Crisis Intervention Service from selfish ends Yes undoubtedly by a small percentage but we consider this to be better than to refuse help to anyone in need Is the service really helping drug users to get off drugs or is it just making them more sophisticated users of drugs We would prefer young people to stop using drugs but if they insist using drugs then it is still better that they are more knowledgeable about drug accidents and complica tions like hepatitis or septicaemia Does it encourage young people to leave home or stay away from home Definitely not It has been par ticularly distressing to find how many young people often under age of have been thrown out of home lock ed out or about whose whereabouts parents and guardians seem totally unconcerned These young people are usually bedded down for the nigh the family informed that they ais under our care and then attempts made to resolve the situation the fal lowing day CostEffectiveness Any pro gram such as the one described here has to be judged on a costeffective ness basis if it wishes to make any claim to being a useful social service as opposed to just a vehicle for the mutual enthusiasm and exuberance of its participants Like any other service with fixed overheads if it is used by one client only it is expensive but if by then it is cheap Given the in creasing work load over a short period potentially bad and expensive situ ations have been thwarted and avoid ed These are intangibles incapable of assessment But if only one per cent of the children involved in informal discussion didnt turn on to hard drugs then that alone would justify the total cost It is also Future Plans This inaugurated as a summer project All those connected with it feel that its worth and value to the Community have already been amply demonstrat ed and that it is serving a real need They wish to see it continue for a fur They also feel it Is imperative that it should be allowed to grow on a constant feedback basis with mini mum organizational structure so that it can shape itself to its role as ft becomes increasingly defined It also medical psychiatric social or political This would probably best be served by making it an independent non profit making organization Specific future plans are To establish a jobbank for young people in the area To continue informal educa tional discussion groups with young people in other schools in the area in the fall To develop with a sociologist ways of collecting information The En Newmarket Aurora Keswick Wed Sept 1HI ON OCTOBER 5 FOR POSITIVE ACTION VOTE SCOTT COUNCILLOR FOR NEWMARKET ity Lender Previous Member of East Gwillimbury Area School Beard Years Business Administration Experience For Information and Transportation PHONE 8953619 of tin let could handle a total of 150 clients per week in crisis or semicrisis situations Given free services from any physi cian costs are limited to staff salaries rent utilities car costs a contingency sum food etc and total approximate ly per week or four dollars per Mow does this of other services Single visit to physician complete physical assessment one hour psychotherapy GP one day in hospital say plus phy sicians fees one day with children aid say one day in prison say Thus a client spending three days at the Crisis Centre involving several twohour counselling sessions from staff who leaves feeling hes got his head back together again has been a minimal financial burden on the community when compared with the other services With Childrens Aid he would have cost in hospital he would have cost plus fees six hours psychotherapy three days in prison 60 It is contended that treatment at is not only far less costly but also more effective than by the alternate services More difficult to cost out is what money has been saved the community by the education of young people and sometimes their parents how many this service the motivation of youth forms of crisis To develop Balint type group sessions of staff to increase their effectiveness and competence in their To increasing volun teer participation To investigate the possibilities to costs of setting up some sort of halfway house hostel to help some youth PLOWING CHAMPION Ken Brown of Richmond Hill receives the Newmarket Era and Express perpetual trophy from Henry Usher president of the King and Vaughan Branch of the Ontario Plowmens Association Mr Brown won the Era trophy for having the best plowed land for a resident of King- or in Saturdays plowing contest near Maple He also won the Guaranty Trust Company award for the best plowed land in tractor classes by a King or Vaughan resident and the Lions Club award a clock White Photo CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED No Extra BEST DRUG STORb Marketing board backs milk hike Conclusion It does not require an especially vivid imagination to realize the potential for engendering anxiety among all sorts of people when an old house is taken over by longhaired casually dressed young people to which all sorts of other hip pie types come and go including young girls some of whom stay all night especially when some are recognized drug addicts let alone what ft does to physicians and social work when they meet staff whom they are seriously asked to treat as profes sionals It says much for the worthy citizens of Newmarket and my pro fessional colleagues that has been accepted and allowed to grow It is thought that any organiz ation medical social or political con cerned with the mounting costs and limited professional resources avail able to deal with youth and its prob lems should seriously consider the experiences described in this paper EXPERIENCE MEANS SOUND ADMINISTRATION REELECT SENECA COOK COUNCILLOR For 19712 For more information phone 8952144 ATTENTION Res dents of Newmarket area For Council Vote Cy resident Nine Years My aim to use the tax payers Dollar Wisely I respectfully ask for your support DONT CRY VOTE VOTE The stand being taken by the National Farmers Union Dairy Committee for an in crease In the price of milk to producers and general proposals relating to Mar ket Sharing Quotas Members of the Dairy Committee in Ontario are Barry Haggetl Hubert Earl both Leeds County Bert Rombough Stormont County and ry producers because of na tional factors and also be cause the provincial govern m t appointed Ontario Milk Commission could overrule any decision they made to increase the price to producers Arthritis and the other rheumatic diseases are estimated to cause an annual loss of in wages alone in the New market Aurora Bradford principle and the union had the assurance of the Boards support in attaining the objectives However this does not necessarily mean Mr said that the OMMB will be a part of the In order to have demands met or get what is needed He said it has be come apparent with the con tinual increase of NFU membership buildup and the determination farmers have demonstrated at meet ings in recent weeks that progress will be made The he said u very fair in conceding that a erovincud ting VOTE ELDRED KING MAYOR FOR TOWN OF WHITCHURCH STOUFFVILLE THE REPRESENTATION ON REGIONAL COUNCIL WHERE YOUR TAX DOLLARS WILL BE SPENT UNBIASED ENERGETIC HONEST FUNCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Carefully planned development to compensate revenue providing needed services ONLY CANDIDATE WITH EXPERIENCE IN AN URBAN MUNICIPALITY COUNCILLOR IN MARKHAM TOWNSHIP MEMBER PLANNING BOARD FOR MER MEMBER MARKHAM TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO 2 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE TOWNSHIP WHITCHURCH STOUFFVILLE It is with a most sincere sense of responsibility I solicit your support to elect me as your MAYOR I will entertain the participation of every taxpayer I will i with efficiency for the betterment of our community and its las dolla Yours truly R 2 MARKHAM MONDAY OCT 5 FOR INFORMATION AND TRANSPORTATION PHONE COLLECT mm TOWN OF FOR MAYOR NORMAN T BARNARD Lot 23 Sixth Line Whitchurch MEMBER OF COUNCIL 19689 DEPUTY REEVE 1970 A VOTE Villi Up to data experience with Rural and Urban problems in land uM planning readt bylaw enforce ment The man with time far tht job VOTERS OF NEWMARKET VOTE HERBERT ELINES FOR COUNCILLOR OCTOBER 5 For on October i Call