NewmarketAuroraKeswick Aurora loses on and off field third quarter touchdown and can vas all ThornhW High School needed to upset Aurora Williams High School in a York Coun ty high school exhibition football game Thursday clubs played dfield scoreless ball through the first half and of the third quarter before Thornhill went ahead to stay Late in the quarter Thornhills quarter back John Stevens threw an endzone pass which was ruled dead on completion On a subsequent play Stevens faked to the endzone and began his sweep to the left side of his line which lead to six points With Stevens hold ing Keith completed the convert for a final Thornhill Aurora Williams of the Georgian Bay South Conference appear to have a strong club coming for the new season and except for a momentary letdown late in the third quarter onto the field the game may have gone referee Jim Fleming of either way competence Words The most disturb- exchanged and Fleming ing situation of the entire struck on the jaw by Leon- contest was not the final open hand A scuffle outcome but an incident ensued with both men occurred at the con- ing separated before fur- elusion of play Coach Ron damage was done Eightyone pass Red Cross NEWMARKET Eightyone persons passed Red Cross and Royal Life- saving examinations at the Peter Gorman Pool during the month of August Fol lowing is a complete list Taj lor Marilyn Joiim the final by The East team had taken their own tournament as well as their house league championship before meeting Richmond Hill The top pitchers vision of the tournament Anthony for won their final by defeating an other EG team Longhorn Tavern Anthonys pull ed the same feat as their tyke counterpart by win ning their tourney and house league championship before winning the Rich mond Hill tourney Newmarket Sports and Cycle nine and 10 years old of the Bast soft ball league champions The team is right to left front to hick Mike Mike Little Paul Collier Peter Fret I mi Gary Wilson Stewart Mike Jollimore Don Smith Jim and coach Ted Smith The It to pee- NEWMARKET ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH ANNUAL SOAP BOX DERBY SATURDAY OCTOBER 3rd pm RULES Please Read Carefully J For Boys Only limit years and under on date of ice of age MUST BE SHOWN when 3 Must be son or grandson of a member of Branch OR any boy in Newmarket or immediate surrounding area Gocart MUST BE HOMEMADE BY THE DRIVER 5 Winners ONLY of individual heats to advance Race to be run on Saturday October 3rd starting at the Fire Hall MO LATe ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED NAME OF BOY ADDRESS PHONE DATE OF BIRTH PROOF SHOWN I die undersigned certify that die car entered in trie was built by the boy named above by himself I further realize that the members of the Royal Canadian Legion will take all poss ible precautions and safety measures and I therefore release the Legion from any and all expenses and injuries that may be incurred as a result of the derby SIGNED Parent or Guardian further information may be obtained from FB Lome Avenue Officer Br Wildlife season opens Saturday NEWMARKET The Lake Simcoe District of the Ontario Department of Lands and forests has announced the season open ings for game birds and small games in York Co- been declared for all wild fowl and game with the fol lowing exceptions Ruffed grouse season opens Sept ex cept for County which has its opening Oct until the final day of Dec IS Possession limit for the region is live birds per day or IS in possession Rabbit op ens in the Townships and North limbury Sept and in Ibe rest of the county Oct In the rest of the county the deadline will be Feb in Eead of March Bag Limit for rab bit is six cottontail per day with no limit being set on or European For pheasants hunting may be carried on between the hours of am and onehalf hour after sun set in York with the excep tions of the townships of Georgina and North between Oct and Nov 11 1970 Posses sion limit here Is three birds per day with not more than one being a hen Hunting for squir rel will be carried on In the Lake District for County from Sept until Dee with a daily bag limit with possession of no than 10 squirrels York from September until Nov 21 with a bag limit of birds with pos session set at In the final categ ory migratory birds have In cooperation with Gray Coach Lines GO Transit provides a new bus service between Newmarket and downtown Toronto TRADE UP TO THE 1971 SKI D00 BUT you with to hoop your 69 68 Etc THEN lit put It In tip top hi SEASON got liirgut I in York County STURDY EQUIPMENT LTD THE SOUTH Kit WICK ONT on l wo it i GO bus twining J It- Iimvihij for Aurora Oak lulrji ltn nil Hid hi Hi ijimton n For phono BOWLERAMA is Dr 8955252 wee were sur prise winners of their divis ion when they upset Rich mond Hilt 131 In this por tion of the tourney a num ber of the teams were el iminated through a rule difference which in Rich mond Hill docs not permit a boy over to play In the division This was unknown until the clubs from East have been eliminated from further Ontario Amateur Softball Association play with their second straight loss to Cohourg last week They their I involved i ith from onehalf hour before For further infor mation as to bag limits and daily possessions limits con tact your local Ontario De partment of Lands and the local office is situated in Maple with P Sider the District Forester GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO TRAN8IT PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Extra Charge BEST DRUG STORE 8954091 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE NEW TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINA REGION OF YORK My Rei Thitly nomination September serve on Yolk County Board Education technical School Teacher and Director Royal Canadian Navy RCNVR Electrical Branch Fifteen years service in Lions Clubs and Long Servic in St John Ambulance Brigade With knowledge and experience in these fields I believe I could mole a the York County Board of far leered I October I JAMES E JACKSON DATSUN AUTOMATIC Its so good were thinking of making the stickshitt an option lot fun It Mil I tali til- Ik I cm lift ii5Vkffiu ays ANTHONY FOR DATSUN Holland Road Eail Bradford Ontario Th Thine ant more than 1000