Era NewnukctAanraKeiwlek CM Wed Sept at Aurora Activities 0 TOWH Purchase AURORA and family enjoyed weekend at Picton week Miss Jennie a of Toronto enjoyed Miss Ada Wood weekend with her gran of Toronto visited friends parents Mr and Mrs on Sunday Cormaught and Mr and Mrs J 1 Mrs Mowat of Catharine Aw was the guest Of Mrs Ralph La SUTTON SCENE By Marion of the newer banks at Sutton Centennial Lib rary With the busy sum- season behind them the staff is able to allow the originally sevenday books out for the regular periods- la the non- fiction class the newest one on Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent and William Utiles The Tom Thomson Mys tery Bewitching Won derland a graphic story of Ireland is to be read We recommend Lets Choose Executors by Sara Woods in the de tectivefiction line and The Avengers by Mich- straight fiction Mrs Howard of Virginia represent ing the Pefferlaw Branch Branch and Mrs an representing the Branch attended a Unit meeting Canadian Cancer So- the Health Unit auditorium in Newmarket Tuesday evening Sept Mr Art West- garth of Mount Albert pre sident of the unit chaired the meeting with Mrs LU- Unit Campaign Chairman presented with an achievement certificate by Ontario Division and he accepted it on behalf of all the campaigners who had helped to pass the goal The objective was over the situated In the Village or Sutton and con tains 32 separate living officially opened by Dr Matthew Dymond local provincial repre sentative at noon on Wed nesday Sept 23 The very plea sant informal reception which followed was held in the Common Room with the residents as hosts A buffet luncheon was pre pared by them under the watchful eye of the super intendents wife Mrs Matt Most of the apart ments held Open House and It was delightful to be last week re there and re- taking place Ron OReilly she is The Sutton Agri cultural Society held its first board of directors meeting since the fair Sept in the Legion Hall President Lloyd was in the chair and asked for a berry Chairman of the Womens Division said that there had been a very good showing in the A meeting of her tee is to take pi to lineup ideas for next year Don Rae reported on the Ara bian horses and Bob on the dairy cattle Ken Smock urn tries In the sheep and swine class and suggested a few changes Richard Monro gave the heavy hor ses report and suggested his committee that it had been for a first try and that next year things would be start ed earlier and more prizes would be available held a successful rum mage sale on Friday even ing Proceeds amounted t of Montreal Que spent last weekend with Mrs parents Mr Harold Lubbock Edward Smith have r home after spending I Miss Gayle Bell Mr and Mrs Har vey Bell enjoyed the week end at their cottage near Goyea and children and Mr and Mrs Albert Wood of Kitimat Cres attended the funeral of their cousin the late Mr Sydney Huffman at Kearney last Officers and mem bers of the Lodge held a memorial ser vice for the late Sister Mary Saxon of Newmarket at Roadhouse and Rose Fun eral Home Newmarket Friday Rev John Hunter B A conducted the anniversary of Victoria Square occupied the pulpit of Aur ora United Church Sunday morning Rev Jenkinson gave a vivid account of the Passion Play given at Oberammergau this year M Noble commander of the banquet Here Maj Sproules daughter Susan which he and Mrs Aurora contingent of the Queens York Rangers examines the press as troopers Mark and had the privilege of at- last week received a cartridge reloading press Allen Dan look on White Photo ling from the men of his squadron at the annual selected to come up with a new format for the Fair and this is to be re ported back to a later meeting The Anglican Ch urch Women of St James had a potluck luncheon at home of Mrs J at Virginia Mrs George presi dent chaired the business meeting which took place Mr Lorenio Big Island has been attending a two- week course on adminis tration In Ottawa dent Deputy Reeve I Hugbie Lyons master of ceremonies the absence of Reeve Sam and he car ried the proceedings off minimum and the final of ficial act was performed by Dr George Barrows very instrumental the building being star ted in the first place Rev VOTE For Honesty And Integrity CHARD X VOTE OCT 5th MacDONALD ed 00 elm- clear channel fin C 1 I month HI r channel football free I BREEKS HI