The Era Out Wed Sept Citation Clara shown by Farms was the best Holstein at the Canadian National Ex hibition Howard Brampton Ont at left is presenting the William J Murphy Paul owner of the cow Arnold Winter herdsman is at the halter while Prof E who judged the Best Udder class look on at right Open drive to aid blind NEWMARKET gin Its annual campaign in this area during the first week in October The drive will aid registered blind persons in this district and will run from Oct We are asking support in helping these persons lo overcome their handicaps and to live hap py useful lives said cam paign Chairman Mrs John Through your donations to the you will help provide the train ing which has enabled these blind persons to go about Please see to it that we can make life easier for the sightless and to restore Iheir confidence and inde pendence said Mrs Nor- Trousseau tea Burkholder QUEENSVILLE A delightful trousseau ten was given by Mrs William A in honor her daughter on Sunday Sept at her and held Sept al toss and Mr and Mrs Fred of South iaby British Columbia vere weekend guests of and Mrs Will nnd Mm ley Andrews attended the colli wedding anniversary of their cousins Mr and Mm Arthur Kennedy of tin lonvllle on Sunday Sept They can easily wreck In a day or two what have taken years do wan replied to by Mm Pro gram by Mr Stanley was with Historical Re search and most Interest ing A report on Public Relations Offi cer and delegate Lunch was served by Lew- Congratulations to and Lloyd on their great sue- PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED No Extra BEST DRUG STORE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET E R Notice is Hereby Given For the offices of Mayor a Regional and Municipal Councillor and seven Councillors for the municipality of CI the Town of Newmarket one member elected by the public school supporters to the York County Board of and one member to be elected by the separate school supporters to the York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board all for the years and will be held MONDAY THE 5th DAY OF OCTOBER 1970 FROM 10 OCLOCK to 7 OCLOCK PM AND NO LONGER VOTING WILL BE AT THE RESPECTIVE POLLING PLACES AS FOLLOWS ffiiL Ml I Willi I llulli Sunt Si Hull Si Hi I Si N Iiavii I AN ADVANCE Will be held in the Municipal Offices Moin St on FRIDAY OCTOBER 2nd pm to pm end SATURDAY OCTOBER 3rd to 5 pm ONTARIO SEPTEMBER GOD SAVE THE QUEEN SPECIAL NOTICE III milium Hi- Town lull Sued I in omen dry li I lii I Mr HI Glint end AREA MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET LIST OF QUALIFIED CANDIDATES FOR THE OFFICE OF MAYOR CLARENCE J SALISBURY TOM SURGEON ER BOB F0RHAN FOR THE OFFICE OF REGIONAL and MUNICIPAL COUNCILLOR THOMAS TAYLOR RAY TWINNEY FOR THE OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR HERBERT ELINES PAUL D0LAN LINO 0D0RIC0 CYRIL McGUIGAN DORIS BLAIR HENRY VANDEN JAMES CHARD ELLERBY FARR ROBERT SCOTT WILLIAM STEELE RANDY SENECA COOK BRUCE EVES AUBREY SMITH W A BERT KENT FRED COUNTER FOR THE OFFICE OF TRUSTEE OF YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CRAIG CRIBAR JACK HADFIELD JAMES BEADLE FOR THE OFFICE OF TRUSTEE OF YORK COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD DATED SEPTEMBER 301970 GRANT M BLIGHT RETURNING OFFICER