Era Wed Sept elected Cllb ScOIlt Chairman Guides Scouts need leadership in Sharon WBimwmj w SHARON The The First Sharon please call Mrs Mary There are girls will Hubs and Scouts held their at or Mr waiting for leadershJD EAST HEIGHTS The 1st East Gwiliimbury Cub and Group Committee aid their registrations and ejections Wednesday Sept The meeting opened with Charles OBrien as chairman The treasurers report for the year was read by Mrs Sandra the treasu passed Minutes of the last general meeting of 1969 by Mrs Joan Fuller secretary and lowed and then the election Group Committee William Camp- is elected chairman ran Reynolds vice tary Mrs Fran badge secretary Bud Elge equipment chairman and Roy Wilson as bis assistant Mrs Joan Montgomery is campaign chairman and Kevin Johnson her The telephone nittee will consist of Mrs Virginia Lyons A Pack Cubs Mrs Annie El lis B Pack Cubs Colin Mr OBrien thanked the parents and wished the new group com mittee a successful year Registration was then ken by the Secretary Mrs Sandra Mr brought to the attention of the parents present the in crease of vandalism caused by children whose parents allow them to play around the school after dark and hinder the children who are enjoying an evening of su pervised Cubs and Scouts Mrs Pat Easton president of the 1st East Gwiliimbury Ladies Cub and Scout Auxiliary extend- an invitation to all the mothers present to attend the meetings of the Auxiliary held their first general meeting at the home of Mrs Edith of Harrison Present at the meeting were Mrs Pat president Mrs Marilyn secretary Itila filones social Sirs Joan Web- meeting op ened with Mrs Stones read ing the Scout After SHARON Second Sharon Guides will begin meetings Mrs McGrath the leader will have a new as sistant Mrs Mrs McGrath will have to be in hospital shortly The First Sharon Cubs and Scouts held their registration night last because of a lack of lead ers this year It is likely that only one Cub group will be activated In this event many boys who of four leaders two for each town are Both Sharon and needed Persona willing to v PAUL DOLAN CANADIAN COMMISSION A PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS COMPLETE MAKE UP ANALYSIS PRENATAL CLASSES FOR EXPECTANT MOTHERS I PREr East Mrs Marg Zeal District Commissioner Mrs Bar- Brown Owl of the 1st Brownie Pack Mrs Betty Tawny Owl of the 1st and Mrs Jane Hammond Tawny Owl for the 3rd Brownie consisted mainly of national dancing and DELIVERY and TAKEOUT THE BEST CHINESE FOOD his side of TORONTO FREE delivery ever S00 NEWMARKET and OAK RIDGES 72794077279408 ZELLERS HAS A PLUMP TURKEY WAITING FOR YOU special oiler lor Customers We you REE a big plump turkey lor jour holiday meal I Heres what you do ON N A HUM ACCOUNT FOR SO OK MORI ADD OR MORI TO VOUR CRIDIT ACCOUNT This enticing oiler Is good only en 1 aid 1 What an opportunity to get a lamlly sin turkey free lor our Sunday or dinner nolle getting an early start on holiday shopping I DROP IN TO ZELLERS ON OCTOBER 2 OR 3 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS INVITING OFFER VORK COUNTV DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT I III J i Genuity I At the Commerce we know there nothing more frustrating than trying to figure out what hills you pa Id and when you them If you havent gat So we keep your chequing count In order or you We Bend you monthly statement And all your cancelled cheques A Commerce Perianal Chequing Account Is a low coil convenient way of paying all your bills You can also transfer funds make payments All Its one of the many ways more of us do more for you at the Commerce NEWMARKET DAVIS DRIVE More of us do more for you at the Commerce