If The En New Market- AuroMKeiwki Wed October Stewart Beare OUARANTII NEWMARKE Legion Notes Monday night saw of good turn out members success the general meeting the sum- light t cleared a- land i the have cumulated mouths was Alter the Hamilton was the guest Association for Retarded met chaired the meeting in the absence of president Hope Thompson Treasurer Lome gave his report which was adopted up with a blood which could be ready by December of The slate of offi cers for the Central Coun ties District was presented ami adopted Mrs Larry Hub In of Aurora was re president and Mrs Bruce Humphrey of Rich mond Hill is taking on the task of chairing the Cam for Funds for 1 members enjoyed a social hour in the club rooms Comrade At urges all members to plan now to attend the next general meeting on October 26 He has planned a sitdown to precede the meeting Watch your bulletin tor full details The 2000 draw is Comrade Clay Stones urges all sellers to return unsold tickets immediately Either contact Clay or of the Legion mem bers and their families If you are interested and would like further informa tion please contact any member of the Pipe Band to Ten residents of ihe new Township of gtria attended the Suite NOW SAVE ON A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP A Tremendous mattress value by BEVERLEY featuring the patented Support that ends mattress sag Sale Price ONLY and the conference held Oc tober at the Anglican Conference Centre where the event was held Spon sored by the Canadian Men tal Health Association York Mrs Stafford had County Branch Dr Johu interesting colored Executive Director So cial Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto was the keynote speaker with the bar steward This urgent Stan Smith Social Chairman is still lining up good entertainment in the ladies lounge on the week ends and the good those Legion members who pitched In to help make the arena opening such a suc cess The Rapscallions who with their music and zany antics The Legion clowns under Clay Stones who spent most of Saturday in the Arena and up and dawn Main St amusing the young try The Pipe Band under Drum Major Jim who not only played for the opening the Soap Box in class She the staff of the Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded for eight s and Is its Home Care very much interested in pre school retarded children and the nursery school pro gram for retarded children in Ontario was developed by her There are now associations in the province with nursery schools and this involves some pre school and an equal number of volunteers in these nursery schools Mr and Mrs Coulter of Keswick hos ted the September meeting of the local Book Review limbury Township were Constable Tom Peregrine Mat I Mrs Char les Big Canoe took part on behalf of the Is land residents The minis ter of St Andrews Presby terian Church Rev Walter Tail as well as Mrs Mrs M there from Sutton Miss Hough was a delegate from York County down there We cant forget all the good- fellows whs operated the dunking board and those who gave of their time Sat urday night would like to see more of the members and their advertise kef wives enjoying the music and good comradeship of the branch The Halloween Dance is coming up on Oc tober 30 This is a popular event so urge you to pick up your tickets early Comrade Frank reports that fall sports program is getting underway with darts crib- and Basher Graves and euchre Frank say who he vincei would welcome your both have claimed for improving the Perhaps we program questions or of- a rematch at a iatt the Beer Garden Last but by no means least there was that famous joint on Fairy Lake Haskell I cant Club The Lewis Car roll book Alice In Wonder land and Through the ing Glass was dealt with Rev Dr Norman and Mrs Norman led the discussion don president of Sutton Branch attended the Cent ral Counties District of the Cancer Society Day in on Satur day October 3 An annual event when the Toronto Arthritic Society members visit ton took place on Sunday October Volunteer driv ers from sponsoring Kins- ported the guests to Sutton Public School where they were entertained by the Kinsmen Club of Sutton Kinetics looked table decorations and re freshments NSW MASKS Mather- Dempster vows Ma- and Mrs At STEWART you receive FAST DELIVERY HIGHEST Yunil LOW EVERY DAY PRICES PHONE 8959861 TORONTO CUSTOMERS It 8959552 CALL 8896969 ANTHONYS has a warm welcome for the competition IB ANTHONYS HOLLAND ST EAST IN THE HEART OF BRADFORD WW tfK a attached to a Juliet cap trimmed with seed pearls Mand of honor was Miss Candy of Toronto and the brides maids Miss Beverley Dempster of Newmarket Miss Cathy Mather of Rex- dale and Miss Susan Mor ton of Mount Albert Groomsman wis Mr Bruce end the ushers Mr Kenneth Hun- Mr Jim Wallace and Mr Jim Calms For the reception held at the Beta Frater nity House the brides mo ther wore a royal Woe coat and dress ensemble with black patent accesso ries and an orchid corsage The mother of the groom wore a coat and dress ensemble of Parisian Flak with matching ac cessories and white orchids Following voi ding trip to Muskoka couple an iwMtU hi BEST DRUGS