES PHONE 7279408 Mo or head Shirley Tomorrow night is SamM KeevH Parents Night for the Cubs during the graduation Group executives leaf group president OMham den Mary secre tary Ann Couples treasur er Pat recreation convenor Laurie Brown Senior Sailors Sunday Sept prestdent was day for vlMnMrflteBl CGIT girls Sharon treasurer Gall Me- decorated table provided a social hour after the meet ing The hall was appro priately decorated with flowers fruits and vege- Decorating was done by Mrs Murray and Mrs Adam Golik while Mrs Isaac Mrs Mor ris Sanderson Mrs Ross Harrison Mrs Norman Wilson Mrs Walter Case Mrs William Klomp and Mrs Murray charge of the buffet Favors given courtesy of bell Canada Ontario Department of Lands and Forests Mr Murray contractor and Mr Adam Golik Rose Hybridizer member of the Mount Al bert Horticultural Society who tried his luck in seve ral classes at Fair this year and succeed ed in winning nine firsts eight seconds and six One hundred twentyfive ladies attended the Ontario Hydro cooking and will be held in the Mount Albert Public School at pm Each boy is asked to bring a parent or rela tive so that all necessary information may be ob tained for Cub registration If the Mount SZ5 chosen this year The CGIT Sunday morning in the Mount Albert United Church Suzanne de livered the valedictory The have Rain as a theme song it would not be surprising Rain fell on Cubs and their leaders Cub Master Long and Cub Assis tant William at a camping weekend at Woodland Trails Camp in Whitchurch Township The Cubs are grateful to Dr Owen Pout Mr and Mrs Carl Hawse and Miss Sharon Long who stayed the worship Marilyn recrea tion convenor Esther Yake Eager Bearers president Brenda Green vfcepresideflt Dale Barter secretary Kim treasurer Christine Bone worship convenor nor Sandra Dick tlve is president Judy Do- The Mount Albert Ann Dick treasurer worship co nor Do run Bonner re pies pianist Marl the home of Mrs Ross Carter when they will entertain Union Street The program is on public v th the boys Taylor led the The Mount Albert United Church is holding a Mission Festival at the church Tuesday Oct from pra to pm and pm to pm Films will be shown and re- will be served Mr and Mrs The Mount Albert Michael and baby and Leo Club held daughter Joanna of New their second meeting of the Westminister BC AURORA ACTIVITIES Topics Of The Town AURORA Miss Joan Best George Street has returned home after a holiday with relatives of I the Legion Hall Mount Albert Tuesday Sept Speaker for the evening was Rev D DD of Holt Rev chose as his topic How to make a success of your club and stressed James Thompson recei- ved his Bachelor of Arts degree Friday October 2 at the University of Among those who at- tended were his parents Mr and Mrs J Thomp son of Aurora and Mr and Mrs Riy Barry and Miss Cathie Barry of Mrs George Ten Mr Thompson Connaught Ave the formers parents Bancroft Mr and Mrs A II Miller spent the weekend with their son Larry WE SPECIALIZE IN BARBQ CHICKEN STEAKS TRY OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER TAKE OUT ORDERS CALL OPEN HON to THUR TO MIDNIGHT 130 HURON HEIGHTS PLAZA DAVIS DR NEWMARKET Unit of Aurora United Church held a very interesting meeting in the Ladies Parlor on Thurs day Oct Mrs Walter amanl of bethe centered her worship guest speaker at First Bap- tt Church Sunday Mrs was in charge of the program opened with four ladies on a Your Church Today Where it is and where it is going Those taking part were Mrs W Graham Mo Graham Miss Mabel Smith and Mrs Row Chapter two of the Choice in Change Rev A MaiU- Mrs Frank Dove and Miss Jean Dove Street spent the week end In Ottawa dealt with by Nursing in Toronto Mr Kerry Thorns- An investment that grows and grows Church to be held Wednes day October 28 afternoon and evening Nice members of Miss Patricia Ann Anglican Church Leek graduated recently Participated in the recent from York Regional School diocesan project March for Outreach Bruce and Mercer Beryl Hark and Alison ant Martin Cathy Wengel and John each completed the milt j course successfully to ar rive at St James Cathedral where others were congre gating from East and West The youngest of the Trinity walkers were and years The local sponsors enriched the outreach fund by Fun with Fashion and Dessert on September at St Andrews Presby terian Church In Aurora was a great Oil Han Priestly and Debate greeted the guests 197071 CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Now available at Toronto Dominion the bank where people make the difference McrloWn Main Sunt Ontario Mount Mrs P Cestui sod Mrs R Brown Gifts donated war claimed by the lucky wins and the war provided by the Robert Simpson Co Ltd Miss Roust Fashion Consultant and her commentator Was Foster advised the gather- on the coming trends of fashion Sht modelled number of costumes just to prow her point that its not necessary to have an enormous ward- robs or bank account to bo smartly The el breast and tag floral Individual colored mail floral Organ musk ral arraniiiaialiH tabs Mi tea