The Era New market- AuroraKeswick Quotations ore being received for heating in Lake Simcoe Forest ration forms are available from Accounting Supervisor District Maple Ontario Ext 25 Train By Corresponds Career Opportunities in MOTEL MANAGEMENT Bloor St Suite 200 Toronto Dear Mr Wilkinson I am seriously interested in the opportunities which are presented for men and women regardless of age in the evergrowing hospitality field I would tike to know how I might step into my choice of many differ ent and well paying positions Please send by mail without obligation all pertinent information Or phone 2335855 NAME STREET NUMBER CITY PROVINCE PHONE NO SINGLE MARRIED Registered as a Trade School under the Trade Schools Regulation Act Ontario AGE IS NO BARRIER TO A RICHER CAREER IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT HEW and women single or married husband and wife teams regardless of age learn how you can easily be come part of the fast growing hospitality industry No school diploma required WE TRAIN YOU FOR THE JOB WE HELP YOU GET OR PHONE TODAY FOR FREE CAREER BROCHURE BY RETURN MAIL Registrations Now Open 6308420 CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS OF CANADA DQWHSVIEW PHONE NO Registered TOWNSHIP OF FOR SALE TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o clock Noon Monday October or the purchase of One Hydraulic oper ated V Type snow plow No 149 S P with a ft Ross levelling wing and One 19j Six Cubic yard King Hopper Sander Model No by appointment at Township garage Van- highest or any tender Road Superintend en R I Ontario Driving Schools Driving Schools DRIVING SCHOOL 8956435 SAVE Town A Country Driving School 8952666 Lost and Found I Friday Phone Newmarket eels from Coles one from Newmarket Drugs from Owner may claim upon payment of this ad Phone Kcs Advertise for best results SALE REGISTER Saturday Oct loth Auc tion sale of household and implements antique Arrow back chairs Boston rockers 3 sets of ice cream parlor chairs like new antique 2 televis ion sets good combination radio and record player china glassware quantity of good antiques at Lot 10 Con East Township on Mount Albert Road at Holt The property of Howard Cunningham Terms cash Sale at pm Farmer Auctioneer Dr J Lockhart at Lot Con Town ship I mile north of or 7 miles East of on County Road and turn north at Store Sale of household far including antiques electrical appliances gar den tools lumber 1969 Volk swagen 2door 10000 miles and Pifher AUCTION SALE Con Mi of Keswick WOODWORKING Bankruptcy Stock 1 Model Radial Arm Saw with Drill Press RockwellDelta Plan nerjointer Large qu of finished FURN1TURE Factory clearance and aimed goods Large assortment of new and reupholstered chester field suites love seats odd and occasional chairs end tables three piece upright Food Freezer Baby Spool rope bed harvest tables shoulder yoke rope clock rockers pine cradle pine cupboard grain wicker high back chair rock carved bedroom bail MECHANICS TOOLS Multidrawer mechanics tool chest rubber tired wheelbarrows of open Above is but a small lon of New Unclaimed Pollard auctioneer Sale of holstein veal calves registered Yorkshire sows and pigs hay grain farm machinery and some household effects Including many antique pieces Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold and auctioneers including head of and heifers lb to lb Choice -Villi- lr ir I- illHi Bar side rake wag- i rack I pigs hay fir furniture The property Earl Lot Jon Township I mites south of Goodwood or miles north of Pickering or approx mile east of Terms cash No Reserve Sale at 1 pm Norm Faulkner Auctioneer Auction sale house and lot Steele Ave between and Yonge St room brick house including bath oil furnace finished base ment and breezewav elec tee estate of the late Sarah Fuller Sale time 2 pm Date of sale Saturday Oct balance made known at time of sale This property will be sold subject to re serve bid Edgar Fuller R 2 Ont James Fuller Stephen Drive Bolton Ont Propri etors or Auctioneer will not be responsible for any pub lic liability property dam age or injury to public in connection with this sale Alvin S Farmer Auction- tion sale of household fur niture and antiques ing piano refriger ator several antique chairs pine cook stove oval walnut table oil lamps picture Fra mes beds high antique bed toilet set pieces pine oak sideboard dishes several be autiful antique fluted vase many other items The pro perly of Fred Tones 3i corner of Cone and county road Sale at pm Lloyd Wilson Atkinson Sale Manager and Auctioneers clw40 ThansVMving Monday Oct At noon sharp for Albert Dawson at behind post office ding Scle of household including many nieces tools Dodge sedan 2B000 original miles etc Terms cash No reserve owing to Mr Daw sons age he had to give up his home and house is for sale Coughlin and Village of lie blanket hi of bin mrHe Mason and larpi of and dure parlour writing desk fern rack scatter ruJs chairs dishes earthenware crocks and all rack bench hand carved love seat Many other articles too Sale time Tems cash Stan Pollard CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED No Extra Clorgo BEST DRUG STORE 895409 a I of household chairs low buffet and solid front cabinet very good condition Hocking chair chesterfield and mat ching chairs Dressers chest of drawers Rood mattresses grey rug Harding wringer lamp Quantity of Cop- wringer washer Til lamp Quantity of Cop per pipe and tubing also of new plywood various thick ness Pipe threader quan tity of plastic soil pipes Full roll of ft poultry fen ce linear ft roll of 3 ft wide copper screening Many other items Terms Cash For Ivor W Lewis Lot 1 Con Two of King 1V miles south of King on auc tioneer LOOK FALL SPECIAL POLMAR FOR LESS THAN You Too Con Own A I Horse I I OLYMPIQUB SKIDOO IOne SkiBoose One Double Deluxe Tn J SPORTS AUTHORIZED DEALER to to Fil Sot Sun I to Won 8953251 Davii Dr Postpone dredging OWRC KESWICK Any dredging op erations near recreation areas on the Jersey River should be postponed Resources Commission The OWRC is investigating the source of a mysterious form of pollu tion that appeared late last month along the shores of Cooks Bay foot thick sediment of weeds and dead marine life and some claimed the pollution originated with dredg ing operations on the Jersey River In a letter to the Holland Valley Conservation Authority last week the OWRC did not pinpoint the source- But it did caution supervisors of dredging activities to see that no floating materials are left on the water after the dredged materials from the river are dumped in the bay It also suggested postponement until Oct of any such operations that occur near recreation areas Derek Sterritt resources man ager for the said he and his staff hope to discuss the complex in vestigation with OWRC officials when a final report is prepared He said previously re commended land disposal methods for material dredged from the river bottom Two government agencies are in volved In the Jersey dredging 60 Sales Auctions Oct Clearing farm auction of cattle farm implements including 2 tractors MHSP com bine spreader drill separator new power rer- drill Niagara spray er duster traclor disc J 3F plow trip beam 3 pt hitch pigs sows hay grain straw large pile scrap iron etc The property of Ben Talbot located mile north of on Con Whitchurch Farm sold Terms cash and Antique all racks nc pieces stands black iron wash- stand Emery stone antique Harness makers scales quantity of wrought iron Brass pressed glass china copper brass articles in all Wo south of Gormley on Don Highway mile Mills Road- Goods on dis play from pm until sale Terms cash Sale at 30 sharp S Farm- Auctioneer Phone 8fl7- auction of Holsteins milk quota bulk machinery antique furni ture etc the property of J II Nighswander Located of Stouf In ii 1 auction rings Farm sold Sale 1 pm Atkinson and Wilson Sale and cue- Parsnips for all meals TORONTO As the fall vegetable har vest bursts into splendor one vegetable that seldom receives credit is the par snip Parsnips are very dif ferent from root and tuber vegetables such as carrots and potatoes When you buy carrots you know that young small carrots will taste much sweeter parsnips the opposite is true because these vegetab les become sweeter as they mature So for sweettasting parsnips the larger they are the better tasting they will be de lightful if parboiled for a short time and then cook ed in a brown sugarbutter mixture until glazed They are also a delicious addition to your favorite turkey stuf fing recipe TURKEY DINNERS Sunday Monday October II 12 Open II am to I am RELAX TO LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY SATURDAYS pm Hon Wall Known Rodin Vocolcil LONGHORN INN Don Mills Rd at Ml Albert Side Rd SHARON ONTARIO Llnsd 4784848 DUTCH CANADIAN CREDIT UNION to circumstances beyond our control FILM EVENING WEDNESDAY OCTOBER STUART SCOTT PUBLIC SCHOOL Lome Avenue Newmarket Admission Charge Bring Your Fri WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY OTOOLE BEST ACTOR OF THE YEAR Chips One Of The Years Ten Best P OTo Petula Clark ESBaBBEffia SUNDAY MONDAY J TUESDAY CAPTAIN NEMO AND CITS iST ALSO NEWMARKET OPTIMIST CLUB BINGO REOPENING THUR OCT 8 PM OPTIMIST HALL DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET Opposite Eves Lumber ELLIOTTS SERVICES has moved FROM EAGLE TO A BIGGER LOCATION TO SERVE YOU BETTER of Impel I Oil products Tires Batter- HAVE US WINTERIZE YOUR CAR NOW1 Free Pickup And Delivery- Repairs To All Mokes Cors Open Thursday Fridays Till PM ELLIOTTS SERVICE CENTRE Sam Phone Number 8958666 ALSO OPERATING ELLIOTTS COLLISION SERVICE I Advertise weekly for best results Gordon Sinclair calls things as he sees them weekdays ll45am545 pm LISTEN HERE ONTARIOS AUTHORITATIVE NEWS VOICE